Hiding the Obvious

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Atom and their crew all warp onto mask island. "Thanks for that, I don't know if they would properly believe me." The three gems jump off the warp pad, leaving Atom on the warp.

"Why did you lie?"

"I felt as if I always have to push away my own problems and not bother my friends with it." They sigh. "And it brings back some bad memories of when it happened."

"Well let's not focus on that now and instead making this island a home for us." Topaz walks back to the warp and grabs Atom by their torso. "Show is the way oh fearless leader!"

"Sure thing." As Topaz carried their fearless leader on her shoulders, Atom has been watching a small white butterfly fly around their head.

"I have to say, this island is definitely full of life." Lefty states as they push past a bush and find the beach. "It's a nice change."

"I agree, after only seeing the hallways of Homeworld and the arena." Topaz adds.

"It must've been boring, waiting around for the next order from the diamonds." Atom starts to collect some trunks of wood to build a shelter for their gem friends. "I was only on homeworld and in space for a month and I was bored." They carry six trunks of green wood and drop them next to a cave where the others are setting up camp.

"Those should work perfectly." Lefty attempts to drag a log but fails miserably. "You should get back to your friends and tell them what actually happened to your eye."

"I know but maybe not all at once." Atom says as they wave goodbye to their friends and begin their trek towards the warp pad before running back to the gems. "Can someone come with me? I can't use the warp pad."


"Hello again!" Atom warps into the temple to find it mostly empty.

Amethyst jumps back and falls onto the wooden floor with a slice of pizza in hand. "Dude!"

"Sorry Amethyst!" Atom runs over and helps the purple gem off the floor. "I didn't mean to frighten you, I just wanted to make a grand entrance." They laugh.

"It's great to see you again, after you got dragged away by those homeworld gems we didn't really know what to do." Amethyst abandons her pizza and hugs Atom tightly.

"Sorry for leaving so abruptly, I have something to share with you about my time on homeworld." Atom leans up against the kitchen counter.

"Did something else happen when you were missing? You told us everything right? Even what happened to your eye." Amethyst jumps up onto the counter next to them.

"That's what I wanted to talk about." Atom takes a deep breath. "I was attacked by a gem and she did this to my eye." They begin to untie their eyepatch. "She then sent me to earth so I could capture Rose Quartz and bring her in or else she would do something much worse to me."

They hesitate for a moment before fully removing their eyepatch showing the white gash that has spread closer to the middle of their face.

"Dude..." Amethyst stares at the slice in her friends face with a look of horror on her face that a gem could do something like that and would have no problem on doing it again if they fail their mission. "What type of gem was it?"

Atom hears the sound of the warp pad activating, quickly retying their eye patch around their eye as Pearl warps in.

"Oh, Atom you're finally back!" Pearl rushes over and hugs them. "I have to say I surely didn't know that you would be whisked away so quickly with your new friends."

"They wanted to get comfortable after dragging my metallic body out of the ocean after you guys shot us down." Atom playfully raises their eyebrow and places their hands on their hips.

"Well to be fair you were in a homeworld ship coming towards us with no warning." Pearl defends.

"I was only joking. That's exactly what Lefty said." Atom remembers the memory fondly.

"Lefty?" Amethyst snorts.

"You and Steven are quite similar when it comes to your nickname." Pearl adds.

"He may have given me a few ideas yes but where is he? I wanted to properly talk to him since I just got back."

"He's out with Connie at the moment so maybe your reunion will have to wait." Pearl states. "But I do know some other gems that would definitely like your company."

"Definitely!" Atom runs up to the warp pad. "Uhh, can someone warp me to the barn?"

The two gems laugh. "Sure thing A-Bomb."


Atom quickly runs towards the barn at the sight of the green and blue gems sitting in the bed of the truck watching Camp Pining Hearts.

Noticing that the two gems haven't spotted them yet, Atom decides to float up to the side of the truck bed and hand off of it. "Hello." Peridot and Lapis fling up and get into fighting positions.

"Woah!" Atom raises their hands in surrender. "It's just me." They climb into the truck bed as the gems calm down from their scare.

"Atom! The Atom has returned to us!" Peridot flings herself towards Atom who catches her on their chest. "Why did you have to leave us so quickly you clod!"

"The new gems wanted a break from dragging my body from the bottom of the ocean." Atom states causing Lapis to gasp.

"Oh my stars, I'm so sorry!" Lapis apologies. "We all though that you were homeworld gems so I pulled you to the bottom of the ocean."

Atom stands up and sets Peridot down. "I forgive you, I would've done the same thing." Atom holds open their arms for a hug, prompting Lapis to embrace them tightly.

"I missed you, we all did." Lapis says as she is still hugging Atom.

"I'm sure you did." Atom smiles.

"So, is it really true that you fell and that caused you to lose your eye? Shouldn't your repair systems have started already." Peridot asks as the two part from their hug but don't move to far away from each other.

"It was a big fall!" Atom defends. "And I was pushed so it makes sense...."

Peridot still has traces of doubt on her face so she pushes more. "But you can float, surely if it was a big fall you would've had time to catch yourself."

"Peridot." Lapis warns.

"I'm just saying that if you were pushed off a cliff then wouldn't you catch yourself?" Peridot states.

"I was taken off guard so I couldn't defend myself from the attack."

"Ah Ha! So you were attacked, but what gem could lay a hand on you?" Peridot snaps her fingers together.

"It was-" A pain in their left eye springs to life just before they were about to say her name. Atom's hand flies up to their eye and they grunt in pain. "I can't say what type it was."

Lapis and Peridot look at Atom with concern. "Maybe I pushed too far..." Peridot mutters as Lapis rubs their back.

"I'll be fine, I just need some rest."

Behind their eyepatch the slash slowly creeps across their face before stopping and getting deeper.


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now