Flashes of green

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"Lapis, you should have a break from controlling the fusion, I can take it and you seem tired" The gem was looking worse for wear being stuck inside a fusion for a month now was also very boring for the two.

"But I'm the only one who can control the water" Atom shakes their head and moves their hand to put the shackles around their hands and take them off of Lapis's.

"How did you do that?"

"I found a old system at the back of my hard drive that says I can copy my attackers powers or weapons and since you have used the chains on me before it means I can use a small amount of your water powers" Atom smiles as they start to feel the weight of holding down the fusion dawn on them.

"But wouldn't it be better if I do all of the heavy lifting with the fusion?" Lapis looks concerned for her new friend who is trying different ways to hold the chains.

"I'll be fine" A message flashes across Atoms mainframe causing them to sigh. "Low battery..."

"What does that mean?" She asks while taking back the shackles from Atom.

"If I don't get out of this fusion I will shut down and lose power" They look at one and another before Atom continues. "I will stay until I run out of power. I just need to rest"

Atom looks at Lapis apologetically.


"It's alright and plus it's not like we're going anywhere so rest"

Atom lies down across from Lapis and shuts down momentarily to try and preserve some of their remaining power.


At the barn the Crystal Gems are currently relaxing in the sun after a hard days work on the gem drill but the newest meme Ed is t that happy about the gems lazing about.

Behind the gems a green ghost like being is watching them from behind a small bush. Atom has been watching the Crystal Gems from a distance for a while in a green glow.

They discovered this new power when they first started to lose battery life and wanted to conserve it.

So far nobody can see them but they were too scared to find out because of how they left the Crystal Gems. From what Atom thinks they did was betray the gems so in their mind they think that the gems hated them for that but that wasn't the case.

Amethyst was constantly thinking what she could have done to save her new robotic friend. Pearl was feeling guilty that she didn't notice that they were captured. Garnet felt bad that she was poofed so easily and Steven he just felt that it was his fault. All of them were wrong with what they thought but they didn't know that Atom was closer than they thought.

Atom sneaks up to the barn and enters it seeing the makings of a massive drill.

After a small study session of the drill, they go to leave but freeze when they see who's at the door.

"It's you" Peridot looks up at the transparent glowing green robot with surprise. Last the two of them saw of each other was on that ship.

"WHaT aRe YOu dOiNG heRe?" Their voice glitches in and out causing Peridot to freak out and fall back.

"Peridot! What's wrong?" Steven runs into the barn with the gems close behind only to stop where Peridot is. "What happened?" He asks as Peridot points her shaking finger at Atom, just to receive a confused look from the Crystal gems.

"Can't you see it!" Peridot shouts as Atom walks forward and waves a hand in front of Amethysts face but gets no response.

"Just a false alarm" Amethyst and the others turn away only for Peridot to grab Stevens shirt in a desperate action.

"Wait, wait, wait!" But they all turn away.

When Peridot looks back at Atom, she finds an empty space with no robot in sight.


"Atom, are you alright?" They wake up with a jump and find themself back in the watery grave that them and Lapis have been calling home for a month.

"Yeah..." They stand up and run their nub where the right arm of their body has been missed greatly. "Do you think they are ever gonna find us?"

"I wouldn't count on it but they might just save us" Lapis says even though she doesn't believe that the Crystal gems will find them, only saying it to make her friend feel better.

The area shudders around the two as a yell from the other gem in the fusion tries to escape again. "No rest for the wicked, lock me in Lapis. This will be a long night"


"I'm telling you it was that robot!" Peridot stamps her foot down trying to get Steven and Amethyst to listen to her but it doesn't work.

"For the last time, it was probably just a trick of the light so drop it!" Amethyst states, clearly annoyed and drags Steven along with her as the two move over to Garnet, who is leaning against the barn wall.

"I swear is Peridot brings up seeing Atom one more time!-"

"You should listen to her, I can see a possibility where she did see Atom and we do get them out of that fusion" Garnet pushes off her wall and walks away, leaving the youngest crystal gems to think


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now