The Human Zoo

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Hours pass as the Agate tours Atom and Peridot-B around the human zoo and around the 4th hour both of the Agate followers are starting to make jokes behind the said Agates back.

"Now these walls here were specificity built before this zoo was even though of..." Agate trails on and on causing Atom to project a small pixelated version of Holly Blue on their visor.

Peridot-B has her hands up on her mouth to stop a waterfall of laughter from escaping her mouth.

Holly Blue turns around and the two quickly act interested in what the Agate had to say.

An Amethyst guard runs down the hallway and up to Holly Blue. "Holly Blue! We have a new-"

"we do not run or SHOUT IN THESE HALLWAYS!" She shouts at the Amethyst who looks down to her feet.

"Well we have a new human and I thought that you should know about it..." She salutes to Holly Blue who waves the guard away and turns towards the robot and Peridot.

"We shall continue our tour to the loading docks." Holly Blue walks down the pink hallways with powerful strides.

"Let's hope it's more interesting than the walls." Atom nudges Peridot-B who smirks but quickly hides it with a cough.

The docking bay is being guarded by two light purple Amethyst guards in blue garments, both who are crowded around a small group of gems.

Holly Blue glares at the two guards with annoyance "What are you doing?" She asks in her shrill voice.

The guards straighten up and part, showing a group of gems that Atom would least expect to see in a gem controlled human zoo.

The Crystal Gems with Sapphire at the front, Pearl on her left and Ruby on her right, Steven in the hands of the Ruby and Amethyst who looks like the guards.

Holly Blue then notices Sapphire, gasps in shock and kicks one of the Amethyst guards in her legs. "Why didn't you tell me there was a Sapphire here?! What have you miscreants been saying to them!?"

Atom and Peridot-B look at each other with a shrug before looking back at the small commotion going on ahead of them.

Holly Blue turns to Sapphire. "You'll have to forgive them." She chuckles. "They're from Earth." Holly Blue then glances at the Amethyst guards. "Ahem! Apologize."

"Forgive us!" They say at the same time causing Holly Blue to punch the guards to correct them. "Forgive us, your Clarity!"

"No use dwelling on the past. I've brought a new human for the collection." Sapphire says with a cool and calm tone.

"How unprecedented! Nothing for millennia, and then two humans back-to-back! Well, it's probably for the best, that first one wasn't in... the best condition." Peridot-B clears her throat making Holly Blue glare back at her earning a tongue poke from the Peridot.

"And of course the finding of the robot by my wonderful Blue Diamond." Atom face palms as the Agate introduces them.

"I'm sure Blue Diamond would want to thank you personally, but you just missed her twice!" Making the Crystal Gems sigh in relief.

"Amethyst, take this human to the-" Agate starts but gets cut off by Sapphire.

"Wait! The thing is... we've traveled so far, and it would be a shame to leave so quickly. Perhaps you'd grant us a tour of the facility?" Atom and Peridot-B shake their heads in the thought of having to go through another one of Holly Blues tours.

"I would be honored! Right this way, your Grand Clarity. We were already half way through our tour with the Atom robot so we can start again." Holly Blue halts Amethyst as Atom looks down in a defeated way and facepalms again. "Amethysts are to stay and guard the door."

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now