The Not-So-Great Entrance

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The ship falls into the ocean with the force of the lasers and most likely Lapis's water powers dragging the ship down into the deep sea.

"So maybe this didn't go well!" Atom shouts as the ship starts to fill up with water.

"You think?! We flew in on a HOMEWORLD ship and we just thought that they would welcome us in with open arms!" Lefty complains as she grabs onto a pipe at the top of the ship to try and stop getting wet.

"Atom we need to get out of here!" Topaz yells over the sound of rushing water while she holds Pyrite up and above the water.

"Hold on!" Atom summons all of their strength and as the water fully submerged the ship, Atom summons a water bubble, holding all of their crew inside as the ship sinks lower and lower.

"You can control water?!" Topaz looks around the big water bubble as she holds Pyrite to her chest.

"Not for long, we have to get to the surface and I sink..." Topaz and Lefty grab one of Atoms arms. "Now!"

The water bubble pops and the two taller gems drag Atom to the surface as Pyrite holds onto Atoms shoulders. The gems drag Atom to the beach with a big huff as they fall onto the sand.

"Next time I see those clods, I swear I will poof all of them!" Lefty sits up and brushes all of the sand off of her body.

Pyrite shakes her head as sand falls from her helmet.

Atom fixes their eyepatch and stands up, noticing that the temple is only a few hundred meters away. "Well, maybe it would be better if I go by myself to meet with the Crystal Gems but feel free to join me." Atom then takes off one of their arms and tip out the sand in between their joints.

"I'm good, just going to lay down here for a while." Topaz flops down on the sand.

"Lefty? Are you staying as well?" The Peridot in question grumbles and sits down on the sand with her arms crossed. "Okay."

"Pyrite?" She fixes her helmet and nods. "Well let's get going."


Atom and Pyrite walk across the beach until the sun goes down. "Do you think that they'll be expecting us?" Pyrite shakes her head as Atom stands at the bottom of the steps that lead up to Stevens house.

"Let's do this." Atom walks up the stairs and peaks through the window seeing all of the gems and Connie holding up cans of soda and toasting with it.

But before Atom can walk to the door Garnet stands up and excuses herself from the celebrations.

Atom falls back and pulls Pyrite with them so the two are hiding behind the banister.

"I know you're out here Atom." Garnet leans over the banister and looks down at the two with a small smile on her face. "Don't you want to join us?"

"How did you know we were out here?" Atom stares up at Garnet who just shifts her visor.

"Future vision and I can see one of your eyes shining from down there." Atom stands up with Pyrite sitting on their shoulders as they float up to the top of the banister.

"Could your future vision see me coming back with one eye and a band of gems that want to find peace on Earth?" Atom looks at Garnet as they land on the railing. The fusion was definitely surprised to see that Atom is missing an eye but she saw it as a small possibility.

"Come inside and we can all talk properly." Garnet holds out her hand, prompting Atom to take it.

Before they do, Atom lowers Pyrite. "Can you get the others and bring them here please?" The small gem nods with a determined look on her face before running off.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now