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"I've been searching for you everywhere. I never stopped thinking about you." Itadori whispered, tears falling onto your face.

"I knew you'd come back." you whispered back.

That made Yuji hug you tighter. Both of you were so overwhelmed with relief that time seemed to stop.

"Yuji, what happened? Who was that scary guy? Why'd he look just like you?" you asked as tears fell faster down your face.

"I can explain that later. Right now, I just wanna spend time with you. I wanna get you outta here so we can go to a carnival, you can meet my friends, and we can finish our song."

Yuji's words confused you, but you squeaked out an 'okay' as the two of you stayed like that for endless minutes.

Yuji was the first to break away, looking at Nanami to signify everything would be fine without them. The man got the signal and said his goodbyes along with your mother before leaving.

Yuji breathed a sigh of fresh air as it was just the two of you now. He sat beside you, taking in your beauty as he thanked the universe for finding you.

"I'm sorry things were so hectic before I left, I never intended to be gone that long." Yuji frowned.

"I think I sort of remember you leaving, but I'm not sure. What happened?" you asked.

Yuji averted his gaze from yours as he tried to make up a decent lie. "My friends.." he sighed, "were in an accident at a hot spring and needed my help."

"That's close enough to the truth. Right?.."

"So, is that what happened to your lip and cheek?" you asked.

Yuji sighed, "Yea, I fell into a fuck load of glass and had to get a bunch of stitches."  Yuji explains.

You cringe at the thought of the pain he must be in. "How many?" you ask.

Yuji sighs heavily as he finally looks up to you again. "30." he says.

Your eyes bulge at the thought as your mind wonders where they could be.

Yuji lifts his shirt, "I got a bunch across my upper body." he says. You turn beet red at catching a glance of his chiseled torso with his new scars and stitches to boot.

"Oh wow.. I- I mean.. oh nooo.." you stutter, looking away in embarrassment. Yuji loved the thought of you liking his body so much that you had to look away to keep from drooling.

Just what he was going for.

"I've got some more on my arm and shoulder too." he said as he proceeded to take off his shirt.

You looked out of the corner of your eye to see if it was safe to look at his arm when you discovered his bare chest and torso completely uncovered while he tried to point out his other set of stitches.

Needless to say, you lost your shit!!!

"Y- Yuji!!!!" you nearly screamed.

Yuji smirked, "Huh?" he grunted as he tried to act innocent. He loved every drooling look you gave his body as well as the look of embarrassment you showed after.

"Your shirt! Oh my god, your shirt! Where is it? Can I look? I don't wanna look! I don't wanna accidentally drool!" you say aloud, panicking. You cover your face with your hands as you feel something warm dripping down your face; snot.

Oddily, when you get flustered or laugh, your nose drips. In this situation where some noses would bleed, yours would just drip.

Yuji has a feild day with this, laughing to himself. "Princess, you can look - I don't care."

You shift your fingers slightly to peak at Itadori. His mischievous smirk, now a grin, made you nervous but intrigued - almost making you want to laugh.

"What?" Yuji chuckled, trying to control his laughter.

You finally get the courage to look at Yuji, wiping your nose beforehand of course, and immediately turn your head away again.

Yuji laughs loudly, the bliss of his princess being so attracted to his body is like a drug. So naturally, he stands up and turns your face to meet his. His grip is light but firm so even if you tried to turn your head, you couldn't.

"You're gonna see me shirtless eventually. After all, when you do leave the hospital some day, we'll be living together." he smiles.

If you weren't dead before, you are now. "I completely forgot about life after the hospital." you face gets redder by the second.

"Are you ok? Am I suffocating you??" Yuji asks, a bit concerned.

"No no, I'm fine." you say, taking a deep breath. "I can do this." you say as you finally look down at Yuji's torso.

Yuji lets your chin go as he backs up a bit. "See, you survived!" he praises. "Now look, I've got some stitches here, and here and..." you zone out as Yuji shows you his stitches.

You smile to yourself, "I just wanna live in this moment forever. Cause I'm afraid that living couldn't get any better. I started giving up on the word forever. Until he gave up heaven so we could be together." you sang in your mind.

"Hey, I found a song you may like. I've been looking for some to suggest to you." Yuji whips out his phone and starts the song. "It's called 'Angel Baby'." he enlightens.

Your eyes bulge wide, "I was just thinking of that song."

Yuji smiles, "Then I guess you're my angel, baby."

"Angel, baby, angel."

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