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The shorty squad plus Atom are all hiding behind a ledge and spying on the brute that calls herself Jasper.

"She's been collecting monsters." Steven points out as the other two gems listen but Atom on the other hand is staring at Jasper with fear shining in their eyes, scared for what she would do after their last encounter.

"Tch. Disgraceful. I can't believe I've resorted to recruiting you freaks! You're almost as bad as that Crystal runt. Just look at you. This planet ruins everything! Well, haha, except for me." Jasper kicks one of the cages with a snowy monster inside of it sending a wave of shock up Atoms spine.

"We should go back to the Temple and grab reinforcements." Peridot says as she looks over and sees a terrified Atom looking down at the orange brute.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Amethyst?" Steven turns his head and finds that Amethyst is gone, and he and Peridot silently scream in horror as Atom is still frozen.

Steven and Peridot look around, and spot Amethyst on a ledge above Jasper, shuffling along it towards her. Jasper continues to taunt the Snow Monster. "I'll never let this planet twist me like it twisted you. Your weakness embarrasses Homeworld. You suffer because it's what you deserve! We all only get what we deserve. Right, Amethyst?!"

Amethyst gasps, as she has been discovered, and falls off the ledge, landing behind Jasper.

"You here for a rematch runt?"

"I'm here to win!" She stands up with courage running through her gem.

"You were fated to lose, the moment you came out wrong!" Jasper taunts.

Steven leaves Atom in the care of Peridot as he runs down to Amethysts side. "That's not true!" He shouts.

"Rose. Of course. Your lackeys never stray far. And why would they? They have no place in this, or any world!" Jasper shouts. "Every Gem is made for a purpose: to serve the order of the Diamonds. Those who cannot fit inside this order must be purged!"

"To come out misshapen, to reshape yourself outside your purpose, and to defend this ruined worthless planet, is a disgrace!" Jasper finishes as a timid Peridot and a rigid Atom walk down to the lower levels of the kindergarten.

"This planet isn't all bad!" Peridot shouts as Atom hides behind a pillar of sand.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I'M A CRYSTAL GEM NOW!!" Peridot shouts as Atom gives her a shaky thumbs up while still hiding.

Jasper instantly summons her crash helmet, and Steven summons his shield. Atom summons a spear unconsciously and holds it in their hand.

"I'm not afraid of you! I've got metal powers! I'll show you!" Peridot begins to manipulate a metal rod stuck in the ground. Jasper, Amethyst and Steven watch as Peridot struggles to lift the metal rod.

"Aw, jeez." Amethyst holds her head in her hand with embarrassment.

"Anyone else got somethin' to say?" Atom seems to try and become smaller and smaller as she says that and grips the spear tighter and tighter.

"UGHH!! YOU GUUUYS!!!!" Amethyst lifts up Steven. "STAY OUT OF THIS!" And throws Steven away.

"It's just you and me, Jasper. One on one!" Amethysy lashes her flails and hits an unprepared Jasper in her face. She then summons a second flail and smacks Jasper into a wall. "Who's the runt now?! You ready for more?" Jasper quickly recovers and gets up from the wall. Amethyst whips Jasper in her face again, who quickly turns back at her, unfazed.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now