Jail Break

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*warning: right arm is missing*

"Interesting, this robotic body has the ability to cause major destruction of set off." Peridots scanner flies back to her hand from the body as she finishes up from inspecting the bot.

When she leaves, Atom groans as they rub their head with their only hand and goes to sit up but is stopped by a few wires that are stuck in their green core.

With their left hand they rip out those wires and stand up. The place that they have been stranded is a room that is completely bare apart from the wires and has a yellow barrier blocking their only exit.

Atom walks towards the barrier and puts their hand up to it. They get a jolt of energy but don't flinch away, they walk completely through the barrier and look down the long corridors until they see a familiar blue gem pushed against the wall.

"Excuse me?" Lapis jumps up at the sound of their voice and stares at them with surprise.

"How did you get out?" She looks around the cell as if the walls are watching her.

"I just walked through this thing" To demonstrate, Atom walks through the barrier causing Lapis to push herself further away from them.

"Why are you so scared? Aren't you friends with Steven? Because I'm his friend too, I think." Atom takes a seat against the furthest wall that is ways from Lapis who is slightly relaxed.

"He is pretty great isn't he?" She slightly smiles causing Atom to mirror her expression.

"Definitely." A warning sign comes up on Atoms mainframe causing them to look away and read it.

*warning this ship is about to crash*hold onto something*

Lapis can see that something is wrong with her newly appointed cell mate as soon as they look away and their face looks slightly more scared "What's wro-" but she gets cut off.

"This ship is about to crash!" Atom jumps up and holds out a hand to Lapis but ends up falling over with a big crash as the ship rockets forward.

They quickly stand up and smash their hand on the yellow barrier causing it to fully break and disappear. "Come on!" They once again hold out a hand to Lapis but this time she takes it and stands with the robot.

"What are we going to do?" Lapis looks around before being dragged along by Atom down a random hallway.

"We just have to find a way out of here!" Atom stops and looks around at the seemingly endless hallways. "Steven! Amethyst!" They yell but don't hear anyone yelling back.

The two look out the window to see the ground only a few meters below them before they crash.


Jasper burst out from the rubble of the green ship. Panting heavily and limping. "Don't think you've won. You beat me because you're a fusion if I had someone to fuse with then-"

Lapis lifts a piece of rubble up and grabs Atoms hand, both looking just as beat up and damaged as Jasper. Lapis attempts to fly away while grabbing Atoms hand but they get grabbed by Jasper and flung back down.

"Atom! Lapis!" The gems look fearfully at their friends being in Jaspers grasp.

"Both of you fuse with me!" Jasper grabs their arms and stares at them with an insane look in their eyes. "Think, if we all fuse then we can beat them together! Remember that those gems have kept you here by your will and kept your true powers away from you!" Atom blinks in surprise at this. How would Jasper know how the gems treated them.

"Don't do it dude!" Atom and Lapis ponder for a moment before Lapis holds her hand out to Jasper who takes it then turns to Atom.

"These gems are going to get you killed but if you join up with homeworld then I'm sure that the diamonds will see your great potential, I saw it and so did that Peridot so come on" Atom shakes their head and holds out a hand like Lapis did.

"NO!" The three of them do a small fusion dance before combining into one forming Malachite with a green glow around her.

Malachite starts cackling menacingly as she raises her arm and summons a water hand with glowing green particles inside of it. The water arm suddenly grabs one of Malachites hands, turning into a shackle.

"What?!" More and more chained and shackles grab her limbs as she tries to fight them off but it never works.

"What are you doing?!" Jasper questions from inside of Malachite.

"I'm done being everyone's prisoner! Now your my prisoner! And we're never letting go, right Atom?" Lapis asks her accomplice who takes control of the fusion.

"Yeah! And gems, don't worry about me I'm tougher than I look but please find my other arm!" Atom looks down to see the gems worried faces looking up at them.

The water chains start pulling the fusion into the ocean causing Jasper to try and escape the fusion but always being pulled back by Atom and Lapis.

"Let's stay on earth, together!" And with that the fusion is dragged lower and lower into the depths of the ocean leaving the gems on the beach.


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin