Some Hard Truths

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Blue Diamond and her Pearl are seen walking through the corridors, confusing all of the gems that were on duty at the human zoo. The Agate that was on duty almost fainted from being in the presence of Blue Diamond meanwhile the Amethysts were freaking out and trying to act professional.

Blue Diamond summons a Peridot that was working on the zoo's weather cycles to come to her chamber and hopefully fix the robot that shut down due to rising stress levels.

"So this robot shut down due to a system overload?" The Peridot doesn't have limb enhancers but instead normal limbs and her gem is placed on her left shoulder. She is taller then Atom and has a blue emblem on her chest.

"Yes, so do your job and fix them." Blue diamond stares down at the green Peridot who flinches under her gaze. "Report back to me when you have fixed them." Blue Diamond leaves the Peridot alone in her room that is filled with different electronic devices.

Atom had been laid down on a green operating table similar to the walls surrounding the open room. "Let's see what the problem is..." The Peridot grabs a scalpel type object and cuts off Atoms hoodie and opens up their box that holds their core and new gravity engine.

"Oh my stars..." The Peridot stares down at their core with wonder and amazement. "You look more friendly without your mask."

The Peridot instantly gets to work on jump starting their energy core with the help of a spare glass of liquid energy that the Peridots have been manufacturing since the creation of Atom.

She pours the blue liquid onto their core causing it to glow brightly before fading to a dull glow.

Atom quickly sits up and looks around wildly before their eyes land on the Peridot who has fallen onto the floor due to their instant activation.

"Where am I?" Atom falls off of the operation table as the Peridot stands up.

"Calm down! You're in the human zoo with me." The Peridot says as if Atom would know who she is but instead of getting a sign that they know her, they just give her a blank stare back.

"That doesn't help me much." Atom stands up and holds the operating table between the two as a sort of barrier. "Who are you and where am I?"

The Peridot stares back at Atom as if they just grew three extra heads. "You really don't remember do you? Well this is Blue Diamond's human zoo and I'm Peridot Facet-1F2L Cut-7AB" Peridot-B looks away. "I was your friend back on homeworld."

"I have never been to homeworld... unless I forgot about it?" Atom becomes slightly more relaxed but still is watching Peridot-B with a sharp eye. "Maybe it was something to do with my programming..."

"That is a big possibility, yes." Peridot-B says making Atom stand up straighter. "If you allow me then I will be able to run a system diagnostic to figure out what exactly caused you to lose your memory." She offers.

Atom thinks for a moment. They weigh their options, one they could figure out who they were before Amethyst accidentally activated them and use that information to help the Crystal Gems or two, they could be taken over by their past memories and go to Homeworlds side since they know so much about Atom.

"Let's do it." Peridot-B's lights up before she quickly grabs a cable that connects to one of her many screens. "Will I have to be shut down for this?"

Peridot-B laughs. "Of course not, that would be detrimental to my gems well-being if I shut you down again." Peridot-B says with a slight sarcastic tone about her gem. "Just plug this cord in and then we can get started." She hands Atom a cord that they plug in causing a string of code to come across her screen.

"So..." Atom looks around the room and then down at their ruined hoodie. "Aww man." They lift up the two side of the hoodie with sorrow on their face.

"What's wrong?" Peridot-B pulls her eyes away from her screen to see an upset Atom holding up their hoodie.

"I liked this hoodie..." The Peridot looked at Atom with a dumbfounded look on her face as they look at the hoodie as if they just lost a beloved pet. "Now what am I going to use to cover my arms.?"

"Is that the problem here? That you want to cover your arms because you can't walk around here with those human appearance modifiers on." Peridot turns back to her screen as Atom begins to look at the other things that they're wearing.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" They ask innocently.

"What's wrong is that you were a warrior of homeworld, a robot to be feared and now you look like an earth local." Peridot-B speaks of them with a proud tint to her voice. "Do you have any other forms that you can take?"

"I do but I will change after we have don't this..." A moment of silence washes over the two until Peridot let's put a sound of discomfort.

"It says here that your last active report was 1,000 years ago and it was a battle report..." Peridot-B looks over to Atom who has a look of curiosity on their face so she keeps going. "It is said here that you used your primary weapons and destroyed 50 Crystal Gem soldiers until you could no longer repair yourself and shut down on the battlefield..." She sighs and closes her screen.

"That's not good..." They say with equal sorrow to match the loss of their hoodie. "And I still don't remember anything."

Just before Peridot-B was about to say something, the door of her work area opens to show a Blue Agate with a snobby expression on her face.

"You don't look much like an elite..." she says as a snide remark but quickly covers it up. "My Diamond has specifically requested that I give you a tour around this facility while my Diamond is currently away on business."

Atom looks over at Peridot-B who just has a raised eyebrow aimed towards the Agate. "Can I have a minute to get ready?"

"Make it quick." And the door closes behind her.

Atom stands back with a hand on their head before closing their eyes tightly.

"She couldn't have given us more time?" Peridot-B complains. "How are you feeling? With what you just heard?" She looks over at Atom who has taken a few small system resets to calm down.

Atom summons their black armour with green lines flowing down their body. They also summon their helmet that covers their expression. "Can you come with me?" They ask.

Peridot-B is taken aback with the intimidating robot in front of them asking for her to come with them. "Sure."

Atom opens the door surprising that Agate that quickly fixes herself up. "Follow me."


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now