Beach City Drift

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Atom has been spending some time away from the gems after the whole Ruby thing. So where else do they go? To the boardwalk.

As they are taking in the sights they see a multitudes different things like a group of humans hanging out down an alleyway. But something that catches their eye, a yellow car. The same yellow car that almost ran them over and caused them to fall down a cliff.

"You couldn't win with your lame pizza car if you tried but please show up for my entertainment" A guy wearing a white scarf walks away from the trio and into his yellow car, driving away.

"Ugh! Kevin is so annoying!" The girl of the group complains as the two guys nod along with her.

"Excuse me? But who is that guy?" Atom walks over to the trio who stare at them.

"Oh Kevin? He's just some guy who has a big ego with racing. Why?" Jenny leans against the pizza shops wall.

"That yellow car of his almost ran me over when I was trying out my disks" The trio gasp as Atom says this.

"That is not cool!" Jenny shouts as Buck and Sourcream shake their heads. "You should totally race against him!"

"Race? With what?"

"Those disks you said you had, use them and knock Kevin off of his throne!" She says excitedly.

"Maybe not my disks but how about a car?"


Night has fallen as Atom meets up with the Buck and Sourcream from earlier who are standing next to each other.

"Hey robo dude" Sourcream and Buck wave over Atom, who joins them at the car.

"So where's Jenny?" The two point over at the road where a yellow car has arrived over the finish line with a pizza car close behind.

"Got it." Atom walks over to the two as Kevin finishes bragging. "Kevin, I want to race you." He looks over at Atom and laughs.

"With what wheels dude?" He laughs again as Jenny looks over at Atom and gives them a thumbs up.

Their eyes glow white before a black like armour with green outlines and glowing patterns on it is summoned around their body. They equips their new and improved speed disks and look towards Kevin expectantly. "Shall we race or are you afraid to lose against me?"

"Fine! I will win against your fancy tech any day" He steps back into his car and drives off and up the track as another car pulls up.

A person wearing one of Stevens shirts and a fluffy jacket. Their hair is long and poofy almost as if it was a cloud. They look around for a moment before they see a green glow rush off and up the mountain.

Atom quickly speeds up the road until they see a familiar yellow sports car waiting at the starting line and it's driver leaning back in his seat.

*Time is 10:58* applying helmet*

A helmet similar to one that you would wear when riding a motorbike surrounds their head as the two gaze forward towards the road in front of them.

"Hey, no hard feelings if I win right?" Kevin smirks. "I know that I'll win because of my car, she'll take me to victory and leave you in the dust" Atom looks over to Kevin with an unimpressed look behind their helmet.

He looks down at his watch before speeding forward causing Atom to race after him with their hands behind their back and bent over to stop wind resistance from quickly catching up to the yellow driver.

The wind and scenery whips past them as they focus on what's in front of them, which happens to be Kevin's tail light. A corner is quickly approaching the two racers, Kevin slows down as Atom speeds up and bends down to the ground and uses their hand to drift around the bend, leaving Kevin in the dust. But not for long.

Kevin quickly drives behind Atom with little room in between the two as they get to another bend but this time Kevin speeds up with a burst of speed. Atom grabs onto Kevin's spoiler on the back of his car, he notices this and proceed to change gears and fling Atom off. They crash against the side of the railing feeling a cold sensation on their left eye but fix themself up only noticing moments later that a big chunk of their left eye is missing along with  their left ear and cheek.

"Damn it." They go to continue the race with another burst of energy but when they get to the second last bend they skid to a halt and see that Kevin has already won.

They gaze down at all of the people as Kevin drives up the mountain again with a grey car follows him up. As Kevin drives past Atom he just looks at them and laughs as he speeds up.

The grey car stops beside Atom and what surprises them is when that person from before jumps out of the car with concern etched on their face.

"Atom! What happened to your face?" They ask as Atom stares back at the person.

"Who are you?" They hide their face with their hand, slightly embarrassed at their complexion and their current state.

"Oh right! I'm Stevonnie." Atom looks more confused before they continue. "I'm a fusion between Connie and Steven but more importantly what happened to your face?!"

Atom looks down at their shoes. "Kevin got the best of me but what about you? Are you going to race him?" They look back up at Stevonnie who now has an angry look on their face.

"It's always Kevin!" They thrust their hands into the air with frustration as Atom looks on slightly worried. "I swear I just want to knock that stupid grin off of his stupid face!" They suddenly turn to Atom and put their hands on Atoms shoulders. "I will win this race for you. Will you be alright getting back down the mountain?" Atom nods causing Stevonnie to get into their car and drive off with new found determination.

Atom doesn't go down the mountain but up a rocky path to its very top, walking past deer, many trees and plants that their sensors were constantly scanning. But when they finally got to the top, they saw someone who they would lease expect to see on earth ever again.

And they felt their sins crawling on their back...

Sorry that that last chapter wasn't as great but I feel as if the next couple will definitely be better than the previous ones...

I hope

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang