The Crystal Gems (edited)

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Steven panicked. The gems would totally freak out as soon as they saw the robot! He quickly tossed a blanket on top of the robots head, doing a terrible job of hiding them with their legs still showing and their red dots that were their eyes glowing through the blanket.

"Steven?" The gems instantly noticed the being behind Steven and quickly summoned their weapons. The boy stood in front of the robot with his arms outstretched.

"Wait! They're friendly! I think..." Steven held up his hands to try as he attempted to cover up the robot under the sheet which was a lost cause.

While Amethyst and Pearl still had their weapons drawn, Garnet put away her gauntlets which caused Amethyst to do the same much to Pearls dismay.

"Steven, who is under that blanket" Steven laughed nervously with his arms now behind his back.

"You have to promise to not attack them" Garnet nodded slightly as Amethyst and Pearl stood behind her, Pearl still had her spear pointed at the robot just in case.

Steven removed the blanket to reveal a very stiff robot staring at the Crystal gems with wide eyes that were hidden behind metallic skeleton hands.

"This is... I don't really know! But they came from Amethysts room and I was just about to learn their name before you guys warped in!"Steven explained while the gems looked at the bot with various levels of surprise except Garnet, who had a stoic look on her face. Steven gently reached for their hands and lowered them.

"Why are they so tense?" Amethyst asked, more interested in the new thing in the house.

"The same thing happened when I walked in" Steven waved his hands in front of their eyes causing the bot to look down at the boy, they become less frozen but still wary of the gems.

"How did you get in here?" Garnet asked calmly as she kneeled down to get down to the robot's level.

The bot pointed to Amethyst and then back to their body.

"Me? I don't remember lugging a robot into my room" She crossed her arms as Pearl put away her spear and shook her head.

*warning: low battery* please find a charging port now*

The robot's eyes flashed with two words 'low battery' in each eye.

"Low battery? I can fix that!" Steven carefully grabbed the bots hand, leading them to a charging port before holding the cable out for them. They plugged the wire into a small port at the back of their head as they waited they held their hands together tightly.

"Oh Steven, I don't think that will work-" But Pearl got cut off with a small beep.

*charging battery* battery life at 10%* Flashed across their eyes.

"How did you know that would work?" Pearl asked Steven as she knelt next to the robot who was inching away from the gem.

"I didn't but when they came from Amethysts room they seemed to be built completely from metal so I thought it would work!" He said while being quite proud with himself. Steven was never one to go on missions even though he argued that he was ready so finally doing something important filled his spirits.

"What do we do with the robot? Garnet can you help us out here?" Pearl asked the leader of the group who was watching the robot with her arms crossed.

"We keep a watch over them until they can tell us exactly what happened" Garnet stated while she glanced over at the robot who looked around the room trying to avoid looking into the eyes of the gems or human. "That is all"

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now