Bismuth pt 1

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A few weeks have passed since Atom has reinstalled their old power core and Peridot has been working tirelessly to save Atom from their imprisonment by always being watched by their creators.

But today Aton decided to see their friends at Stevens house.

As they walked up the stairs to his house, they opened the door to see Steven jumping inside of a pink lions mane.

Atom stares at the lion before Pearl walks down the stairs to greet them. "Hello Atom, what a delight to see you here and with a fixed face." Pearl smiles as Steven jumps out of the lions mane and falls on his back.

"I've made a terrible mistake!" The gems look at Steven causing Amethyst to die in game. "Wait! I can fix it!" And he jumps back into the pink lions mane.

"Why is that lion pink?"

"Rose owned the lion long before Steven was born." Pearl explains

"There's a gem inside of Lions mane!" Steven jumps back out again as the two gems that were focused on the game decide to watch Steven instead.

"A gem?"

"Describe her for us." Garnet asks as Steven takes a breath of air before jumping back into the mane.

"Who's Rose?" Atom asks Pearl.

"She was the founder of the Crystal Gems, an amazing warrior and a gem who loved earth and all of its inhabitants." Pearl gazed up at the painting of Rose overhead of the two.

"She's big!" Steven pokes his head out of the lions mane before going back inside.

"With rainbow hair and tattoos." He pokes his head out again.

Pearl walks over to Steven as Amethyst stands next to Atom. "Rainbow hair?" She turns to Garnet. "What does her gem look like?"

"It's an innie?" Pearl puts a hand to her mouth as she looks at Garnet again.

"It can't be..."

"Steven, bring her out." Garnet commands as Steven ducks back inside of the lion soon bringing out a big grey gem as Garnet stare at her in disbelief while Pearl stares at her with tears in her eyes.

"Wow, a total stranger." Amethyst states bluntly as Steven stands next to the purple gem and their robo friend.

"Pearl...Garnet..." the Gem looks at the two surprised.

"BISSS-MUUUTH!" Pearl runs and hugs the Gem, overjoyed "Ahahahaha! You're back!"

Woah!" Bismuth lightly tosses Pearl in the air and catches her. "Hehehehe! The Pearl I know never jumps into my arms! Hey, did somebody lose a Pearl? Who do you belong to?"

"Nobody!" Pearl states confidently making Bismuth laugh loudly.

"Alright, alright, settle down." Garnet walks up to Bismuth and fixes her visor.

"Oh, you're one to talk, oh, oh, excuse me, you're two to talk" Garnet scoffs, casually summons her gauntlet and punches Bismuth playfully in the arm.

"Hey, cool it, your Ruby is showing." She jokes as the three that have been standing awkwardly at the sidelines watching the interaction happen with confusion.

"Amethyst, who's that?" Atom asks the equally confused gem who just shrugs.

"Ahem, who's this?" She clears her throat making the three original Crystal Gens turn around and address the newest.

"Guys, this is Bismuth. She's one of the original Crystal Gems." Garnet explains causing Atom to attract major interest in the conversation.

"Oh, hey! New recruits! Welcome aboard, we could always use more Amethysts. And who's this meatball and metal head?"

"Hi, I'm Steven! Y-You were in my lion and now you're in my house." He stutters but holds confidence.

"I'm Atom, I was found in Amethysts room in a heap of metal." They look at the big grey gem with curiosity.

She leans down to shake Steven's hand "Well, thanks for having me!"

"I can't believe it! Rose said she lost track of you at the battle for the Ziggurat! She was worried sick!" Pearl exclaims.

Bismuth's smile suddenly turns into an expression of worry, and begins looking around the house. Looking for the aforementioned leader. "Wait! Where is Rose?"

"Hi, um... actually, I'm Rose's son. She kinda turned into me... well, I have her gem, the rest is from my dad." Steven lifts his shirt to reveal his gem making Bismuth gaze at it with wonder.

"Ohh... There she is. You... do you know me?" She looks up at Steven who shakes his head.

"No, I'm sorry." Atom walks up to the boy and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder making Steven smile up at the metallic person.

"It's not always easy to understand Rose's choices... But we have to stand behind them." Pearl says confidently as she looks up at Roses painting again then back at Bismuth.

"Rose really is something else." Steven looks at Atom confused but they just shrug mirroring Amethyst moments before. "I mean... Look at this! She really is somethin' else!" She puts a hand on Garnets shoulder as she laughs. "Wow! Everythin's changin'! And we're buildin' bases out of wood now?!" Not even breaking a sweat she tears a piece of wood from the floor "Hmph! Whose terrible idea was this? And where is everybody else?" She then tosses the wood piece away.

"Everyone else?" Steven and Atom say at the same time.

"Yeah, the rest of the Crystal Gems! Old Crazy Lace, Biggs, Snowflake?" Bismuth looks around, waiting for them to show up but they never do.

"You should come with us." Pearl leads the group to the warp pad which is a tight squeeze to fit everyone on but they all somehow fit.

The Crystal Gens warp with Bismuth to a gem battlefield, which is now overrun with strawberry bushes.

The gems walk forward as Bismuth gasps. "No- No way! We were just here! How long was I out?"

Pearl walks up to Bismuth "It's been about 5,300 years. We, the Crystal Gems, were able to save the Earth..."

"But we're all that's left of The Rebellion, huh?" Bismuth looks over the battlefield with sorrow as Pearl nods and starts crying.

Bismuth starts crying too. "Oh, come on Pearl. You know I can't take it when you cry like that!"

Pearl sniffles as she apologises but Bismuth reassures her.

Garnet joins Bismuth's side. "Homeworld's final attack on Earth wiped out all of the Crystal Gems"

"Rose was able to protect Garnet and myself and by the looks of it, she was able to protect you as well." Pearl sniffles again.

Bismuth grunts and pulls a battle axe off the ground. "I knew those Homeworld elites were twisted. How many of us did they shatter?! Crazy Lace? Biggs? ...Snowflake?! If I was there, I- I could've stopped it!"

"It's not like they've stopped trying." Garnet adds as Atom looks over the battlefield with awe.

Never once have they seen something so beautiful before, to them it was incredible that earth was able to grow back after all these years of ware and tear. As they walk around they find a massive crater with a few strawberries growing around it, also decorating the inside with green and red. They quickly scan the crafter and find the remnants of nuclear waste which comes to a shock to them.

"Hey metal head, you coming with us?" Bismuth walks up next to the robot slightly making them jump.

"Of course." The two meet up with the others at the warp pad and warp away to the forge.


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now