Roomates and Rubies

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The two got back to the barn as it started to become overcast with clouds rolling off the mountains that surround beach city.

Lapis was dreading going back to the barn and having to deal with Peridot but maybe a little less than when when they left but she still despises the little green gem.

Peridot runs out of the barn with Steven close behind as the two enter the area. Peridot holds out a small box with a blue ribbon making Lapis look over at Atom who just shrugs.

"See! The ribbon is blue! I got yo' number." Peridot winks at lapis as she tries to hand her the small present but Lapis continues to silently and monotonously stare at her motionlessly. Peridot's grin falters and she darts an uncertain sidewards glance to Steven, who shrugs in response.

"Uh, here, I'll unwrap it for you! When I was stuck here, Steven gave me this tape recorder as a gift and I didn't really get it at first, but it made me feel better." She rips the wrapping away, revealing her tape recorder bundled inside. "Just to talk about the weird stuff that was happening. It'll help you too!"

Lapis takes the tape recorder but still makes no comment or further action.

Peridot looks over to Atom nervously but they shrug again, making Peridot more nervous. "You, umm, press the button to record, an- and then you talk into it!" She stutters.

Lapis looks at the tape recorder before pressing the button and speaking into it. "I don't want your garbage" She crushes the tape recorder and drops it to the ground. The others stare at her in surprise at her actions.

Peridot shakes her head before looking at Lapis. "NNGUH! What, were you trapped in a tape recorder too?!" She shouts.

*do something to stop them from fighting*

Peridot gets more and more frustrated with Lapis as she continues. "Look, I get it, you know? You're confused! You can never go back to Homeworld. This place, doesn't exactly feel like home yet. You're alone, no one could possibly know what that feels like!"

*if you don't do anything you will fail making them friends*

Lapis glares at Peridot, her eyes narrowed. "Oh wait, I do! We're the same, except!..." she starts to calm down as her face softens "You don't have to be alone!"

*Step in*

Atom steps in between the two with their arms out stretched. "You both need to learn to listen to one another, Peridot, Lapis has been through stuff that caused her to be untrusting of other and Lapis, Peridot has changed so it might be a good thing to listen to her because I have seen how she has changed so please do all of us a favour and open your eyes to see that the other has changed." The two gems look away from one another as Steven looks at Atom with stars in his eyes.

"Thank you, now if you'll excuse me, it seems as if we have some gems to deal with." As if on cue, a gem space ship flies through the clouds.

"AGHH!" Peridot screeches as the four begin to run inside of the barn but a red scanner shines through the hole in one of the walls.

The four run outside with no where to go.

"Lapis, the water hole!" They point over at the newly filled gem drill hole that has been filled up with water.

Peridot cowers behind Atom as the red ship flies closer towards the group. "I told you! I'm public enemy number 1!"

Lapis walks in front of the group with a determined look on her face as shes ummons a column of water and shapes the water into a hand and uses it to flick a finger at the Eye, halting its descent. She then dismissively slams the Eye into the ground with the water hand, forming several diamond patterns around it as it hits the ground. The water is retracted back into the pool as Steven and Peridot stare in disbelief and Atom glances towards the fallen ship.

"Holy smokes" Peridot pokes her head from behind Atoms legs as she looks at the damage that Lapis did.

"Steven!" Pearl yells at his as she, Garnet and Amethyst run up to the four. "Are you alright? We saw the ship and came as fast as we could." She checks Steven for injuries as the ship opens up with a puff of steam as a one eyed Ruby pokes her head out and glares at everyone.

Garnet swiftly picks up Steven and Atom while the others retreat into the barn to hide.

"I knew it. They're after me! This is THE END of the line!" Peridot hides behind Steven as Atom is looking out past the barn door and at the Ruby's ship.

"You really weren't kidding" Lapis looks over at the cowering Peridot.

"I disobeyed a direct order from Yellow Diamond, and I called her a clod... to her face." Peridot grabs her face as Pearl shakes her head.

"Oh, honestly, you call everyone a clod." Pearl comments with sarcasm.

"Yes, but not everyone has command over all the armies of Homeworld waiting for the word to shatter me!" Peridot scampers to a box of baseball equipment, dumps out the contents and hides inside the box.

Atom leaves the barn and approaches the Rubies as the one with one eye walks up to them.

"State your purpose for being here!" She glares up at Atom as the Crystal Gems only now realise that they are missing.

"I was sent here to look at your ship by superior, it was a last minute check up that you missed out on" All of the Rubies look at each other before nodding.

Eyeball steps aside, allowing Atom to climb inside of the ship and look at all of their tech. There was a big control panel at the front of the ship. Atom instantly walks over to it and sits down, opening the panel and ripping out a small bit of tech that should allow them to fly. Hopefully.

They close the panel and poke their head out to see the Rubies standing around the ship, still kicking the grass and poor flowers.

"You need to leave straight away, your gravity engine is fit to explode so it would be the best for everyone if you leave and continue your mission later when you aren't going to poof or shatter yourself." Eyeball walks up to Atom as the other gems climb into the ship.

"Thank you for your work." She joins the other Rubies as they fly away.

"How did you know that would work?" Garnet walks out along with the other Crystal Gems, who all look equally confused or impressed.

"I didn't but it made sense?" They tilt their head but then remember what they took from the Ruby ship. "I also have this." Peridot perks up and scurries over to them with interest.

"Is that a gravity engine?!" Peridot looks at the box with wires sticking out of it. "Is that why you went into that Ruby ship!" She yells as Pearl also joins the tech duo.

"What are you going to do with it?" Pearl looks at the box as Atom smiles with an idea brimming to their mind.

"I might you and Peridots help with my idea"


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now