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"(Y/n), (Y/n)!" you're father, Kento Nanami, called, standing above you.

You opened you're eyes before you were blinded by sunlight, causing you to squint.

"Huhh?" you groaned as you rolled over.

"You're going to be late for school, it's already 6:30." Nanami' scolded.

"School doesn't start until 7:30!" you whined.

*Sigh* "(Y/n), you know I'm raising you to be the best businessman-"

"Businesswoman!" (Y/n) cuts the man off.

"Businesswoman, the world has ever seen. Now you know that if you want to pursue business that you need a schedule and discipline, and unfortunately that means getting up at the crack of dawn, now come on."

(Y/n) groans once again before rolling out of bed and stretching as Nanami' leaves her room.

"That's what I get for wanting to take over his business. It's not too late to change my profession right? I mean, I'm only a high school freshman." you thought as you picked out your clothes for the day and walked to the bathroom. "I mean, he did say I didn't have to and I can run whatever business or go for any profession I want to, but it just wouldn't feel right."

You sigh heavily as you finish getting dressed and go into your room to get your phone off the charger.

You scroll through social media before getting a little ping, notifying her of a local news story. A boy you've seen in passing at school, Junpei Yoshino, was beaten and left for dead by a gang of delinquents near his school. This pissed you off. You could not understand how some people could be so cruel. You wanted to help numerous times and almost stepped in once but was threatened and punched in the stomach as a warning.

You put your earbuds in and rocked back and forth to your favorite song to lift your spirits again before going down the stairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, honey!" your mother greeted warmly. She's a house wife who takes care of you, your father, and your home. Your father makes enough to support the entire family and then some.

"Good morning!" you greet just as warmly.

"Hurry and eat, (Y/n), I'm gonna take you to school a bit early today." Nanami said.

"Okay, why though?" you questioned, looking up from your bowl of cereal.

"I have some business to attend to." the man says blanly.

"Alright." you huffed as you quickly finished your cereal.

Afterwards, you quickly washed your bowl and grabbed your bag, meeting your father at the door as he put his shoes on.

"Bye mom! I love you!" you said as you put on your shoes as waved your mother goodbye as your father blew her a kiss when you weren't looking.

The woman smiled warmly and said back, "Bye sweetie have a nice day!" as she winked at your father, which definitely didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Off we go." you said as you  walked outside hopped into the car, ready to start your day.

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