Jaspers turn

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"Jasper" The fusion rumbles from inside once again. The rumbling has been happening more and more frequently due to Atoms low battery and Lapis slowly getting more and more tired of holding Jasper back from escaping.

"Why are you here again? To try and get me to give up to you and those Crystal Gems?" Atom sits down in front of the angry soldier as she is struggling with her shackles.

"It will be better for you in the long run if you join up with the Crystal Gems because they will defeat you if you some how manage to take control of this fusion" They stare at Jasper with a completely serious look on their face.

"The answers still no so I don't know why you're wasting your time here when we could be doing better and greater things together" Jasper stares them down again.

"Like taking me to Homeworld and making me one of your servants just so you can win a war that you guys lost from the start?" Jasper tries to break out of her chains again while lunging towards Atom, making them jump back.

"The war may be over but we haven't lost the battle yet!" The whole chamber rumbles again but this time more violently before the chains around Jaspers arms snap off and she falls onto the ground. "Heh, not so tough now I'm not being held down"

Atom starts to frantically look around for an escape but only finds deep blue sea surrounding them and then a fist grabbing their shirt.

"I will finally be able to finish what I started after I get rid of you and the Crystal Gems." She starts to laugh as she lifts Atom higher and higher before getting kicked in the face and dropping the tired robot that just decides to run into the abyss to try and find Lapis again.

After what felt like an hour of searching for the ocean gem, they spot her on the ground "Lapis! Are you alright?" But they get no answer.

*scanning shows that this life form is passed out*

Atom sighs and sits down next to Lapis, moving her head onto their lap so she is comfortable when she wakes up. They look around as the fusion shudders again signalling that the fusion has begun to move.

A signal flashes across Atoms screen making them fear what will happen in the future.

*warning low battery: 5%*

Atom has never run out of power, for all they know is that when they run out of power they might never wake up again and be trapped in an eternal darkness without the company of Lapis or even Jasper. The entire though of being alone without a purpose scared them to the core.

The timer counts down for them as their battery life slowly drained from their sight causing their body to go more and more rigid.

"I don't want to go"

*warning low battery: 3%*

No matter what they did to try and conserve their power, it didn't work. There was so much that they haven't done yet like hanging out with Amethyst again and eating food with her and Steven! Or getting their right arm back, or enjoying the sun with Lapis, or making improvements to their energy disks, or finishing their mission...

*warning low battery: 0%*

Atom goes limp and falls to the side next to Lapis as their eyes go black.


"We don't have to fight! You're outnumbered" Outside of the green fusion, a battle has taken place between Malachite and Alexandrite on the watermelon island.

Malachite smirks while raising two water fists with small green particles swirling inside of it. "I may be outnumbered, but your out of your depth! I can't wait to tear you gems apart!"

Alexandrite roars as she charges towards the unstable fusion who sends the water fists towards her attacker but pushes past them as the two start to wrestle and disarm the other.

After a while of struggling, Malachite pins Alexandrite to a cliff. "You know, your right." Alexandrite tries to breath her fire but gets punched in the cheek by her opponent. "There really is more to this fusion thing. It's not some cheep trick." Malachite grabs and hurls Alexandrite away, causing her to scream before crashing into the ocean. "You really showed me a new world of possibilities, if only your robot friend was as convincing"

Alexandrite starts to unfuse before keeping her form together.

"Allow me to thank you" Malachite raises another pair of water hands that clamp onto Alexandrite. "Sorry. But there's only room for one abomination on this planet" Malachite begins to freeze the water around the Crystal game fusion but stops at the sound of a horn. "Huh?" She looks around to see a horde of watermelon Stevens charging at her. Some go for her legs while the others fire catapults. Four more watermelon Stevens fling themselves into Malachites eyes. As she flinched back, she trips on a rope held by the watermelon Stevens causing her to fall down onto the beach.

"What's this! You think you can hold me down? Nobody can!" Malachite retaliates, crushing some of the watermelon army. She is just about to stomp on the real watermelon Steven but gets stopped by Alexandrites whip.

"Don't forget about me!" She yanks the fusion towards her and delivers a powerful punch to her stomach. Alexandrite then brings out her massive hammer and smacks Malachite into the air, sending her flying. She steadies herself with her water wings but gasps as she sees Alexandrite with a bow and arrow pointed right at her chest. "I think you should spend some time apart" She fires causing the fusion to split apart and the gems including Atom to fall but get caught by Alexandrite.

Alexandrite collapses onto the beach and unfuses.

The original watermelon Steven runs up to Pearl and gives her a strong hug. "Steven is that you!" He nods as Garnet walks over to the two.

"Thank you, we couldn't have done it without your help" She states causing Steven to smile. "Thank you all, you are truely brave!" The other watermelons blush and grunt making the gems laugh. A tremor rocks their fun causing them to stop as the island splits in two. Amethyst is able to catch Lapis and Atom but she misses Jasper, who falls into the earths crust.

"It must be the cluster. Peridot was right. Steven, it's up to you. The warp was destroyed and we won't make it back in time. Wake up and get Peridot" Steven shakes his head as Garnet yells him what to do. "The earth needs you, Steven. We'll be fine."

Amethyst and Pearl join Garnet and the melon boy, both giving him words of confidence as he starts to leave his watermelon body before it goes entirely limp.

"Gems, we have to get Lapis and Atom to the barn, then we can check if they're alright" The other two nod as Garnet picks up Lapis and Pearl picks up Atom.

"Now how are we going to get back-" Pearl gets interrupted as Amethyst shape shifts into a very big bird and picks the two up with her claws. "That will work I guess"


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now