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Yuji woke up about an hour later, groggy and slightly unhappy. He sighed, picking his shirt up from the floor and putting it on as his thoughts all came together.
He didn't have any bad dreams or many worries besides trying to keep his identity as Sukuna's vessel a secret. Could it have been those pills?

Yuji went to the bathroom to wash his face, forgetting one of his stitches was torn. He sighed again as he lightly wiped the dried blood from his face. Naturally, it stung, but the pain felt.. nice.

Yuji heard (Y/n) start to stir in bed so he walked back.

"You awake?" Yuji asked.

You nodded, "Yea." you said as you  wiped your eyes.

The boy smiled. "Cool, your food is here. Want me to feed it to you?" he asked as his smile turned into a smirk.

Your face turned a tinge of pink as you shook your head.

"Come on! Remember before I left I fed you pudding because you were gonna pout if you didn't get it?" he tried to convince.

You lowered your head, "You're not really here. You're not real." you mumbled.

"Huh? Yea I am. Look, I can touch you." Yuji looked confused as he touched your arm.

"No you're not. You're not real. I'm just imagining you touching my arm. The Yuji I know wouldn't look like him."

"Like who?" he asked.

You shivered. "Sukuna."

Yuji frowned.

"The Yuji I know is probably dead. I saw him."

Yuji got worried. "Who.. told you that?" he asked.

"You're just my mind trying to mess with me. I don't need to explain what you already know." you say, starting to get angry.

"(Y/n), I swear it's me. It's really Yuji." he said, his voice starting to break.

"No you're not! You're my imagination and I can't talk to you anymore. You're not real! You're not real! You're not real! You're not real!" you started to shout.




"I am too!" Yuji yelled.

You silenced yourself, a bit scared.

"Now, who told you I was dead?!" his voice broke, his lip quivering.

"You know who!" you shouted again.

"No, I don't!" he yelled back again, eyes watering.

"You know wh-"

"(Y/N)!" he yelled one last time, eyes pouring tears.

Your hallucinations never cried or yelled at you before. Could this really be..

"Yuji?" you snapped out of it. "Where are you going? Come back! Yuji!"

Yuji got up from his seat, dialing a number as he stormed out.


"Did you tell her I was dead?!" Yuji yelled.


"Did you fucking tell her I was dead, Nanami?!"


"Did you?!" he punched a wall, putting a hole in it.

"No." Nanami answered.

"Then who did?!" Yuji continued to yell, not caring that he could be discovered.

"No one did, Yuji." the sorcerer replied.

"Then why? Why does she think I'm dead? Why doesn't she think I'm real anymore? Everything was fine an hour ago.." Yuji slid to the ground, all out of steam. He would typically never react like this. Maybe the thought of the person he loves thinking he's a figment of her imagination set him off. Or maybe..

"Yuji, are you on something right now?" Nanami asked.

"What the hell? Hell no!"

Nanami sighed, faking his belief. "I'll take your word on that then. Go back into (Y/n)'s room and go into the bathroom or something." the man instructs.

"How'd you know I was outside?" Yuji asks.

Nanami's voice speaks with all seriousness, "Because I know that you'd never yell with my daughter anywhere near you. It also sounded like you hit something and I know damn well that it wasn't my daughter." he informs.

Yuji audibly gulped, shaking a bit. "Heh heh, you're definitely right about that, Nanami. Do me a favor and don't make me piss my pants, please."

"Just go inside, Yuji." Nanami says annoyedly, covering his face with his free hand.

"Yes, sir!" Yuji scrambled to his feet quickly. It hurt like hell and he knew he couldn't keep moving like his body didn't get fucked by a destroyed window, but he has a job to do regardless of his pain.

Yuji opens the door, greeted by you trying to make your way to the door. "What are you doing? Get back in bed." Yuji commands boredly, watching to make sure you complied.

You didn't put up a fight, sighing before making your way back. Once you sat down, Yuji went into the bathroom.

"Okay, I'm in the bathroom now." Yuji states, leaning on the sink for support.

At this point, you get out of bed and put your ear to the door to eavesdrop.

"Yea, she got out of bed and I told her to get back in." you heard Yuji's muffled voice through the thick door.

"Man, we can talk about this another time, just tell me why she thinks I'm dead!"

Nanami sighs again before starting, "No one said anything like that, Itadori. After (Y/n) encountered Sukuna and the officer took her away as you two twitched, she started having hallucinations of you. The nurses would constantly sedate her to keep her calm, otherwise she'd wake up screaming your name and imagining seeing you. Then, I guess she reminded seeing you lying face down in glass and must've thought you died. When you hid earlier and she mentioned you, the nurse must've thought she was hallucinating again and sedated her, triggering her response to seeing you." the man explained.

Yuji was shocked, mouth agape. He couldn't help feeling upset that you thought he wasn't real, but he also knew it was because of him - or Sukuna rather.

"O-Okay, I see." Yuji managed to say.

"I know this is a lot to take in right now, but please, don't blame her or yourself." Nanami reassures.

Yuji takes a deep breath, putting himself after your well-being in an attempt to understand what you're going through. "Alright. Thanks for letting me know." the boy says before hanging up.

"Shit, maybe I can fix that hole before someone notices." Yuji's mind races. "And if they're gonna catch me anyway, I might as well let them meet, now."

You scurry as fast as you can to your bed, afraid of being caught. You make a little noise, but not enough for Yuji to notice.

Yuji exits the bathroom, still a little shaken up from your actions earlier. "Hey.." he says awkwardly.

Your face is a bit pink from anxiety, hoping he didn't hear you scrambling just now. "Hey.." you say back equally as awkward.

"I'm sorry for being short with and yelling at you." he started as he walked closer. "I didn't mean to yell.. I just.. wanted to know why you would think that I'm imaginary or dead, but I know why now. Please forgive me, Princess."

You smiled, "it's not your fault, Pinks. You are the Yuji I know, and I know you love me and I love you too."

Yuji's heart melted as his eyes softened, "Then let me show you how real I am for good measure." he said as he leaned in, you meeting him half way.

The two of you share a nice, long kiss with only one thing on your minds.

"Absolute bliss."

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