Beta pt1

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It's the morning as Atom was rummaging around for another thing to wear to cover their obvious hole in their chest that has only now started to heal a week later way slower than usual.

"Yes!" They quietly celebrate as they pull out a black tank top and brown pants.

Quickly they shrug the clothes on and look at themself in the mirror made of broken glass at the corner of the barn.

'I wish I had something to cover my arms more...' they look at their arms that are still fully robotic and stand out.

That's the thing about their body, the only part that looks remotely like a human is their head and even then it has a slight sliver colour to it. Their arms, legs and torso are completely high tech robotics, that's one of the things that they dislike about their body, that they can't fit in.

"I like the new look Atom!" Peridot walks over to the bot who gets pulled out of their thoughts by the small gem.

"Thanks, Peridot."

"Come on, we're watching another episode of Camp pining hearts out on the truck. Want to join us?" Peridot stares up at Atom with almost puppy dog eyes causing Atom to nod.

The two climb up to the truck where Lapis is already leaning against the side of the truck. Atom sits next to Lapis as Peridot sits in front of the two.

"But Paulette, I need you!" Percy says from the TV.

"Oh, get over it, Percy. Go make another friendship bracelet." Peridot states with slight annoyance making Atom tilt their head in confusion.

"Seriously." Lapis continues.

"I might need you two to explain what's happening." Atom says.

Suddenly a familiar human calls out to his friends. "Lapis! Peridot! Atom! Hi!"

Peridot, Lapis and Atom look down and see Steven and Amethyst. They two gems smile ecstatically while Atom give the two a small smile. Lapis floats down with her water wings as Atom grabs Peridot and floats down from the truck.

"Steven! It's so good to see you again!" Lapis says.

"You too, Lapis!" Steven happily replies, this catches Atoms eye noticing that Steven seems a lot more happy then the last the two saw each other. But Amethyst on the other hand looks grumpy, to put it lightly.

"Amethyst! Something looks different about you." Peridot says, trying to start a joke.

"Have you grown taller since the last time I saw you?"

"Nope, still short." Amethyst looks down to the ground.

Peridot laughs. "You're welcome! For the joke."

"Wow, you guys are looking good! And I love what you did to the barn!" Steven quickly changes the topic.

"Awh, I know. But wait, wait! You guys have to see the inside!" Peridot excitedly runs inside making everyone follow after her.

"Welcome to our home away from Homeworld!" Peridot introduces the trios new makeover for Stevens barn.

Steven runs to the previously broken wall that is now filled with water. "Woah, you made the wall an aquarium!"

Steven stares at the aquarium, when the alien plushie that Peridot previously won, its neck slightly ripped, floats by inside, startling Steven. Meanwhile, Amethyst rolls a vacuum cleaner, filled with fish and water, back and forth casually with her foot.

"You did all this stuff on purpose? Like, you didn't just knock over a bunch of paint cans and go, "Eh, just leave it."" She says, still annoyed.

"Oh no, this was all very intentional. You see, I have this idea: What if we made music, but instead of sounds, we use things?" Peridot smiles.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now