Quick Trip Through the Cosmos

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"You will have a group of Peridots that have worked on your construction previously to help get you back into fighting condition and serving condition." Yellow Diamond lists off as she and Atom are sitting in the cockpit of her yellow hand ship. "Now when we arrive on Homeworld you will be transported straight to the Peridots."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Atom says with a bitter tone, only Yellow Pearl hears them and looks at Atom with fear and surprise.

Yellow Pearl clears her throat before addressing her Diamond. "We are in orbit above Homeworld, my Diamond."

"About time." Yellow Diamond stands up and controls the ship with a glowing yellow hand.

As they land, Atom stares out the window of the ship at the cracked and damaged planet with many different gems walking around, all with different jobs and tasks that they have to do. That magnitude of the planet is just enough to send Atom's mind spinning.

"It's so big..." The three disembark the ship and walk past many gems who all are staring at Atom with various levels of either fear or impressiveness.

Atom follows the Yellow gem through yellow halls soon leading the three too a big open room filled with 12 Peridots from different eras, most have limb enhancers while only a small handful are naturally tall.

"You all know your assignment, don't make me regret assigning you to this." Yellow leaves down the hallway, her stomps echoing as she walks further and further away.

"Uhh... hello." Atom stands in the doorway as the Peridots all stare at them with similar looks on their faces.

Peridot-B pushes through the crowd and walks towards Atom. "Everyone, we have the assignment to fix this robot that we originally built, they have lost all of their recent files from the war on earth agains Rose Quartz." The other Peridots nod.

"Well? Start searching up what the last reports they had sent in!" Peridot-B commands causing a rise of movement to happen in the open room. Peridot-B turns to Atom and puts a hand on their arm. "Nothing bad will happen to you here, I'll make sure of it."

"Thanks Lefty" Atom looks at all of the Peridots doing their jobs without paying Atom and Peridot-B a single piece of their minds.

"Who is Lefty?" She asks with a very confused look on her face.

"It's a nickname." Seeing that she still doesn't understand, they continue. "On earth I have gotten a nickname like A-Bomb so I just thought since I already knew a Peridot, I could call you Lefty? Because of your gem placement"

"I guess that is acceptable but why do they call you A-Bomb? You don't have a name... oh my stars we forgot to give you a name." Peridot comes to the shocking realisation.

Atom laughs. "I have a name it's Atom, it's better than being called "The Robot" all the time."

"Hey! I've found something." A Peridot with her gem on her cheek, walks over to the two with a floating screen. "All of their last reports have been deleted but the Diamonds and us are  the only ones with access to its reports."

"Interesting." Lefty hums. "Atom, can we have a closer look at your memory files?" She asks resulting in Atom sitting on a yellow seat with wires sticking out of a port at the back of their head.

"There seems to be nothing..." Cheeky says but suddenly finds something hidden in their files, tucked away and out of sight as if someone was trying to hide something. "It says here that the robot-"

"Atom, refer to THEM as Atom." Lefty interrupts Cheeky who clears her throat nervously.

"Atom has a failsafe that causes them to lose all of their memory files about previous attacks in case an enemy is able to collect their parts and extract information out of them." As Cheeky explains this Lefty looks away from the conversation resulting in Atom looking away as well.

"Then forget finding their memory files." Lefty states, making Cheeky look at her in surprise because of her sudden statement. "We will move straight onto getting them into fighting condition." She addresses the rest of the Peridots with a loud voice. "I will be supervising them from this time forward." Lefty looks back at Atom. "We will be meeting one of our old friends next."


Lefty brings Atom to a arena filled with empty seats where important gems would sit and watch the fights happen below. There were four bigger seats with a different colour for each chair, they looked over the arena filling it with a tense atmosphere even though it is lacking a crowd.

"Hey!" Atoms attention is brought towards a bulky, tall gem with a very pale skin tone and her gem placement similar to a belt buckle. She has a wide smile on her face as she spots the robot and Peridot. "Look at you Peri! So lanky and green." She walks over and claps a hand on Lefty's back.

"Great to see you as well Topaz..." Lefty looks away with a sour look on her face as she shrugs off Topaz's grey hand. "I'm sure you remember Atom? It was only a few thousand years ago."

Atom waves at Topaz who looks as if she might cry at the sight of them.

"Look at you! So small!" Topaz picks Atom up with ease and holds them up before she hugs them tightly. "It was so long since I saw you! And look you have a face now!" She looks at Atom who has their eyebrows furrowed as a result of being picked up.

Atom floats out of Topaz's grasp and just hovers in the air above the two taller gems.

"And that's why we're here." Lefty looks back at Topaz who is still staring at the floating robot. "Yellow Diamond has tasked me to get Atom back in fighting condition so the best place to start is here with you." She explains to a distracted Topaz who is trying to grab Atom out of the air as they are floating higher every time Topaz jumps.

Atom dangles their foot down resulting in Topaz catching their foot but getting lifted in the air as well. "AHEM!" Lefty clears her throat and catches the two's attention. Atom stops floating and falls to the ground landing on their feet as Topaz falls onto her face.

"Now that I have your attention, we need you two to fight so we know where Atom's fighting capabilities lie after their memory wipe." Lefty states with an annoyed tone.

"Got it!" Topaz hits her fists together and jogs to the opposite side of the arena, leaving Atom at the other end.

Lefty sits in the otherwise empty seats with a screen open, ready to take notes on the fight.

"I'll go easy on you bud!" Topaz shouts, seeing Atom's slight fear from across the massive arena.

"Okay!" But their nerves aren't entirely settled.

Hi people.

I honestly should say more but instead here we are.

Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now