How Can I Be Happy Here?

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Atom flew through the air as they tried to shut out the constant wave of speech coming from the blank figure next to them.

"You shouldn't have left them like that." The figure said with a panicked tone.

"Since when can we speak outside of your weird library?" Atom asked, annoyed.

"Since your condition has gotten worse." The figure floated in front of Atom and their jet. "If you are fully lost to this condition then so am I, so I wouldn't like that to happen to you or us."

"So what? You still haven't told me what this condition is yet." Atom grumbled. "And when did we get in the sky? I don't remember taking off!"

The figure's outline drooped slightly. "So you're having memory issues? Do you not remember seeing Lapis or the others at the barn?"

"I'm sure I would've remembered seeing Lapis and Peridot." Atom poked their head out of the cockpit to look down at the beach before finding a clear place to land. "There we go."

Atom flew the jet down and landed on top of the lighthouse as the figure floated around them. "Can you do something for me really quick?"

"That depends on what it is." Atom sat down and looked across the horizon. "I have a unidentified object to find."

"Try and remember the first memory you had with earth." The figure said. Hopefully this will be easy but then again the figure has seen how damaged the robots systems are, even with the peridots quick check up.

"I was trying to find parts of myself in Amethysts room and then I got out of her room and was found by Steven." Atom said confidently as they looked towards the forest.

"Nothing else?" The figure scratched their head as if they are trying to jog their own memory.

"That's all but I have been having some weird flash back type things." Atom groaned before they started to pace back and forth. Clearly irritated with constant chatter of the figure. "Everything goes black and then boom! Suddenly I'm not where I was."

"How interesting." The figure hummed.

"We're wasting daylight just observing let's head to the beach and start from there." Atom jumped off the light house and flew off leaving the figure alone.

"Restlessness. Another sign." The figure looked back to the forest with uneasiness. "Hurry up and save the kid."


As Atom stepped down from their flight, they looked down the beach for any signs of a spaceship that could've landed. An hour passed before they decided to sit by the ocean.

"There's nothing here!" They said in frustration before tossing a ball of sand into the ocean. "Maybe I'm broken." They pulled up their screen to check their systems before finding nothing wrong. Everything was in tiptop shape. Much to their frustration.

"What if something bad is happening and all I have been doing was sitting on the beach with you?!" Once again the figure shrugged, refusing to give Atom an answer to anything.

The figure stood up before walking towards the water. "You need to learn true patience. You want everything to work as soon as possible and yet you complain when people try to help you!" The figure pointed at the robot with an accusing finger. "When will you let people help you!"

A ball of sand hit the back of Atom's head which caused the figure to disappear and Atom to turn around with an annoyed expression on their face. "Pyrite? Why are you here?" Their face changed from annoyed to tired in a matter of seconds as the small gem sat beside them.

"Just here to give me company?" Pyrite nodded before scooting across the sand and setting her arm into their knee. "Surprisingly you are the only gem at the moment that I can handle being around."

Pyrite looked up at them with a questioning look.

"Remember how we went to the old space ship and I got my recall code?" Pyrite nodded. "Well Lefty told Lapis about the code and..."

"You already knew didn't you?" Atom sighed before flopping onto the sand with their arms outstretched. "All I wanted was to not worry Lapis and Peridot but now they will worry and I'm worried that Lefty knows more than she lets on..."

They screwed their eyes shut and dragged their hands along their face. A moment later they felt a small hand pat their shoulder. Opening their eyes, Atom looked at Pyrite who had a sad smile on her face. "Thanks."

A distant rumbling sound broke the two out of their peaceful moment as a large space ship flew overhead and not a moment after, Alexandrite sprinted to catch the space ship, holding it over the ocean.

Atom looked over to Pyrite who had a similar look of surprise on her face. "Let's go." Pyrite hopped onto their back before Atom took off running down the beach.

As the two made it to the edge of the water Atom stopped to which Pyrite lightly hit their head and pointed towards the ship. "I know I just..." The waves gently passed their feet and they took a step back. Pyrite placed a small hand onto their shoulder and looked at them with determination in her eyes. "I'll fly so hold on tight." Pyrite crossed her arms over their neck before Atom took off running and jumped onto their jet.

Alexandrite had just pulled the ship closer to the ocean as the two arrived and landed on the giant fusion's shoulder. "Hey big lady." Only a short grumble was their reply.

They turned to the ship to see the humans making a run for it. The small boy jumped first and then the rest but suddenly a blue force field surrounded everyone except Steven and Atom. "I'm not my dad!" Steven yelled.

"Huh?" Atom shook their head before setting Pyrite down on Alexandrite's shoulder

The flying blue gem groaned. "How much longer is this mission going to take?!"

"Well I can end it for you right now! I'm Rose Quartz." Atom jumped from Alexandrite and landed next to Steven. "And this is Atom! The robot who shattered hundreds of gems!" Steven looked back to the robot who gave the boy a short nod. "If you don't take me to the Diamonds, Atom will blow all of us up!"

The blue gem frowned before cackling with laughter. "This is too good to be true!" The blue force field around the humans and Alexandrite dropped as everyone fell into the water. "I will happily take you Rose Quartz but the robot." Another blue force field surrounded Atom. "We won't be needing a tag along." With a single flick of her wand they were sent flying off and into the ocean.

"A-Bomb!" Amethyst shouted but was soon drowned out by everyone else calling out for Steven.

"Steven don't you dare!" Connie shouted, almost sounding like a scream with the way her voice cracked at the end of the sentence.

The Quartz boy just smiled sadly. "I love you guys." And the ship was gone.


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now