Gem Harvest part 2!

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The Gems begin to harvest the vegetables from the farm. Garnet summons her gauntlets and punches the ground, making carrots pop up into the air, and Lapis flies down to catch them in a bag.

Amethyst is then seen playing around with the pumpkin dog and she shapeshifts into one too while Atom opts to help build with Pearl and Peridot.

The pumpkin dog begins to chase Amethyst around, to Andy's distaste, as Steven laughs. Garnet then begins harvesting and throwing corn in the air behind her, landing into the bag Lapis is carrying. The pumpkin dog is heard barking and ends up in the bag too, presumably thrown by Garnet. Garnet turns and throws a corn a little off distance.

"Sorry, flyball!" Garnet shouts out causing Lapis to quickly fly and catch the corn in her bag.

"This looks amazing!" Steven gazes at the amount of vegetables with happiness.

"For a vegetable garden, I'd say we're pretty fruitful." Garnet jokes.

"Is it just going to be a bunch of vegetables?"Andy sighs. "I should have figured, you're a bunch of vegetarians!"

"A vegetable grown by a family's love nourishes the body and soul." Steven defends.

"Aw, don't let them get to you Steven. I'll get you a stick of pepperoni for your birthday." Andy ruffles Stevens hair.

Pearl, Peridot and Atom are then seen operating a machinery with a propeller. Peridot is operating a control panel, and Pearl is inspecting the engine of the machinery while Atom is doing the final touches to the propeller.

"Hmm. Let's turn it down to about 2000 degrees, for now." Pearl looks at the fire.

"Sounds puny." She turns the heat down with a slight frown about the small amount of heat being used.

Steven walks over to join the three. "I like the propellor on it. It's like Andy themed. I bet he's gonna love this!" He calls over to his dad and Andy. "We're ready for the veggies now!"

"Hmm, seems like too much if you ask me- " he notices the propeller and engine. "Oh, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" His face turns red and seethes in anger.

Garnet, Lapis, and Amethyst run over. "Dude, what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong, "dude"! Everything! Do you not see this abomination sitting right in front of you!" Andy complains at the sight of the super oven.

"What are you talking about?" Steven looks over at the oven and sees nothing wrong with it.

"It's the engine, boy, the ENGINE! They butchered my parents' plane and made- made... WHATEVER THIS THING IS!" He shouts.

"It's an oven cooktop combo." Pearl says as Atom nods.

"It's TERRIBLE! That was the heart of the legendary wings of the "Daring DeMayos". I learned to FLY on this plane!" Atom crouches back down to the oven and aimlessly moves a few wires around.

"No one was even using that junk." Lapis states as she walks over to the two working on the oven.

"Now it's actually good for something." Peridot says when she lifts her goggles up.

"See that's the problem with people like you, you think everything just belongs to you, cause nothing belongs to anybody, and you take it, and everything's cool! And it ain't cool!" Andy lifts his hands up to his head in frustration. "I'm gonna need a moment. I-I can't look at this right now." He storms off.

Atom stands up and walks with the two barn gems to the Crystal Gems. "Does anyone have any ideas?"

"We gotta up our game. It's going to take the ultimate party to turn this around. Like, all the best parties of all time put together!" Steven starts to list off all of the different types of earth parties giving all of Stevens family a good idea on what they should do.

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