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"H- hey, did you miss your stop?" a kind voice called from beside you with a light grip.

You turned your head in shock as you tried to calm down only to see Junpei.

"J- Junpei. Y- yes, I missed my s- stop."

"I- it's alright. I'll walk you home. My stop is the next one up."

"Okay." you said sheepishly as you gathered your things.

Junpei's stop came and went and the two of you started walking in the direction of your house which was a good half hour away.

A few moments of silence passed before you spoke.

"S- so, Junpei, it's nice to see you. These last few weeks been treating you well?" you said awkwardly.

Junpei rubbed the nape of his neck with one hand as he looked down. You immediately noticed a cast on his opposite arm. You started to open your mouth but Junpei finally spoke.

"They've been.." he said, taking a breath before he said the last word. "good." he said with a soft smile.

"Th- that's great! So I see you have a-" (Y/n) was cut off by Junpei once again.

"H- how.. how do you know my name. You have on my school uniform but I've never talked to you before. Why act like you know me now?" he said irritatedly.

"I- I've seen you in the halls and I think we have a class or two together and-"

Junpei looked up, holding back tears. You thought about the news article you read about Junpei and how he must be feeling.

"He's right, I've never talked to him at school before and now that he was beaten half to death it took a news article for me to even have this conversation. Sure he offered to walk me home but I should've said something a long time ago. Now he's gonna think that I'm only talking to him because of that article." you thought to yourself.

Tears began welling in your eyes as well as you dropped to your knees in front of Junpei, pleading for forgiveness.

"I'm.. I'm so sorry, Junpei, I really am! Please forgive me." you cried. "I wanted to say something months ago but those same bullies threatened me too and I was too scared! I didn't really know your name until I saw that article b- but I told myself that the next time I saw you that I'd reach out because this has to stop. J- just p- please forgive m- me." you cried loudly.

Junpei looked down at you with shock and pity as he reached out his hand. He too was crying but he wasn't sad. Junpei was happy that he had someone care about him to the point they'd cry for him, so as he held out his hand, he gave a soft smile.

"Thank you. I've never had anyone care like this before." he said pulling you up from the ground.

"No, thank you. I truly hope you can forgive me one day." you said as you wiped your tears. "I'm (Y/n) Nanami. Nice you meet you Junpei.. " you said holding out your hand for Junpei to shake as you waited for him to say his last name.

"Yoshino. Junpei Yoshino." he said as he shook your hand.

The two of you eventually made it to your house and exchanged phone numbers.

"When will I get to see you again, Junpei?"

"I'm not sure. I don't plan on going back to school but I will if I have to."

"Please reconsider. I'd love to be there for you when the time comes. Anyway, I gotta get in. Shoot me a text when you're home, k?"

Junpei nods and walks off as you wave and go in.

Your parents were worried but ultimately glad that you were safe and decided to give your phone back so that another mishap doesn't happen again. About an hour later you get a text from Junpei saying that he was home. You smile as you read the text before finishing your homework and getting ready for bed thinking of Junpei and 'cute train guy' whom you wanted to see again more and more by the day.

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