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"Lapis, Peridot I'm going out!" Atom calls out. It has been a few weeks since they've come back from space and for the most part they were enjoying themself.

"Maybe one of us should come with you." Peridot starts. "I'm sure we all remember what happened when you left on your own last time."

"I'm just going to mask island to check on the refugees. Nothing major." Atom states as the two gems have stopped their show.

"If you say so." Lapis flies down and gives Atom a quick hug. "But if you don't come back soon we will think the worse." She warns.

"I will be completely safe." Seeing that Lapis still isn't convinced Atom thinks for a moment. "This is a thing that humans do as to not break their promises, it's called a pinky promise." Atom wraps their metallic finger around Lapis's. "I promise that I will be safe."

"Fine." Lapis sighs as Peridot jumps down and holds out her finger.

"I wish to partake in the earth ritual that is pinky promises." Atom wraps their finger around Peridots as well.

"Well, I'll see you two soon alright?" Atom smiles as they fix their new eyepatch that was skilfully made by Pearl that has the Crystal Gem star on it with a pink background.

"Don't be late!" Peridot calls out as Atom and Lapis walk onto the warp pad.

"Thanks for the warp Lapis." Atom says.

"Be safe." She replies as she activates the warp, sending them off to mask island.


"Hello mask gems!" Atom walks through the heavy bush to find a big wooden house on stilts with a satellite sticking out the side of it.

"Atom, great to see you again!" Topaz grins as she jumps off of the balcony and lands in front of Atom with Pyrite on her shoulder. "What brings you to our lovely home away from homeworld?"

"I need to find Lefty for a small mission that should only take an hour or so." Atom explains as the aforementioned gem sticks her head out of the house.

"Gimme a second Atom!" Lefty climbs down the ladder and joins the group. "Hello, good to see you again Atom."

"Ready for our mission?" Atom asks.

"Sure." Lefty replies.

"Are you sure you don't want us to join you? You never know when you might need some extra muscle." Topaz offers, she knows what mission those two are going on and it couldn't hurt to have someone else watching their backs.

"It would be better for stealth but we could always use the back up, I just don't want to take away your time for relaxing." Atom states.

Topaz and Pyrite shrug. "It'll be good to have a stretch again."

"Then it's settled. We all will be going." Lefty leads everyone to the warp pad and all warp away to an old and broken ship that has been over run with vines and grass.

Atom stands in front of the group. "Now remember, this ship is probably trapped and will be not in the best condition so we will have two teams, me and Lefty to go inside and grab the technology that we need and Topaz and Pyrite to watch the surrounding area just in case the ship starts to fall apart because of our entry. Everyone clear?"

"Sure thing Atom." Topaz and Pyrite give them a thumbs up as Lefty shakes her head.

"Let's hurry this up, I don't want to be here any longer then we need to." Lefty walks into the ship making Atom run after her.

"Where is the ships main control area?" Atom asks as they weave through vines and other fallen parts of the ship to catch up to Lefty.

"Just up ahead but wait until I'm fully set up to start downloading the information." Lefty informs as the two enter a larger room with an old gem computer in the middle of the room.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now