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"Of course I do, I never forgot you." (Y/n) said, confused. "It's been three weeks since dad introduced us right? I'm stuck with you until you get tired of me." (Y/n) said, giving a small smile.

"Yep, though I could never get tired of you, princess." Itadori said with a smile.

Itadori had tried subtly asking this question once before, and got the same answer.

Deep down he wanted you to remember him, your duet under the street lights, and what he told you as you were on your death bed.

The fact that you called out to him with the last of your strength, his name being the last thing that you remembered, him being the only person you could think of before you couldn't even remember your parents, was eating him alive.

He felt guilty that you called in out to him with all you had and not your parents, but he also felt angry that the girl he's gotten to know more and more over the last three weeks - the one he was afraid of hurting the most, and the one he fell for - doesn't even remember his name.

"Hey Pinks, do you remember what I asked you when I got my contacts?" (Y/n) said, nostalgically.

"Yea." Itadori said bsck.

*3 weeks ago*

"Okay (Y/n), time for your eye appointment. Are you ready?" your mother asked.

You nodded.

Luckily, the eye doctor's office was connected to the hospital so (Y/n) didn't have to go far.

As your mother wheeled you down the hallway, your father and a newly hired itadori, started to lag behind a bit.

"Itadori can you do me a favor?" the sorcerer asked, lowering his voice.

"What's up?!" the pink haired vessel answered back.

"I have a tiny grade four curse hidden in my back pocket. Before (Y/n) is told to look around without her glasses, unleash the tiny curse in front of her to gage her reaction." Nanami said as he gave itadori the curse.

"Okay.. but why?" Itadori asked as he stuffed the curse in his pocket.

"Jujutsu tech researchers believe that they've come up with special contacts to prevent regular civilians from seeing curses. Because (Y/n) suffered such life threatening injuries and tragedy, I have reason to believe that she can see curses. If she can, she'll be our little guinea pig."

"Why couldn't you have just tested it sooner? You could've just found any regular old curse around here and used that."

"I've ridded this hospital of curses and placed protective charms all around the area so there would be none here to use." Nanami said as he pointed upwards to the ceiling where a small charm hung. "I had to sneak this low grade in my pocket so it wouldn't be exterminated."

Itadori looked at Nanami in awe as he finished.

"I didn't know about protective charms! That is so cool!" Itadori thought.

The four of you finally reached the doctor's office and as you were being taken back for your eye exam, the curse accidentally got loose and scurried past (Y/n), your mother, and the nurse that was taking you back.

Even though (Y/n) couldn't really talk at the moment, you screamed and pointed to the curse as your mother looked at your father with terror in her eyes.

"What? What's going on? Are you alright, (Y/n)?" the nurse asked.

"W- w- what is that?!" you screamed more as you tried to scurry out of your wheelchair.

"Miss (Y/n) I don't see anything. What are you talking about? Mr. and Mrs. Nanami, what's going on? Is she okay?"

Both itadori and Nanami exchanged a look. Nanami went to comfort his wife and daughter while Itadori went to exercise the curse.

Eventually things settled down and the appointment went fine. (Y/n) had some temporary vision loss and would have blurred vision for at least six months. Once the order for (Y/n)'s lenses were in, Nanami handed them over to Jujutsu tech to modify the lenses into contacts to allow (Y/n) to see but not see curses.

The day (Y/n)'s contacts came in, about 3 days later, you wrote to Itadori.


As itadori looked at the paper, he sighed. "Come on, (Y/n), use your words like the therapist said."

You shook your head.

"Too hard." you wrote.

"I know it is but you won't be able to talk like you used to if you don't do what the therapist tells you."

You huffed and crossed your arms.

"Okay, if you talk this once, you can use the notebook for the rest of the day." Itadori said as he crossed his arms as well.

(Y/n) gave a sad smile before lowering your head. This was something you preferred not to say aloud but you couldn't pass up the offer to use the notebook for the rest of the day.

"So what did you want to say, (Y/n)?"

"Pinks, pl- please don't leave me. Can.." you trailed off. "Can you s- stay with me for a while? D- don't go." you said as you looked at your contact case. "I- I don't want to go outside anymore. It's scary. I- I don't want to see monsters."

"I won't leave you, (Y/n). I'm here to protect you and I will never leave you." Itadori said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "Don't be afraid of the outside and don't be afraid to put those in. You won't see monsters and even if you do, I'll kill them. I promise, you're my top priority. You're stuck with me."

*Present Day*

"I told you I'll never leave you and I haven't yet. Have some faith in your friend. You're stuck with me, princess." Itadori said with a smile.

"Friend?!" (Y/n) said as you tried to hide your excited smile.

"Yep, we're friends!"

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