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Another week had passed and your memory, speech, and movement had gotten a lot better. Naturally, you and Itadori got even closer.

One day as you and Itadori were playing memory games together, he asked you something.

"Hey, (Y/n), what would you like to do once you get out of here?"

You tilted your head to the side and thought for a second.

"I'd love to go to a carnival! I haven't been since I was a kid." you said with excitement.

"A carnival, huh? That sounds totally fun!" Itadori said with a smile.

Itadori looked away for a second before he had a sort of nostalgic look in his eyes. "Do you think.. we could bring along some friends?" he asked, looking down.

(Y/n) had a sort of realization when itadori said that.

"His friends! He hasn't seen them in while because he's been here with me. He must miss them." you thought to yourself as a frown crept on your face.

"I'm sorry, Yuji." you said sadly.

Itadori shot up. You had never used his name before.

"I've kept you away from your friends for weeks. You're probably failing your classes too. I'm so sorry."

"I do miss them and I've missed a shit ton of lessons too but, I chose to be here, (Y/n). I stay because I care and even though it'd be nice to see my friends again, I know they'd understand why I'm away." Itadori said with a smile on his face to assure you that he was alright.

Itadori talked to Gojo the day he took the job as your body guard. Gojo assured him that if and when he was able to come back, he'd catch him up to speed and that Kugisaki and Fushiguro would be fine without him.

"Maybe I should give him a call." Itadori thought as he continued to think about the phone call he had with Gojo weeks ago.

*1 month ago*

"Also, Itadori, if we do happen to need you, please assure (Y/n)'s safe first. Knock her out or and put up some charms or something first before coming to our aid." Gojo said, rather coldly.

"Understood." Itadori said before hanging up.

*Present Day*

"Hey, Yuji, do you think I can meet your friends?" you asked nervously.

He smiled. "Of course you can."

There was a sweet silence in the air as the both of you softened your eyes at each other.

The moment was interrupted by a nurse bringing the both of you a snack. It was pudding.

You shot your arms up, stretching your chest and sternum in excitement as the nurse gave the two bowls of pudding to Itadori.

However, that was a bad idea as you felt a sharp pain come from your chest.

The nurse rushed over. "Are you alright, (Y/n)? You can't make movements like that right now. You'll tear your stitches." the nurse said as she examined (Y/n).

"I know, I know!" you retorted as you winced in pain.

"Everything looks fine right now but I'm going to get the doctor." the nurse said, running out of the room.

You sighed. "I can't wait to get out of here!"

Itadori sighed as well. "Open up, princess." Itadori said as he held a spoonful of pudding to your mouth.

You looked confused, cocking an eyebrow.

"Come on, I know you're gonna complain about the doctor interrupting our snack time if you don't eat it now." he said as he waved the spoon in front of you.

You laughed before opening your mouth.

"Chuga-chuga choo-choo! Here comes the train!" Itadori laughs as he puts the spoon in your mouth.

You laugh, trying not to choke on your pudding as you swallow.

"You're so silly, Pinks."

As the two of you are laughing, Itadori gets a phonecall from Megumi.

"Yo, Fushiguro?" Itadori asks, a bit confused as to why his fellow first year is calling.

"Itadori! Hey, I don't know why you're gone again or where you went, but we need you right now." Megumi said, sounding distressed.

"Fushiguro, where are you?" Itadori said as he froze in place, holding a spoonful of pudding to your mouth.

You opened your mouth and ate the pudding off the spoon as itadori continued to talk.

"At a- mhh.. h- hot spring. There's a s- special grade here. In Ichikawa, in Kanzaki District." Megumi struggled to get out. "H- hurry.. they already got.. Kugi.. sa.. k-" his voice got weaker and weaker before fading.

"Fushiguro? FUSHIGURO??!" Itadori yelled before standing up quickly.

Itadori threw down the bowl of pudding as he raised his hand in a chopping motion.


"Itadori, you are Sukuna's vessel, you risk hurting anyone you come into contact with. Some sorcerers won't even be strong enough to defend themselves long enough to escape if you ever lose control so just try to keep calm and never lay a hand on anyone who isn't a curse. God forbid you fall in love before we gather all 20 fingers. You'll never find love because you'll only hurt her so don't even bother. " the special grade sorcerer spat out to Itadori.

As cool and charismatic as Gojo could be, he could also be just as malicious and cold.

"Huh, is that so? Fine, my time's cut short anyway." Itadori frowned as he unpacked his things in his dorm.

"Good, I'm glad you understand." Gojo said as he walked out.

Gojo gritted his teeth. "Forgive me, Itadori. You did nothing wrong. I know Nanami only wants to keep his family safe but this is ridiculous. The past is the past and hurting Itadori isn't the way to do it." Gojo thought.


"Forgive me, (Y/n)." Itadori said as his voice broke. "I gotta save my friends."  he said before hitting your neck and knocking you out.

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