Barn house

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The barn was quiet with Atom charging and have being set down next to the wall and of course Lapis who is resting on a pile of hay next to them.

*Beep Beep* Battery is fully charged, thank you for waiting*

Atoms eyes flash on with a green glow as they look at their surroundings growing more frantic until they see the blue gem resting next to them.

"Lapis?" She groans before sitting up with he help of Atom and a hand on her head.

"Did we win?" Lapis looks around the barn in a disoriented state as Atom helps to keep her upright.

"I think so? I don't know where we are" They stand up using one of the wooden posts with as support. Lapis follows suit and the two look outside only to find Steven asleep in his caterpillar sleeping bag.

"Steven?" The young boys eyes shoot open and he jumps up to hug his two newly awakened friends.

"You're awake!!" He looks up at the two excitedly. "How are you feeling? Is anything hurting? What happened in the fusion? Do you guys need anything?-"

Lapis shakes her head as Atom smiles at Stevens concern for the two. "Steven, we're fine except for the fact the we both spent months trapped in an unhealthy fusion" Lapis states rather bluntly making Atom nudge her slightly. "And Atom is missing an arm"

Steven perks up and runs into the barn before moments later coming back out with said right arm that is a little banged up but otherwise alright. "Can I give you a hand?" Steven smiles as he hands the arm back to Atom, making it attach with a metallic thunk.

"Nice joke Steven" They ruffle his hair as Lapis starts to walk away but gets stopped by Steven who grabs her hand.

"I'm sorry but I don't belong here with you and the Crystal Gems, it'll be better if I just leave" Atom looks worried at the thought of Lapis leaving. After being able to rest around her and being able to depend on her for so long while fused together, the thought of her leaving scared them but if that's what Lapis wants then they don't want to

*letting the Lapis Lazuli leave will cause you to fail one point of your mission* are you sure you want that to happen?*

"Atom?" They shake their head and see Steven and Lapis looking at them with concern but they quickly brush it off.

"Sorry! Go ahead Lapis"

"I was just going to ask about what you thought about me leaving?" Lapis wouldn't admit it but she was worried for her friend just a moment before when their eyes fully turned off and they weren't responding to her or Stevens voice.

"Oh! I don't mind if you leave but I will miss you a lot but I understand your need for some new scenery" They state even as if warning signs are going off in their head.

"Oh, okay then." She summons her water wings and looks back at the two. "Bye"



"Atom dude! It's good to see you again after that whole fusion biz" Amethyst states as she is lifting some of Greg's junk into his van and then shuts it. "Are you sure you are going to be alright here with P-dot? After your last interaction with her I'm surprised you wanted to stay"

They sigh as Amethyst hops into the Van with the other gems. "If she is part of the Crystal Gems then I should atleast eat to know her" Garnet nods in approval as Greg starts up his van.

"We will see you soon" Atom waves them off as Steven walks towards them and stands next to them.

"What are you planning on doing?" Steven asks them.

"Distracting myself, I have a lot of free time now I'm not struggling against Jasper" Steven agrees with them and then goes off to find his pet pink lion as Atom goes inside the barn to find the little green gem messing around with a tape recorder.

"Peridot" She screeches as she hears Atoms voice but stops when she sees them.

"It's you!" She stands up and points at Atom with a shaking hand. "I um, I'm sorry for... doing tests on you and stealing your arm" she says with slight stutters in between her words.

Atom sits down in front of the gem causing her to relax slightly. "I know that what you did was bad but I will try and move on from that and befriend you" Peridot looks at Atom in surprise.

"Really?" They nod so Peridot moves closer to them and sits down too.

"So what made you join the Crystal Gems? Last time we saw each other you were anti Crystal Gem?" Peridot rubs her arm before speaking.

"It was Steven..." she admits making Atom shake their head and smile.

"He has the power to befriend any gem. It's amazing how he can do that so easily" she nods in agreement. The two aliens continue their conversation, it may see that the two are entirely different from one another but in reality as the two got to know each other better they figured out that the two have a shared love for technology.

"Can you help me fix these?" Atom brings out their energy disks and hands them to Peridot who studies them throughly.

"These are very high tech, what else could I do to "fix" these?" She holds them up to the setting suns light.

"They don't have breaks"

"I can see how that could be a problem, one moment" Peridot stands up and goes to look for some tech in a box at the back of the barn leaving Atom in the front.

The sound of water wings alerts them, they instantly walk out of the barn to see Lapis with Steven. "Lapis! Your back" They run over to the two with a smile on their face.

"I couldn't stay away and Steven said that I could stay here" Lapis mirrors their smile as she holds her hands in front of her.

"You mean here, here?" Lapis nods.

"Yes, here here!" She says happily but her mood seems to change when Peridot comes barreling outside with some tech contraption.

"Atom! I found some breaks for your wheels... oh hello Lazuli" Peridot gives her a small wave before she hands over the break tech to Atom who fixes it onto their wheels quickly earning the title of tallest with the group. Normally Lapis would be taller but now with their disks they are at-least a head taller.

"What is she doing here?!" Lapis points to the small green gem who is doing the final touches to Atoms disks.

"Lazuli, this is my home away from homeworld!" She states happily.

Lapis turns to Steven clearly distressed causing Atom to look at her in concern. "No, it's not! It's ours! Right Steven?" The boy in question looks worriedly at Atom to get them to help.

"Oh boy..."


Atom bomb (Steven Universe Fanfic) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now