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After you both pulled away, of course your nose started to drip. You panicked, fearing Yuji would find it disgusting and hate you, but he actually chuckled and went in for another after wiping your nose with his finger.

The next few days were pretty awesome. Gojo and Nanami had formed a plan to erase the camera footage and even found Yuji a great lawyer. The good news got even better when the doctor said that (Y/n) can be removed from the psych ward and can get discharged in another week. Everything was falling in place for you both and soon you and Yuji could explore your unlabeled relationship outside of the same four walls.

However, as Yuji's guilt grew from the Sukuna situation, his need for the antidepressants grew. Yuji was happy on the outside, smiling and laughing without a care in the world, but on the inside, so many things had been eating him up: the loss of his grandfather and Junpei, his disdain for Gojo despite feeling guilty for taking his pills, and having to hide the most important thing in his life from you; the loss of his humanity. That, along with the side effects of taking someone else's medicine, made him almost sick. Yes, Yuji was worried that he could be arrested, but you finding out about Sukuna was ten times worse.

It had been five days since you and Yuji were reunited and you noticed something.. different about him. He slept more, lost his appetite, and began losing weight. You were obviously concerned, but he looked happy so you didn't bother bringing it up.

Today marked day one of the last seven days you had left in the hospital and Itadori intended to make it fun. That entire day, the two of you spent time talking about your plans for life after the hospital. It was fun but so nerve-wracking at the same time. You never thought about life after the hospital and you honestly thought that Itadori would leave you, but he assured you otherwise.

Day two of seven, which Yuji called the seven days of celebration, was a funny blur filled with laughter. Day three, however, was supposed to be special. Why not day seven yea ask? Because, day seven is the most special of them all. Today however, was the day that you could finally meet Yuji's friends: Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki.

Yuji devised a plan with Gojo to have the four of you transported elsewhere to meet today, for today was Megumi and Nobar's last day in the hospital.

Yuji never told you where you were going, he just put you in a wheelchair and strolled you to meet up with the rest of them. Yuji greeted his friends - who were just as clueless as you as to why they were there - before Gojo teleported you all to.. an apartment?!

"Gojo, where the hell are we?!" Yuji questioned.

Megumi sighed, "We're in his apartment." face palming.

"What's wrong with it? It's frickin luxurious!" Nobara added.

Gojo, wearing his black sunglasses, tilted them down slightly as he made a clicking sound with his tongue.

Nobara scoffed a bit before turning back to Megumi. "What's wrong with his apartment?" she asked.

Megumi blushed, "it's embarrassing!" he avoided the question.

The two - soon to be three - other first years looked at Megumi, their eyes pleading for an answer.

"Fine!" he gave in. "I guess Gojo is pretty well known for railing people in and around his apartment, so when I came over for the first time, one of the security guards thought I was an underage victim of Gojo's relentless fuckery, no pun intended, and almost called the cops." he admitted.

The two burst into laughter, barely able to catch their breath as Gojo looked at them with no shame whatsoever. "Not my proudest moment." he said, zoning out with a smile on his face.

After a few minutes of relentless laughter, Yuji and Nobara calmed down enough to see Megumi's soleless expression. "This is a really luxurious building, ya know? They take that shit seriously." he spoke and his peers couldn't help but smirk, holding back their laughter.

After a minute, Yuji finally spoke, standing in front of everyone. "Hey guys! I know that you're like, ' Yuji, what are we doing here?!', but it's really important! Let me introduce you guys to (Y/n), Nanami's daughter!" he pointed to you.

To say that Fushiguro and Kugisaki were shocked, was an understatement. So many questions flew through their heads, but the main one being..

"So is that why you've been gone?" they say in unison.

"Yea." Yuji nods. "I'm her bodyguard and have been for a while. I've been gone because I've been with her everyday at the hospital since her accident." Yuji explains.

"What happened?" Nobara asked.

Yuji shot her a slight glare before fixing his expression. "It's pretty touchy.. she may not wanna get into it. It's up to you though, Princess." Yuji looked at you.

You looked back at him but nodded. "Hi, I'm (Y/n) Nanami. I'm 15, a first year, and Pinks and I have known each other for about four months now. I don't remember much of my accident, but I was told that I fell off of a tall building and got impelled on something spiky. I hit my head really hard on the way down so I had amnesia, too. I still don't remember everything, but I remember most of my life." you say as a quick, little introduction.

Both Fushiguro and Kugisaki get pretty quiet as Nobara regrets asking about the accident. Luckily, Yuji lightens up the mood.

"Aww come on guys, don't look so gloomy! (Y/n)'s been wanting to meet you for weeks. Ever since I mentioned missing you guys, she's been telling me to leave and go visit you guys. Enough about that though, introduce yourselves!" Yuji cheers.

Megumi perks up, happy to hear that Yuji missed them and that they weren't forgotten. "I'm Megumi Fushiguro, 15, a first year at-" Megumi started.

Yuji shook his head as he was about to announce his school. Megumi, catching the hint, reformed the last bit of his sentence.

"Uhh.. a first year. I'm also a first year martial artist at a dojo." he lied.

"Oh!" you parked up.

Yuji looked at Megumi as they both sighed, mentally hi-fiving at the sweet save Megumi just pulled off.

This encouraged Nobara to introduce herself as well, not wanting to be left out. "I'm Nobara Kugisaki, 15, also a first year, and I came from a really small village so I'm kinda fascinated by the city." she admitted.

You thought this was pretty cool. "Same here!" you said. "Even though I've lived here in Tokyo my entire life, I haven't been outside in months so I have a new appreciation for the city now." you explain.

This makes Nobara smile and soon everyone slips into casual conversation. Gojo, though he seemed aloof, was hyper focused on a very specific phonecall that he could receive at any time.

"Hey, Yuji, come here." Gojo instructed.

Yuji did as he was told and sat next to Gojo on his lavish couch.

"Yea?" Yuji questioned.

"Yuji, did you forget what today is? It's officially been one week since those officers searched for you and they're gonna call at any time to review the tapes." Gojo informed seriously.

Yuji widened his eyes a bit but didn't panic. "I thought you and Nanami were supposed to be taking care of that."

Gojo sighed, "Yea, we did everything we could to erase evidence and things of the sort, but the bloody walls and floor the officers saw, along with you picking up my pill bottle, were things we couldn't just delete." the man frowns.

Yuji starts to sweat, fearing the worst. "You better lie like your ass depends on it, Yuji." the boy heard his teacher say. "At the drop of a hat, as soon as I get that phone call we'll all be transported into the hospital lobby, Fushiguro, Kugisaki and (Y/n) will be wearing hospital gowns to make it look like they're just patients having a chat while you and I meet the officers. Understood?" though Yuji was scared, he felt safe hearing Gojo's commanding tone, signaling he at least had a plan.

"Understood." Yuji nodded.


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