Bismuth pt 2!

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The Gems and Atom warped just in front of an active volcano making Steven turn to Atom. "Are you lava proof?" He asks.

"I honestly don't know if I am." Steven nods and walks closer to Atom as the team follows Bismuth down a rocky path towards her forge with smoke emanating from the ground below.

"Is this the forge?" Steven asks Amethyst who is in the same boat as the two youngest.

She groans. "Ugh. Don't ask me. I've never been here before."

"Well, since Bismuth was gone, we've had no reason to come back here." Pearl chimes in during the short walk.

"Let's just say this place ain't the same without me." Bismuth smiles.

"What does that mean? Amethyst!Atom!" Steven clings onto Amethyst's arm excitedly and holds onto Atoms leg. "What do think you that means?"

"I don't know, dude. I've never even seen this Gem before today."

"I agree with Amethyst, I have never seen a gem like her before..." They look over to the strong gem with rainbow hair. "Then again I haven't seen a lot of gems so don't count on me here."

"We took a huge blow from Homeworld. But, now, we're back in Bismuth!" Atom cringes at the joke slightly but can't help a smile creep onto their face.

Steven laughs "She's got jokes!"

The group eventually arrive in front of a stone slab in the face of the volcano. Atom scans the outside and notices a rise in heat levels going deeper into the depths of the volcano.

"Is this the forge?"

"Not quite" Pearl says as Bismuth stands in front of the slab and her gem begins to glow. The ground starts to rumble as several doors open up in the slab, creating a tunnel into the volcano easily impressing Atom.

Pearl claps for Bismuths display as the group walks through the tunnel and enter a dark room.

Atom looks around the dark room and notices many weapons against the walls and hanging from the ceilings like mallets, swords and other various types of deadly but well crafted weapons. Suddenly the room gets hotter as lave pours out like a waterfall from an opening in the wall.

"Ooh." Bismuth emerges out of the lavafall still hot from the molten rock. "Hah! Nothing like a hot lava bath to get into a working mood." Bismuth begins gathering a handful of dust from three barrel, as Steven and Atom watches curiously.

"Homeworld used us Bismuths to erect spires and temples for the Gem elites to enjoy." Bismuth dunks her handful of dust into the lavafall for a brief moment before pulling it out.

"But Rose taught me that my life was my own." Bismuth walks over to an anvil in the middle of the forge, drops a heated metal ingot onto the anvil, and shapeshifts her hand into a hammer.

"That I could choose to do whatever I wanted." She begins pounding on the ingot on the anvil with her hammer hands.

"So I chose this."Bismuth then dips the pounded ingot into lava, pulls it out and blows away the flames on it, revealing the finished product.

"How impressive..." Atom stares at the quickly crafted sword, admiring its structure.

"Bismuth.. You make... weapons?!" Steven states in disbelief and admiration.

She hoists the newly-made sword over her shoulder. "That's right! I outfitted the entire Rebellion. Every material weapon used by the Crystal Gems was made right here in this forge. Wait. Is it still here?" She quickly runs over to a chest in the room and opens it. "Aha! Yes! Here, something to pack a little extra punch." Bismuth chucks a pair of brass knuckles to Garnet, who catches them and summons her gauntlets.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now