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*The precious day*

"Hey, you there, stop!" Nanami yells to the patch work curse running away from him.

"No thanks, I think I'll keep running! Try to catch up." the curse taunts back.

Nanami grits his teeth as he whips out his umbrella and cuts off one of the curse's feet, causing him to fall.

"That's no fair, you didn't chase me!" the man cries out.

"Shut it." the sorcerer says as he points his umbrella towards the curse. "I've been surveying you and I concluded that you're the curse that killed those three students in the theater two days ago. I will now exercise you."

The patched curse plasters a smile on his face and stands up.

"I guess I'll have to kill you before you can then, right?" he retorts back.

Nanami says nothing before he lunges at the curse as they exchange silent blows.

After a few minutes of fighting, Nanami is knocked off his feet and a picture of (Y/n) falls out of his pocket.

The curse quickly grabs it and stares at it for a few seconds.

"Is this your daughter? Do you have a family?" he asks his opponent confusedly.

Nanami lunges angrily at the curse to get his picture back but to no avail.

He flips the photo to the other side and finds writing.

*(Y/n) Nanami, age 4, August 2006*

"So I'm right?!" he says with a sinister smile. "If that's the case then consider her dead. We'll be even for you cutting off my foot." the curse says as he regenerates his foot before ripping the photo.

Nanami's eyes widen as he starts frantically attacking the curse, dealing a good amount of damage.

"You will never lay a hand on her. I swear that on my life you damn brat." the sorcerer says before slicing more limbs off the curse.

"How many times do I have to regenerate before you understand that you can't hurt me?" the said curse says before changing his shapes into a spiky ball that impales the man's side.

The man frees himself before giving the curse one more slash as he plans to get away.

"I suggest you run but if neither one of us makes it, I'll see you in hell." the sorcerer says before running as everything crumbles around them.


"Hey, Ichigi," the man says as his colleague picks up the phone. "I need you to pick me up and take me to the infirmary. The curse we're after is a special grade."

"Oh no! I'm on my way." Ichigi said as he sped to get Nanami.

*Present Day*

My mom is dead
Junpei Yoshino

Your jaw dropped after reading his text, stunned.

You called at least 10 times but he didn't answer.

Junpei please, answer your phone! Are you alright? I'll come right over!
(Y/n) Nanami

He said it was something called 'Sukuna's finger' that killed her. Some curse was after it and eat her. What do I do?
Junpei Yoshino

Junpei please answer the phone! I'll try to help.
(Y/n) Nanami

Your phone rang and you answered. Junpei called back.

"Junpei? Oh my god, are you alright?!" you practically yelled.

Junpei sobbed through the phone call but managed to tell you that he was joining Mahito and you probably wouldn't hear from him again.

"One more thing, (Y/n)." Junpei said as he finally stopped crying. "Mahito says to make sure you come to school and keep up with your grades. He doesn't want you missing school because of me."

Junpei then hangs up and blocks your number to keep you from contacting him.

You were distraught and knew you couldn't trust Mahito but your parents wouldn't let you miss school over your friend's loss so you got ready as usual.

Everything in your body told you not to go but you did anyway.

The day started as usual when there was this huge disturbance in the air before day turned to night out of nowhere.

Everyone gathered in one place for an emergency assembly when all of a sudden Junpei appeared.

Junpei looked different: bags under his eyes and a depressed expression on his face. But his aura was the one thing that topped off his appearance and it shook you to your core.

The two of you made eye contact as he spoke aloud to the entire school.

"For all of you that never cared, watched me struggle, and bullied me; I'll see you in hell. And to (Y/n), I'm sorry."

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