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As Junpei stood in front of the entire school, you ran to him.

"Junpei!!" you said, beginning to run out of breath from running. "What are you doing? What do you mean you're sorry?!"

As you finally caught up to Junpei and clung to him, your head on his chest and your arms around his torso, he pulled you away and looked at you.

"(Y/n), I didn't think I'd be coming back here, but after Mahito said that I have great potential with my cursed energy and techniques, he said I could finally get revenge." the boy put his hand on your cheek and softened his eyes. "Don't you see, (Y/n)? I'm doing this for you too because.. I love you."

The words"I love you" shook you to your core and you were frozen in place. You had said it loads of times to him and he said it back, but this time it felt.. different.

As you stood there trying to process what was going on, Junpei started to act.

"Now, I'll start with you." Junpei said, picking up a random bully by his collar as he started to choke him.

Junpei nearly squeezed the life out of the boy before you finally snapped out of your trance.

"Junpei, stop it! What are you doing?" you ran to where Junpei was once again as you tried to get him to release the boy.

Junpei looked at you with malice. "And why should I? He's the bastard that did this-" Junpei said, throwing his bully across the room and lifting his hair from over his right eye to reveal cigarette burns on the right side of his forehead.

"Oh my god! He.. he did that to you?"

"Yea. He forced me to do his homework, be his errand boy, and when I didn't do something right he'd burn me. He deserves this (Y/n)."

"Even so, Junpei, this isn't right."

Junpei ignored you and picked his bully up again. He began choking him more to the point he turned blue.

"Junpei stop it!" you lunged at him, trying to tackle to him. He used his jelly shikigami to throw you across the room into a wall and you blacked out.

Junpei had used a technique to put everyone else to sleep as he continued to strangle the bully.

"JUNPEI!" Itadori yells as he bursts in the school. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MAN?"

Itadori grabs the bully and lays him down before running for Junpei.

You wake up confused to see Yuji Itadori running for Junpei before you see Junpei punch him with his shikigami.

"Junpei please stop! Why are you doing this? He didn't do anything wrong. He's the new friend you made right? Yuji Itadori isn't it?"

They both stop to look at you for a second before Junpei runs over to you.

Junpei grabs your waist with one hand and cups your cheek with the other as he gives you a passionate kiss. Knowing this'll be the last time he sees you, his kiss said everything that words couldn't.

"I- I thought of you as a brother." you say with tears in your eyes.

"And I wanted you to be my lover." he said bsck before a large shikigami pulled you into it.

"One more thing, (Y/n). Mahito said he wants to meet you. He said he fought a Jujutsu sorcerer that had a picture of you in his pocket. He asked if I knew anyone around my age with the last name Nanami and you popped in my head. Well.. this is goodbye, (Y/n)." the boy said as the shikigami jumped through a window.

"Man what the hell was that about?" Itadori said.

"Mahito wants to meet her."

"No man, I mean what's going on with you?! This isn't you at all, man! Talk to me. I can help!" Itadori said as he inched closer to Junpei but the said boy began attacking itadori.

As the two boys began a vicious battle you were being taken to Mahito by a being that you couldn't even see.

When you arrived at the rooftop of your school, you were confused.

"Isn't 'Mahito' supposed to be here?"

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