Hello Neighbours

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(Sorry about the POV change!)

Lefty, Topaz and Pyrite gathered at the warp pad on mask island with a plan in mind and determination in their eyes, a few days after the entire ordeal at the old space ship that decided to ask the gems who knew Atom the best for help.

"Everyone remember the plan?" Lefty asked as Pyrite climbed up to Topaz's shoulder. To say the least, Lefty was concerned. She didn't know what was happening to her friend and she didn't know if the Diamonds would find her and the rest of the refugees.

"Chill out would you? All this worrying is making me worry and I don't like to worry!" Topaz rubbed her forehead as Pyrite sympathetically petted her back.

"Listen, all we need to do is talk to the gems that attacked us when we first got here and haven't said a word to us." Lefty warped the three without another word and landed on the barn warp. "Easy now everyone." She adjusted her newly adorned lab coat that Atom found for her before glancing back at the two.

The trio started the walk towards the very customised barn. This was the first time that any of the three had even been close to the barn because for some reason even after apologising to each other, the lapis and peridot dislike the other refugees.

Lefty had even tried to give the other peridot some of her tech that she got from the abandoned ship but all she got was a sarcastic 'wow thanks.'

To say that the three were worried was an understatement and yet they put aside their feelings for their friend. Lefty looked up to the truck that was stuck in the front of the barn before shouting. "Lapis, Peridot! Can we talk!"

The two gems stuck their heads from the back of the truck with confused looks that soon turned into ones that Lefty could not recognise. The two looked at each other before they jumped down with their arms crossed.

"What do you need?" Lapis asked, waiting for an answer.

Topaz and Pyrite nudged Lefty. "We just want to talk to you two about a certain robotic friend of ours." The Peridot frowned. "There was something that happened yesterday and knowing Atom, they definitely wouldn't have told you two about what happened."

The barn went quiet and Lefty knew that she said something wrong.

Lapis was the first to break the silence. "They were acting a little off when they came back but that doesn't mean that anything bad happened right?" The Lapis looked over to her Peridot in concern.

Lefty was surprised. Maybe these two gems were better than she thought. Topaz nudged Lefty again. "They did come back to the barn right?"

Lapis and Peridot's heads snapped towards the Topaz. "We thought that they stayed with you last night?"

The three gems huddled in a small circle. "Topaz and Pyrite, you two go back to the space ship and see if they went back there, I'll stay with these two."

Lefty watched as her friends left before turning back to the two slightly frazzled gems. "The first thing we need to do is not panic okay?"

"Not panic!" Peridot screeched. "Our friend is missing after they have been acting weird so I think we are allowed to panic!"

Lefty sighed at the loud noise of the other Peridot. This would not be easy at all. The other Peridot loudly declared that she was going inside to work in her tracking device to help find Atom, leaving Lefty with the Lapis.

"We need to work together-"

Lapis sharply cut her off. "Tell me everything that happened or else we won't trust you." The two glared at each other. Lefty knew that they didn't have time to waste on telling Atom's life story. "Peridot is starting up the tracking device that the two built so you and your friends can find them yourself or we can work as a temporary alliance."

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now