Im sorry, this was suppost to be fun

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"And then I'll say, "Hey, as one refugee to another, it isn't so bad that we can't go back to Homeworld, am I right? Why don't we watch the sun come up and figure out what we're going to do with all this time, eh Lazuli?" And then she'll say, "Yes Peridot, as impressed I was by you on the ship, I am even more impressed with your new compact look and capacity for friendship! I'm so glad we're going to live together!" Peridot, Facet 5." Peridot presses a button on her tape recorder, Lapis looks unimpressed as she is standing next to Atom and Steven is trying to be the middle ground.

"Let's begin" Peridot turns to the two, Atom is smiling politely while Lapis looks disinterested.

"This isn't going to work" Lapis states.

"Wait what?" Atom and Peridot look at Lapis with surprise.

"I really though that it would only me me or Atom living here not with her" She looks at Peridot with a scowl.

"Yeah, but this is even better! Oh here, how about this? I saw this on an episode of a TV show! I didn't see how it ended, but I'm sure it worked out right. We'll divide this place in half." Steven suggests while taking out a pen and drawing onto the wooden floors.

"You'll both have your own space. High ceilings, real wood floors, convenient location on the heart of the country; so what do you think, roomies?" Steven asks the two gems as he and Atom stand in the middle of the line.

"I like the cut of your gem Steven Quartz!" Peridot grins but flatters at Lapis disagrees.

"No! No way!" She moves further away from Peridot.

"What's the problem? You're the one getting all the good stuff! You've got the propeller and paint cans on your side! You can do tons with those! Oooh, actually, I want the paint cans. You wanna trade something?" Peridot eyes up the possibilities for the items over on Lapis's side of the barn.

Lapis glares at Peridot again. "It's not about the paint cans. That's not the problem."

"Then what is? I've had time to get to know Peridot and she's fine when you get to know her so you might find that you like her company?" Lapis's face softens when she turns to Atom. 

"It's just the thought of having to see her everyday, I just..." Lapis sighs and exits the barn and flies off.

"Let's have a short break, Steven you take Peridot, I'll chill with Lapis" They exit the barn and see a blue outline sitting on top of the water tower.

A small walk was all it took to make it to the blue gem who is too busy staring off into the distance to realise the Atom is right beside her. "Why don't you want to give her a chance?" This makes Lapis jump up sightly. "Sorry"

"I... well how can you talk to her and not be scared of have some sort of anger towards her! She was one of the reasons we were stuck in that fusion for so long! If it wasn't for her and Jasper we wouldn't have had to go through that" Lapis states, making a few good points that Atom agreed with but it didn't quite work.

"The reason I trust her is because I want to, I saw past what she did before and now she has changed so I'm willing to give her a chance. It's like a gut feeling." They look over to Lapis. "But I don't really have a gut since you know the whole robot thing" She finally smiles at this.

"I just want a break from it all" Lapis leans back as the wind blows past her, this causes Atom to hatch a plan.

They stand up suddenly and bring Lapis up with them. "If it's a break you want then it's a break you will get!" Lapis gives them a confused smile as they start to climb down the water tower.

"I want you to fly ahead, I'll catch up." Atom kneels down and starts to activate their disks as Lapis spreads her wings.

"Where will I be going?" Lapis smiles fully as Atom has an excited look on their face.

They point to the end of the cliff that is quite a ways away making Lapis even more confused at what they're planning.

"Okay, I'm ready!" They stand up as Lapis starts to fly ahead, not as fast as she can but fast enough that Atom can catch up to her.

Atom races forward with a burst of speed powering their disks so they run underneath where Lapis is flying. Lapis flies down so that the two are right next to each other and for that moment it seems as if everything just drifts away like the fear of Jasper finding them or having to share the barn with Peridot.  The moment is so distracting that the two don't notice that they're running out of earth. Lapis glances forward for a moment, looking out at the sun and the ocean. The ocean. That thought  stops Lapis making Atom confused and distracting them to notice the clear lacking of ground for them to run on. As the run off the edge of the cliff their breaks seem to fail as they start plummeting into the ocean, sinking deeper and deeper, becoming more and more scared with the shrinking of the sunlight.

Lapis was struck with fear to go back into the ocean, it was only a day after she was released from that dark prison and now her friend was trapped again without someone to keep them company. Lapis pushes her fears aside and dives into the sea, swimming deeper and deeper until she sees a pair of glowing green eyes connected to a robotic body.

Lapis surrounds the two with a water bubble that is free of any water, letting Atom fall to their knees and hands. They cough out water and fall onto their back. "That didn't go to plan, I'm sorry"

Lapis sits down next to them. "It wasn't your fault, we should've paid more attention to the cliff" Atom closes their eyes and brings their hands to their face in an attempt to hide their eyes.

"This was supposed to make you feel better, not make you return to the place that we were trapped in for months!" They groan as a fan starts in in their chest, drying their clothes. "Let's just go... I'm just as bad as Jasper bringing you back here"

Lapis shoots up and drags Atom with her with her hands on their shoulders, frightening them at the sudden movement. "Don't ever compare yourself to Jasper alright! You are not like her, not even close to her! You remember that alright." Lapis grips their shoulders as Atom looks at her wide eyed. All of a sudden one of Atoms arms fall off causing Lapis to flinch back.

"Whoops, sorry about that" they quickly grab the arm and stick it back on. A while passes before anyone speaks, the silence growing too much for Atom to handle. "Let's get out of here" Lapis nods and grabs their hands before shooting up past the ocean and into the sky. Landing on the cliff side where they were before.

Lapis looks over to Atom but only finds a distant look in their eyes, almost as if they weren't really there and off some where else. It wasn't until Lapis nudges them do they actually start to move.

*warning: do not fail your mission, you have already made great leaps so do not mess this up*


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now