Show Me What You Got!

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"Show me what you got!" Topaz rushes forward as Atom summons a bow and arrow, quickly firing it at Topazes feet.

She pushes through the dust cloud and lifts a sledgehammer above her head before bringing it down, only just missing Atoms leg. They rush to jump and float in the air, giving them time to summon a spear and throw it at Topaz hitting her shoulder but she just shakes it off.

"You'll have to come down soon!" Topaz shouts with a smile appearing on her face. Atom searches through their summoning file for a weapon that could beat Topaz.

They summon a massive hammer, similar to the one that Alexandrite used against Malachite. The hammer is twice the size of them so heaving the weapon above their head is an impressive feat. They look down at Topaz who is still smiling.

Atom stands at the end of the hammers hilt and turn off their floating resulting in a huge bang as they land on top of Topaz.

They make the hammer disappear just as Topaz reforms with a blinding light.

She falls onto her knees before standing up and stretching. "That was awesome!" She jogs over to Atom and claps them on the back. "Where did you get those weapons from?"

"Just files." Lefty walks over, furiously writing on her screen about the fight that just happened in front of her. "Was that good Lefty?"

"Good? That was amazing!" Lefty exclaims with raised hands. "I was sure we had to work from the bottom up to get you back in fighting condition."

Topaz snorts and cackles at Peridot-B's nickname. "Lefty?" She wheezes and folds over in laughter with her hands on her knees.

Lefty sends away her screen and slaps Topaz as Yellow Pearl walks into the arena with an unimpressed look on her face, almost as if she just sucked on a lemon.

"Robot, my Diamond has requested your presence in her court room." Yellow Pearl nods and walks off, resulting in Atom to run after her.

"Oh boy..."


Atom floats up to Yellow Diamonds throne as they enter the massive room. Yellow Diamond is resting in her throne with one hand supporting her head.

"How are you fairing here? Any gems giving you trouble yet?" Yellow asks with a stone cold stare, confusing Atom if she is being sincere or not.

"Apart from the Peridots and a Topaz, I haven't met any other gems on homeworld." Atom states making Yellow nod.

"Blue is going to be joining us soon for a debrief before we will decide if you will be fit to be shown to White and have her judge where you will be placed." Yellow states.

"Oh boy..." Atom mutters with a hand up to their mouth.

The doors of Yellow's throne room open to reveal Blue Diamond and her Pearl with calm look on both of their faces.

"Is everything ready? White wants everything to be perfect." Blue holds her hands together as Atom and Yellow walk/float over to the other diamond.

"Well?" Yellow looks over at Atom who is floating in between the two giants.

Atom straightens up and clears their throat with a robotic cough. "I don't remember anything due to a line of code that deletes my memory files in case an enemy is able to fix me up and take those files." They look up and see Blue motioning them to continue. "And my combat files are still strong, I can easily defeat one of White Diamond's Topazes."

Yellow sighs. "That's better then what we were thinking but it's not perfect." Yellow squeezes the bridge of her nose with slight frustration. White always puts so much stress on her for making the best armies so naturally it could make anyone crack under pressure, maybe that is why Yellow is so hard on every other gem.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now