Off again

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The stars streak past the windshield as the spaceship flies through space at light speed. Atom's small crew are all off doing different things. Lefty is constantly monitoring the ship's engine and diagnostics. Topaz and Pyrite are both training for different enemies or situations that they'll have to face on Earth. All the while Atom is trying to distract themself from the upcoming conflict and mindlessly fiddling with their eyepatch, courtesy of Topaz.

Lefty walks over to Atom with the ships diagnostics in hand. "The ship seems to be running smoothly and we will make it to earth in a hour ." Lefty looks down at the robot who wasn't paying attention but instead staring off into space.

Lefty nudges Atom in the arm causing them to shake their head and look up at the peridot. "What's wrong? There's obviously something bothering you."

"Ah, sorry." They straighten themself in their chair. "It's nothing that you guys can help me with so don't bother..."

"Well I may be a simple peridot but I'm sure I can see what's bothering you."

Atom sighs. "You all are still allied with homeworld right?"

Lefty's eyes drift towards the diamond insignia on the door of the spaceship as she waves her hand in a discerning movement. "Not really..."

"Wait really?!" Atom moves their body so they're facing Lefty completely.

"I'll let you in a little bit of a secret." Lefty clears her throat causing the fighters of the ship to turn their attention to her. "None of us are really allies to homeworld, after all I was the one that got us all together but we're not really big fans of Rose Quartz either."

"She did shatter many of our friends during the war but all we want is to not have to work under the Diamond's command, I mean have you seen what White can do to us?" Topaz adds while Pyrite nods along.

"Then why did you all join me on this mission?" Atom asks with major confusion running across their hardware.

"Because we knew that this might be our way out and after what White Diamond did to you, we couldn't let you go alone." Lefty states.

"What about the Crystal Gems? As far as I know, I'm friends with them."

"Well then you'll have to introduce us to them!" Topaz says as she claps Atom on the shoulder.

"What about White? If she finds out about this then we're as good as shattered."

"Don't you think we thought about that?" Lefty crosses her arms with a huff. "We knew the risks when we all decided that we wanted more then to serve the diamonds."

Pyrite hits Topaz on the lower part of her leg and points towards the windshield.

"Looks as if we have arrived in Earths atmosphere, how will we get down there without being seen?" Topaz picks up Pyrite and walks towards the windshield.

"Let's just go down slowly and hope that the Crystal Gems won't attack us..." Atom hopes that they won't attack them but with the way that they treated Jasper's ship, they're not expecting for much.

Lefty starts to pilot the ship manually and manoeuvre the ship through the atmosphere with minimal heat damage from what Atom saw.

Atom changes out of their battle armour and into their casual black tank top and jeans, sadly they still have to wear their eyepatch with the diamond insignia on it to hide their new scar.

"Atom, we have spotted the Crystal Gems base and it seems as if they're not too happy to see us." Lefty states causing Atom to jump up from their seat and move to the windshield.

They spot all of the Crystal Gems including Lapis and Peridot standing there with the laser light cannons ready to fire.

"Lefty, how are our shields looking?"

"Not good, the earths atmosphere really burnt the shields up and they're currently offline." She states as Topaz snickers alone with Pyrite about her nickname.

"This might be a rough landing if they shoot us with those cannons..." Atom trails off as they notice Lapis ready her water hands along with Steven holding a walkie-talkie and the other gems with their weapons drawn.

"Just try and land without making us look like a threat." Atom commands Lefty causing her to shut off the thrusters and slowly hover across the ocean.

"Topaz, Pyrite, Lefty maybe you guys should stick in the ship until I have talked with the gems."

"But we're your crew! And your backup." Topaz slams her fists together as Pyrite copies her.

"Keep in mind the last those gems saw me was when I left and got taken by a homeworld gem, a.k.a Blue Diamond. So I'm sure that they're not that accepting of homeworld right now." Atom places their hands on their hips, standing between the door of the ship and their crew.

"Just stay behind me and try to look friendly." Atom turns towards the door as Lefty stands next to them and the fighter gems stand behind the two.

"Let's hope this goes well." Atom turns to Lefty who goes to open the ship doors but stops when she hears the young Quartz boy activate the laser light cannons.

"I take it back, this won't go well! Hit the deck!" Atom shouts before the ship gets blown back and into the sea.


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now