Beta pt2!!

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The shorty squad plus Atom warp into the prime kindergarten that is situated in the middle of a desert.

"Here we are, Jasper's origin. The Beta Kindergarten." Peridot states with an obvious snide tone to the Beta Kindergarten.

The four looks forward at the Kindergarten before them, mostly similar to the Prime Kindergarten with inactive Injectors hanging around, except it is much smaller, much more narrow, and made out of red sandstone.

"It's red sandstone?" Atom looks around the kindergarten. Surely the diamonds would have used more intact place to build their soldiers, right?

"No kidding. Heh. Red sandstone! Hah! This is what I'm talking about! We're lucky this place hasn't blown away. Beta, am I right?" Peridot jokes. "Heh, c'mon, it gets worse." She leads the three deeper into the kindergarten.

"I mean, this place has got the right growing conditions in a pinch. I guess..." Peridot picks up a rock, licks it, and tosses it aside. "But it's too small! It was obviously a total rush job."

"Uh, rush job?" Steven asks.

"Halfway through the rebellion, Homeworld scrambled to generate extra soldiers on the ground. Look at this!" She gestures to a bunch of exit holes. "The holes don't even line up! It's like they just threw Injectors down wherever! Oh, and that one?" Peridot walks up to an exit hole half-way inside a small tunnel.

"This Carnelian came out sideways! How could she not, the walls are curved! Haha, what a joke." Peridot explains as Amethyst looks around the kindergarten stunned.

"Man, I-I had no idea."

"I tell you, it really makes you appreciate the Prime Kindergarten, Amethyst. Your Kindergarten was so thought through! Sure, you might have spent extra time in the ground, but everything else is stacked in your favor! Great location, great holes, even spacing, consistent depth, a real Kindergartener gets it right."

Steven stops walking and notices a pair of broken Injectors, which are missing all of their legs.

"Steven, isn't that injector supposed to have multiple legs?" Atom asks the boy who nods with a slightly scared look on his face.

"What you want to see is a vertical alignment; no angle in the exit, a clean, strong silhouette. ...None of these holes come close!" Peridot continues making Atom and Steven follow the two.

"What about that one?" Atom points to a massive exit hole, larger than any other hole, with the arms in an upward pose instead of at the sides.

"Is that Jaspers hole?" Steven gasps.

"It's huge." Amethyst stares at the exit hole.

"Oh, come on, we already know she's tall. Let's take a closer look." Peridot approaches the hole and tries to climb into it but fails. "A Kindergartener can tell a lot about a Gem's makeup and flaws by their exit marks."

Atom quickly walks over to the struggling Peridot and lifts her up.

"Thanks." She runs into the hole to quickly inspect it. "You see, the problem here- wait. Oh, wait, oh, no, umm... Now this part... hmm. There's this thing where if you count the steps to the back I can..." Peridot paces backwards into the hole, and then shortly walks out and climbs down from the hole defeatedly. She then walks up to Steven, Amethyst and Atom without a word.

"What is it?" Amethyst looks worried for Peridots reply.

"She's even got frictional rock melt. It's glass all the way to the back. Actually, I uh... I've never seen an exit hole this perfect." Peridot says in disbelief

Amethyst groans. "Ughh... So it is true."

"Amethyst, that doesn't matter. Who you are isn't about where you came from! It's who you wanna be! It's what you worked hard for. It's what you care about! That's what really matters." Steven says with determination.

"Yeah! Yeah, you're right!" Amethyst looks up.

"Yeah!" Atom, Peridot and Steven shout back.

"And I wanna be the Gem that beats Jasper into the dirt!" Amethyst states making Steven and Atom confused.

"Wait, no! Don't fight her! Are you not seeing this? She's the ultimate Quartz!" Peridot shouts back as Amethyst runs off.

"I'm doing it. Yeah, and not just for me, for all the weird holes out there! Like this guy! And "Skinny" up there! And, and, and this mess!" She gestures to a huge oddly-shaped hole on the ground.

"Amethyst, that's..."

"Yeah, ha! I bet she was great." She smiles.

"No, no no no, hold on." Peridot and Atom both run up to the huge hole. "Something's really wrong here. These marks are new. This hole's been dug out. Recently."

Atom stands back and notices more going deeper into the kindergarten. "There are more over here!" The others follow behind the bot as they follow the growing number of newly dug out holes.

Atom walks up to one of the cages and stares inside. They see an outline of a big monster lying down on the sand.

"These are cages." Atom runs back over to the shorty squad who are standing next to a pulled of red and orange sandstone.

"Why? Who would do this?" Peridot asks as Amethyst gasps in surprise as she spots a silhouette behind a cloud of dust.

"That's who..." The cloud of dust clears away, revealing to be Jasper.

Amethyst angrily summons her whip and prepares for a fight as the others hide.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now