Kindergarten Kid

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The Crystal Gems are looking through the Kindergarten for leftover Corrupted Gems, previously captured and imprisoned here by Jasper as Atom and Lapis are both relaxing at the barn due to their shared recent encounters with Jasper.

"So Lapis, how are you dealing with it all?" The two are lying down in the bed of the truck at the top of the barn.

"I don't know really, I feel relieved that she's in a bubble but worry with the fact she's corrupted." Lapis sighs. "What about you?"

"I'm worried. Sure she caused us to be trapped in a fusion and treated us terrible but nobody deserves to be corrupted." Atom rubs their face and groans.

"Why do we have to still feel bad after everything that she has done to us!" Lapis sits up right and pulls her knees to her chin.

Atom soon follows suit and nudges Lapis. "We feel bad because we are good people. Well good gem and robot." They joke, making Lapis smile for a small amount of time before she looks away again.

A cool breeze brushes past the two. "Atom, why don't you wear those long sleeved appearance modifiers anymore?"

"I can never find any in the barn and I don't want to bother Steven so a black tank top will have to do, even if i don't like showing my arms." Instinctively they rub their robotic arms.

"Why's that? Me and Peridot are fine with seeing them." Lapis asks.

"It just reminds me that I'm not supposed to be here, on earth." Atom looks out to their surroundings seeing trees blow in the wind and birds fly in the sky. "I just don't feel comfortable with my arms showing and it's not just my arms but my entire body, to me it feels wrong."

"Well if you feel like you don't fit in here then you're wrong." She states it like it's a fact. Lapis sounds so sure of herself as she says that it takes Atom slightly off guard. "You belong here with us and no matter what you look like, we will always be there for you even if you think that you're wrong."

"I-" Atom looks over to Lapis who is staring at them with a fully serious look on her face. "Thank you, Lapis"

"For what? I just said the truth."

"For setting my mind at ease that I belong here." They smile gratefully. "I mean the first time I remember being on earth is finding myself in pieces scattered across Amethysts room."

"That didn't exactly make me feel as if I belonged there." They laugh but end it with a sigh.

"Sorry." They quickly add. "we should be having fun instead of listening to me mope about my problems! Come on, why don't we go for a fly?" Atom stands up and holds a hand out to Lapis.

She smiles before grabbing their hand and summoning her water wings, pulling them up into the sky.

The two make it past the clouds and stare down at the small beach city. The towns inhabitants looking no bigger than a common earth ant.

"Everything looks so small from up here." The two start to point out a few landmarks that they have noticed from their shared time in beach city.

In the distance they notice a floating island? "Wanna check it out?" Atom points to the island, surrounded by clouds.

"Eh." She shrugs. "Why not." Lapis holds Atoms hand and flies through the clouds until the two land on the colosseum type area.

There were stands where gems would sit and it was very broken, almost as if someone used it as a training arena.

"What's that?" Atom floats up to the top of the arena where a diamond with four different colours is painted on the wall.

"That's just the diamond insignia." Seeing a blank look from Atom prompts Lapis to continue. "It's what the diamonds have on all of their flags to show that their armies are under their control."

They nod and float back down to where Lapis has taken a seat.

"What do you want to do now?" Lapis looks around the arena and shrugs.

"Oh I know!" Atom pulls a small baton out of their pocket. The baton was fully grey metal with a line of green glowing wire wrapped around the middle of it.

"What is it?"

Atom hands it over to Lapis who carefully inspects the baton before handing it back to them. "If it works then I will be able to carry around a space ship in my pocket that would be safe for space travel!" They smile. "If it doesn't then it will blow up..." Atom laughs nervously making Lapis frown.

"So it isn't safe?" Lapis asks cautiously.

"It all depends on how this first test will go!" Atom nods as they walk towards the edge of the arena. "Can I ask you too watch me when I jump?"

"Wait jump?" Lapis stands up quickly as Atom jumps off the side of the arena. She rushes over to the ledge only to be blown back by an aircraft.

Atom flies around the arena and pushes the two parts of the baton together, resulting in a rough landing on the arenas floor

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Atom flies around the arena and pushes the two parts of the baton together, resulting in a rough landing on the arenas floor. Just where Lapis is standing.

"Hi Lapis..." Atom smiles up at the stunned gem. "Well the good news is that it works!" They state.

A beat of silence washes over the two, Atom growing slightly more worried as the seconds pass and Lapis still hasn't said anything. They quickly jump up and brush themselves off. "Sorry..." Suddenly Lapis hugs Atom, almost knocking them over with the force of the hug.

"Uhh." They look stunned now and don't know what to do so Atom just pats Lapis on the back. "There, there?"

"Next time give me a little warning okay?" Lapis stresses making Atom feel a sense of sadness and guilt for just jumping off of the arena without giving more context.

"I'm sorry..." the world around Atom shifts suddenly into a dark fighting arena, not as destroyed as the sky arena and definitely more dark and gloomy.

They look around until they see shiny pieces of gem stones laying on the dirt ground below them and a pink gem around the same size as Pearl hugging them.

"I was so worried." The pink gem says with a quiver in her voice. Atom looks around and sees a Peridot, much different from the one at the barn, a grey Topaz and a Pyrite all running towards the two.

"Atom?" The world quickly shifts around them again and they're taken aback to see that they're back in the sky arena.

"Are you alright? You stopped moving for a minute." Lapis has her hands on Atoms shoulders with a serious look on her face.

"I'm fine, just a little visual error." They wave their hand around. "I wonder what Peridot and Steven are doing right about now?"


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now