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The weekend rolls around and (Y/n) and Junpei plan to meet at the park and walk to a cafe for lunch.

As you get ready you hum the tune to 'Water Fountain' which you deemed yours and "ori"'s song. You hummed it in hopes that you could manifest his appearance just to get another chance to see him.

"Come on, (Y/n), you've literally only seen him twice and the first time wasn't even an interaction, you just noticed him there and caught his glance! He's just a stupid crush so get over it already!!" you thought as you squeezed your eyes closed.

You finished getting dressed and grabbed your things, heading out to the park.

You and Junpei had a great time together walking through the park as a group of butterflies flew by, eating coffee jelly at a cat cafe that Junpei took you to, and catching a movie at the nearby theater.

The entire day was full of laughter and fun at the end of it you and Junpei ended up on a park bench talking about life and how these last few days of knowing each other have felt like years.
Seeing Junpei so happy after knowing and whitenessing his struggles made you so happy to the point you teared up.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Junpei asked concernedly.

"I- I'm not, or at least I'm not trying to. It's just, you seemed so genuinely happy today and that made me happy as well. These are happy tears." you say wiping your eyes.

"Because I am genuinely happy.. with you (Y/n)." Junpei said as he gave a warm smile.

This made you cry even more but your tears soon stopped.

"Junpei, today was so fun! I hope we can do this again really soon! I have to go now but text me when you make it home.

Junpei nodded and waved as you walked away. You received a text later that evening that Junpei got home and so you sent him a selfie. Junpei sent a selfie back in response and so this became a daily routine between the two of you on top of texting everyday.

For two weeks you and Junpei continued hanging out, texting, and chatting at school until a group of bullies tried shaking both of you down for money after school.

Junpei was hit first and after you tried to defend him you got hit too. Junpei had no money on him so he got a worse beating than you. You made it out with a black eye and some bruises but Junpei was beaten to a bloody pulp and you had to help him home, nursing his wounds afterwards.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n), you should've never gotten involved with me. You stayed away for good reason and now you'll be targeted too. I'm so sorry." Junpei said as tears streamed down his face.

"Junpei, I'm your friend because I wanna be. I got hurt defending you because I'd rather put myself in danger than see you hurt. That's what friends are for and I don't plan on going anywhere so get used to it." you said back.

"Thanks, (Y/n)."

"You're welcome, Junpei."

Of course when you got home your parents were shocked and concerned and your father planned to go to the school and find the wanna be punks that dared to harm his daughter.

Your mother urged you to stay home the next day but you didn't want this little incident to stop you. You wanted to be at school in case Junpei showed to let him know that this will not affect you or your friendship.

Of course the next day Junpei didn't show up to school and you were alone again during your hour long break when you got a text from Junpe.

Hey (Y/n), I know you're probably at school today, sorry for not coming. My injuries are fine thanks to you, so thank you. I plan on going to the movies in a few minutes, would you like to come?
Junpei Yoshino

Hey, Junpei! I'm glad you're alright but I didn't do anything special. You know I'd love to go to the movies with you but I can't skip, I'm so sorry. I'll text you after school though.
(Y/n) Nanami

I understand. Have a good rest of your school day, we'll talk later.
Junpei Yoshino

You finished reading junpei's text and laid your head on your desk and tried to take a small nap. You woke after hearing commotion in class, signaling that it was time for classes to start up again.

About 45 minutes into the lesson your bag buzzed a bit, alerting you of break news in your area. When you read the headline of the news when the teacher had their back turned, your heart dropped to your ass.

Three teens found dead in local theatre. Cause, still unknown.

The article listed the theatres location and your jaw dropped.

"Holy shit, that's the one Junpei sent to!" you thought, panicking. "What if he's one of the victims?"

Tears welled in your eyes as you raised your hand to be excused for a minute. You ran out of class and tried calling Junpei multiple times but he didn't pick up. Eventually, you had to go back to class and you were forced to wait until after school to attempt to call Junpei again.

After a few more calls, he picked up.

"Hey, (Y/n), what's up?..."

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