Picking up the pieces

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Lefty was in shambles and everyone knew. Topaz has been doing her best to calm the peridot down enough for her to focus on building the ship but nothing seemed to be working.

Topaz herself was on the rocks when she realised that Pyrite was also gone but she had to stay strong for her friend.

She noticed the way that Lapis and Peridot have been keeping to themselves more as time stretched on. Topaz couldn't blame them much, those two knew the new Atom better than Topaz herself did so of course they would be worried.

It was clear that the construction of the space ship was going nowhere so Topaz decided that taking a break and clearing her head would be the best bet for now.

If she didn't value her gem as much as she did then maybe she would've tried to pull Lefty away from her work so the two could relax together but Topaz knew what would happen if she interrupted one of Lefty's moods.

Topaz found a nice secluded place near the cliff side to relax and take a breather. She was still trying to not be amazed by the view that this planet had to offer.

Thinking back to Peridot made Topaz wince. That brainiac would work herself until she physically couldn't. The memory of when Atom first disappeared sprung to mind, a memory that Topaz would rather forget.

It was one of the earlier memories she had.

She remembered being fused with Pyrite during that whole fiasco, not wanting to seperate in fear that she would never see the smaller gem again. The feeling of being fused with a different gem was something that she had never felt before. Topaz felt stronger but she was more cautious, probably Pyrite's doing since she was around long before Topaz was.

The two watched it happen from a distance. They watched as the dust that was made from the dirt of the battlefield and shattered gems were rocketed into the air after the robot had exploded.

Topaz had mixed feelings when she first met the robot. It were always so serious, never speaking a word and following orders down to the final syllable. It was jarring at first but Topaz learned to deal with it since she was on a team with it.

Peridot was right at Topaz's side when she returned with Pyrite standing on her shoulder. "What happened out there? I lost the robot! Don't tell me it-"

When Topaz didn't answer it was the first time that she had seen Peridot cry. She just stood there as tears rolled down her cheeks silently while flicking through her screens at an alarming rate.

"We have to find it! We can't just leave it there!" If it wasn't for Topaz's strong arm keeping Peridot at bay then she wouldn't be surprised if the lanky gem took off running into the battlefield.

"There was nothing left. I couldn't even see a gem from our side or the rebellion's..." Topaz hated seeing the way that Peridot's eyes widened and her mouth opened to not utter a single word more. The bigger gem just pulled Peridot closer into a hug as Pyrite leaned over to Peridot and put a small hand on her shoulder for comfort.

After removing her visor and drying her tears, Peridot spoke with a wobbly voice. "It was supposed to work... just not that well. I can't believe it. All that work gone. What went wrong? What did I do wrong?" She asked with an almost frantic tone as she looked up at Topaz's sympathetic eyes, searching for answers that she didn't have.

"You did nothing wrong." Topaz spoke softly as Pyrite nodded vigorously. "Things happen that we can't plan for and that why I'm here. To protect you and even if the robot didn't work you made it work with a faulty gem for so long. That's better than anyone else."

Peridot sniffled again and put her visor back on. "I need to be better. That's what the Diamonds expect of us, of me."

Topaz sighed as she looked back out to the view past the cliff. The Diamonds were always the reason things went bad. She didn't even notice half the time cause she was so worried about keeping her friends safe.

The present felt hopeful for the first time in forever and yet the Diamonds had to come and ruin it again. Topaz picked up and rock from before her and tossed it off the cliff, hoping that with enough force it would fly all the way to Homeworld and shatter White.

"Aiming for Homeworld?" The voice made Topaz jump, she turned around and looked at the visor wearing gem. Garnet had an air of calm around her that Topaz appreciated.

"Sort of." Topaz shrugged and didn't bat an eye when the leader sat down beside her, crossing her legs and staring out into the ocean. "Can't blame a gem for trying."

"Your friend seems stressed." Garnet stated.

Topaz sighed again and looked down at the grass around her legs. "She gets sucked into her work when stressed. She did this a lot back on Homeworld."

Garnet hummed and glanced back at the barn where the two Peridots were still hard at work. "They both share a common goal but it's good to take breaks once and a while."

Topaz snorted, the image of Lefty taking a break was foreign to her. Even when the three would relax on Mask Island Lefty would still be tracking every little thing about Earth. "I'll make sure to tell her that."

"And what about you? You're taking a break but you're not really relaxing are you?" Well that shot right through Topaz's gem. This Garnet gem was blunt but a good blunt.

Topaz averted her eyes and kept her eyes on the grass. "It's hard to relax after everything that's happened."

"Atom is going to be alright." Garnet stated. "Steven too. As far as I know the both of them are going to come back in one piece."

"What about Pyrite?" Topaz asked quickly. Her gem aching with worry at the thought of her buddy behind harmed. "Is she okay?"

Garnet smiled slightly and put a hand on Topaz's shoulder. "Pyrite will be okay too. I see many futures where she comes back unharmed and few where she doesn't return at all."

Topaz let out a sigh of relief when she heard that Pyrite would be okay too. Then she realised something. "Wait- you can see the future?"

Garnet chuckled and removed her hand from Topaz's shoulder. "I know you and the others just want to live your life in peace but when we have some down time try to get to know us. We're not as bad as what Homeworld taught you."

Garnet left Topaz alone after her small words of encouragement. Topaz felt lighter than before after talking with the gem.

Looking back at the barn and seeing that Lefty was still working caused Tooaz to shake their head knowingly. "Time to make you take a break."

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now