Lets book it

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Pyrite was a gem of little words. Actually a gem of no words and she liked it that way. Sure it was difficult getting people to understand her but if she was given a job then she would do it and currently her job was to make sure that Atom doesn't get themself killed.

Hanging off gems shoulders was a trait that she held deeply to her gem and yet she knew that the safest place for now would be in front of them, making sure that no guard jumps into their path.

The human Steven that Atom had tasked themself to find was proving difficult due to the lack of help the security cameras were being after a short earth quake that knocked the cameras out of wack.

Perhaps following the plume of smoke wasn't the best idea as the two rounded the corner they spotted a truely scary sight.

Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond were both in the same room arguing loudly near a giant hole in the wall. Pyrite pushed Atom back and the two crouched down to watch and listen to what the two Diamonds were shouting about.

"We can't just let Rose Quartz run free in our Homeworld!" Yellow shouted as a wave of electricity bursted through the air. Pyrite looked over to the robot who's eyes had suddenly turned yellow.

"Nice a power up!" They quietly pumped their fist before Pyrite lightly smacked their head. "Sorry..."

"Well what do you propose me to do about Rose Quartz?" Blue Diamond shouted back. "She described every detail on how Pink was shattered, don't you think we need to think about this? She has shattered other Diamonds she can shatter more!"

Atom looked up at Pyrite who was leaning on their head. "Maybe we should follow the destruction."

Pyrite slid off of their head and took her normal position on their back. Atom snuck past the two Diamonds who were too busy arguing to even notice the small grey robot and their gold companion. Just as the two were about to slip out of the massive hole in the wall to follow the trail of destruction, Pyrite overheard the Diamonds.

"Lets send a roaming eye to find them. I don't even want to think about all of the disgraceful gems hide in the cracks down there." Yellow scoffed before stalking away leaving Blue to silently cry.

Pyrite felt Atom stop. She pointed to the hole and gestured for them to jump but they didn't. "I want to help her."

Pyrite moved in front of their face, shaking her head. "I'm helping her." Atom said firmly as they picked Pyrite up and set her on the ground before walking into the court room.

Atom couldn't deny the fact that they were hesitant in meeting with the Diamond again. Core components in their system were screaming at them to turn around and just go through the hole with Pyrite.

When they glanced back at the smaller gem they noticed that she was gone. She must've gone without them.

It was better this way, Atom thought. This way if anything bad happened it would only fall back on them.

"Ahem." Blue Diamond looked down at Atom with wide eyes. "Greetings, My Diamond. I-" but they were cut off when Blue scooped them up in her hands and held them close to her cheek.

"Oh! I was so worried when White sent you off on that trip back to earth." She cried, causing a blue hue to cover the room and a heavy feeling to grow in Atom's chest. "I trust White wholeheartedly but- oh what happened to your face?"

Atom averted their eyes from Blue's strong gaze. "It's nothing,"

Blue frowned and dried her eyes. "Do not lie to me. I've already lost someone because I wasn't paying attention to her, I don't want to lose the remaining part of her legacy."

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now