That will be all

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Peridot-B leads Atom through the twisting pink halls of the human zoo that once belonged to Pink Diamond and now Blue Diamond.

"Now since you don't remember anything I will give you a quick run down." Peridot-B turns around and holds Atoms shoulders with a serious look on her face as the two stop in front of a massive door.

"Yep." Atom stares up at the intimidating and very tall gem.

"When you see Blue Diamond only call her 'my Diamond' You will also have to do this salute when she addresses you." Peridot-B crosses her arms in a diamond position before letting them fall to her side and stand up fully.

Atom struggles to do the diamond salute causing Peridot-B to sigh and shake her head. "You'll do fine." She opens the massive door and then closes it as Atom steps through it.

They look up and see Blue diamond staring up at the many bubbled Rose Quartz gems with sorrow in her eyes as her Pearl watches her, expressionless.

"My Diamond?" Blue turns around, slightly surprised at Atoms voice.

"Oh! You're fixed, that's good." She walks towards Atom and holds out her hand for them to step up on.

Blue Diamond lifts up her hand and gazes at Atoms new outfit, much more professional then what they were wearing previously in the Diamonds eyes.

"Now how do you feel?" She asks.

"Uhh, I'm alright my Diamond..." Atom answers with a slight smile, definitely taken aback with the genuine attitude about the Diamond.

"Please, just call me Blue. It's the least I can do for what you did for my dear Pink..." Blue starts to tear up at the mention of Pink Diamond.

"I don't-" Atom stops themself from continuing. "I'm sorry for what happened to her..." Atom looks away in discomfort, they have only heard parts of what happened to Pink Diamond and how they were active during the war that took place on earth, definitely not enough to comfort a sorrowful dictator.

Blue sets Atom down next to her Pearl who also has a few tears to mirror her Diamonds. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying in front of you." She sniffles and whipped her eyes.

"It's better to let it out then keep it in, right?"

"I guess you're right." Blue whites away the rest of her tears. "Now how do you feel?"

"I feel fine Blue..." Addressing the Diamond with such low formalities sends a slight sick feeling into Atoms core, almost as if it's taboo.

"That's good but I have to ask, why didn't you reveal yourself sooner when I found you? Surely there must be some reason." Blue lowers herself so she is eye level to Atom.

"I didn't really know who you were, I'm sorry." Blue straightens herself as she hums.

"Of course, from that explosion you would have had some draw backs." Blue states with a distant look in her eyes.

'So she knows about that as well.' Atom thinks slowly connecting more and more points to their deactivation and reactivation.

The door to the room opens alarmingly quick causing Blue to turn around and be met face to face with the treacherous Yellow Diamond.

"Please tell me you're joking. You only just left, and you're already back?" Yellow looks across to the alarmed Blue Diamond.

"Yellow! W-What are you doing here?" Blue asks with a cautionary tone in her voice.

"I'm here to bring you back to reality, Blue." Yellow walks forward as her Yellow Pearl joins Atom and Blue's Pearl. "It's been thousands of years, Blue, and you still can't bring yourself to destroy these Gems? She was shattered by a Rose Quartz! The entire cut of Gem deserves the same fate!" Yellow glares at Blue with an unimpressed look.

"But they were hers." Blue argues almost entirely forgetting the robot standing next to their Pearls.

"They should be wiped out of existence, not kept safe in bubbles!" Yellow starts to raise her voice with annoyance and anger.

"Yellow, she made them. This is all we have left of her. These Gems, this place, and the Earth and that robot..." Blue remembers Atom is in the room.

"What are you on about? The old robot we had wasted an entire planet on making only for it to fail it's entire purpose!" Yellow shouts.

"Actually according to the reports that the zoo's Peridot sent me, they managed to shatter over 50 Crystal Gem soldiers." Blue states.

Atom shakes away their slight rising fear for Yellow Diamond and quietly floats up to behind Blue's shoulder causing Yellow's face to change from one of anger into one of surprise.

"You are alive?!" She looks at the small floating robot who lands on Blue's hands.

"Hello, My Diamond..." Atom attempts to do the Diamond salute but fails miserably making Blue smile slightly.

"See Yellow? We still have a piece of her with us, they have returned to us after being trapped on Earth." Blue holds Atom up and closer to Yellow's face, almost as if she is showing off a prized animal at the fair.

"I apologise for my actions during the war, if I could remember them I'm sure I could figure out what went wrong." Atom looks eye to eye with Yellow Diamond.

"Well, if you can't remember anything then I suppose we need to fix that." Yellow looks at Blue. "That Peridot that worked on it before, where is she?"

"Waiting outside..." Atom says, hoping to be helpful but Yellow to glare at them for interrupting . "My Diamond." They quickly add.

"Bring her in!" Yellow's Pearl walks to the door and opens it, showing Holly Blue Agate, Ruby, Sapphire and Peridot-B.

Holly Blue brightens up as Yellow Pearl walks through the door but instantly darkens as she walks past the three gems and towards the Peridot leaning against the wall of the facility.

As Peridot-B walks past Holly Blue she sticks out her tongue causing the Agate to stomp her foot on the ground as the door closes.

"The Peridot, My Diamond." Peridot stands in front of the diamonds with a stone solid stance.

"My Diamonds, how may I be of assistance?" She looks up to the two giants and small robot in one of their hands who smiles down at her.

"You were one of the original creators of this robot correct?" Yellow gestures to Atom and then fixes her gaze back at Peridot-B.

"Yes my Diamond."

"Good. You will be brought back to homeworld to work on the robot and get it back to working and fighting condition." Yellow says making Peridot-B nod. "You are dismissed, wait outside for further instructions."

Peridot-B leaves as Atom notices a familiar human boy and his dad rush out of the room.

'I wonder how much they heard...'


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now