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Megumi eventually found a nurse, handing you off to her as he went to meet with Nanami.

The door that led to the roof was thick and heavy, creaking as Megumi slightly struggled to open it.

"You're finally here." Nanami said sarcastically, looking over a Megumi from the center of the roof.

"Well, excuse me." Megumi clapped back, still fuming from his argument with Nobara.

"Where's Kugisaki?" Nanami asked blandly.

"I don't know and I sure as hell don't care right now." Megumi grumbled as he walked up to Nanami.

"Oh??" Nanami perked up, intrigued.

"Drop it." Megumi sighed. "What do you want, anyway?"

Nanami pushed up his glasses with his index finger, "Well, as you know, Yuji has been arrested. A singular pill fell out of his pocket, they did some blood work and examined the pill, and he came back with Zoloft in his system - the same type of pills Gojo is missing. Gojo's been pretty pissy lately - I guess from all the stress - but nonetheless our plan failed. Thankfully, we got Yuji a good lawyer but I don't know how the court will rule when he goes on trial." the blonde confesses.

"Yea, no kidding." Megumi stated gruffly.

"We're hoping he only gets a slap on the wrist, but he could be looking at serious time in the juvenile detention center before being transferred to prison. I'm sure (Y/n)'s stay will be prolonged by a couple days, too." Nanami informs his student.

"So what does any of this have to do with us?" Megumi questioned, growing impatient.

"Right.." Nanami starts, "you kids stay out of this. This entire situation is too big and complicated for you to be involved in and you should've never known about it. Tell Nobara that as well." the blonde says before turning his back to the boy.

Megumi bites his lip, "Tch, he's my friend, why the hell shouldn't I know?!" walking closer to Nanami.

The man sighs, "Don't make me repeat myself, Fushiguro. This is something out of your control. You kids should've never found out about this. And Yuji.." he paused, "he shouldn't have to suffer either." Nanami admitted.

Kento Nanami did have pure, deep seeded hatred for Sukuna and any vessel he inhabits, however, he did care for Yuji, even if it was less than half of a percentage.

"So how are we gonna fix this, Nanami?!" Megumi questioned.

"I told you, there is no 'we'." Nanami repeats.

Megumi rolls his eyes, "Then what do you suggest YOU do next?!" the boy asks sarcastically.

"I'm going to the juvenile detention center to see what we can do about getting him out until we can at least get his lawyer on the phone." Nanami answers, walking off.

"Then I'm coming, too." Megumi adds, walking behind him.

The blonde doesn't object, growing tired of repeating himself.

As the two males walk down the stairs, leaving the roof, Nanami calls his wife, informing her that he'd be back soon and to stay at the hospital with (Y/n).

As Nanami reaches his car, with Megumi in toe, he unlocks it. "Get in." the man demands.  "And don't forget your seatbelt."

"Yea, yea." Megumi sighs, hopping in the passenger side.

As the two approach the detention center, a good 45 minute drive away, Megumi informs Nanami of something.

"I don't know if Itadori is gonna be in a cell or the infirmary.." Megumi mumbles.

Nanami looks over at Megumi intensely, "What do you mean? Did they do something to Itadori?!" he questions.

"Yea.. they punched him in the stomach a bunch of times before they took him to a squad car." Megumi informs.

Nanami sighs, face palming a bit, "I hate to admit it, but I'm going to need you to tell everything you know to his lawyer. I do need you after all." he huffs.

"Yes, sir." Megumi agrees.

The two males exit the car, approaching the correctional officers that stood watch on the outside.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Kento Nanami, requesting to speak to Yuji Itadori. He should've arrived about an hour ago." the blonde requests.

The woman nods, radioing that someone is here to see Yuji, however, there is no 'Yuji Itadori ' in the system.

"Sir, are you sure you're at the right detention center?" the officer asks.

"Yes ma'am, pretty sure. They wouldn't have taken him far." Nanami adds.

"You said he arrived about an hour ago? Huh, our system is usually pretty fast. I can radio other centers to see if he could be anywhere else." she informs.

"Yes ma'am, that'd be perfect." the blonde agrees.

About ten minutes go by and every possible place that could have Yuji, doesn't.

"Sir, he's not in any centers in any surrounding cities. Are you sure he's not in a jailhouse?!" the woman questions.

Nanami goes pale, eyes widened before he runs back to his car, Megumi right behind him.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Nanami curses, speeding off.

"The Tokyo Local Jailhouse is an hour in the other direction! They couldn't have taken him there!" Megumi panics a bit.

"Judging by what you said they did to him, they probably did without even taking his age into consideration." Nanami informs, tensing up as he presses the gas to the floor, calling Gojo immediately.


Yuji lies in a pool of his own blood, the cold, concrete floor amplifying the pain he felt from his busted stitches before he felt his eyelids grow heavy, a few coughs escaping before his wounds healed completely as black tattoos started appearing all over his body.

The other inmates inside of the cell watched as they saw black markings appear on Yuji's face as his hair began curling upward.

Yuji sat up, black markings all over as his eyes opened, blood lust apparent in his gaze.

An inmate laughed and pointed, "The little squirt is still moving." walking closer to Yuji.

The vessel stood, ripping the shirt of his jumpsuit like only a certain curse would before speaking. "That's a new one. Most people don't live long enough to know my name, much less give me a nickname." he laughs, grabbing the inmate's arm and breaking it. "I'll tell you and only you, though." the curse pulls the man in, "My name.." he laughs, "Is Ryomen Sukuna."

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