Gem Harvest

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"I have to say that our farm is looking very, uhh farm like." Atom stares as they look over the crops that they and the gems have grown over the past month.

"I agree!" Peridot says as she drives past Atom and the Blue gem who is lounging on a lawn chair.

Steven steps forward out from the corn field, when the sprinkler systems start up at his side. He screams in surprise, which catches Lapis' attention, who is activating the sprinkler systems with her water abilities.

"Hi, Steven!" Lapis stops the sprinkler systems and flies over while Atom runs over. "Did I spray you by accident?"

"Just a little." Steven shakes his head causing the water to fall off of his clothes.

Atom laughs "So glad you could make it." They ruffle his hair with a smile as Peridot drives in on her tractor.

"Steven! How do you like our little-" The tractor stops, causing Peridot to jolt a bit. "Ough! Experiment?"

"It's amazing. What made you want to start farming stuff all of a sudden?" Steven says as he fully takes in the volume of the barn gems farm.

"I have all the skills required for growing Gems. I figured, why not try growing something else?" Peridot jumps off of the tractor. "Who knows? Maybe they're ready right now!" Peridot pulls an ear of corn off a corn stalk.

"Hello, corn." Peridot waits for a response. "Maybe she can't hear me in there?" She quickly examines the corn. "I MADE YOU IN MY IMAGE, YOU WILL DO AS I SAY!"

Steven chuckles "Wait, you didn't think the corn was gonna walk right out of the ground when you told it to, did you? That's not how vegetables work."

Peridot, Lapis and Atom look at Steven in disappointment.

"It's not? Well, then, what's the point of corn?" She throws the corn on the ground in frustration. "I have to admit, I've really been starting to miss the pitter-patter of full-sized Gem soldiers..."

"It does get pretty quiet around here... apart from when Atom accidentally blows something up." Lapis states making Atom frown slightly.

"Come on, Lapis, Atom. Let's go disassemble the tractor."Lapis and Peridot leave sorrowfully to disassemble the tractor as Atom shifts over to Steven.

"All they wanted to do was make a living vegetable... Wait! I know how to do that! Garnet says not to lick stuff I find on the ground, but this is for a good cause." Steven picks up a pumpkin seed on the ground, licks it, and sticks it into the soil.

"Are you sure about this Steven?"

"Of course, now can you show me what was making all of those explosions?" Steven looks at Atom with his classic puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing Stevo."


*rebooting* please stand by*

Atom's eyes flash on with a bright green flash causing them to fall back and off the truck that is stuck on the front of the barn.

"Hello?" They sit up, slightly disoriented and look around. They find an empty barn and a messy note on the front door.


Atom pockets the note before making their way outside where everything is peaceful until a plane flies over head and lands just in front of the barn.

"Hey you!" An older man jumps out of his plane with an angry look on his face as he approaches Atom. "Did you do that to my barn?!"

Atom turns around to look at the barn that they and the gems fixed up together. "Yes."

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now