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As Yuji fluttered his eyes open, he couldn't help but think about (Y/n). "Where are you?!" he sighed, sitting up and getting out of bed. "Maybe I can ask Kugisaki where Fushiguro's room is." Yuji contemplated, walking to his door and opening it a bit.

"Nah." he said aloud. Yuji needed to clear his mind and getting lost in the hospital might help him do that.

Yuji walked about ten feet before realizing that he still had a warrant for his arrest. "Shit!" he thought, afraid to take another step. As paranoia set in, Yuji looked both ways, making sure no one was around. First to his left, then to his right, but as Yuji scanned, he saw something.

Fushiguro, Megumi

Yuji's face lit up with excitement and pride as he read his friend's name on the patient chart.

The boy wanted to sprint over to his friend's room with the speed of light to tell him how grateful he was for him to survive, but his stitches made that damn near impossible. So, beaming with all the excitement and joy in the world, Yuji walked over to his friends room, knocking on the door and cracking it a bit.

"Fushiguro?" Yuji called quietly.

"Hmm?" a groggy Megumi grunted, looking at his door.

"Fushi.. guro?" Itadori's eyes immediately welled with tears as he stepped a bit closer.

"Itadori?" Megumi questioned, trying to raise up from his bed, weak from surgery.

"Fushiguro!!" Yuji broke, tears pouring from his face. It hurt too much to move, but Yuji pushed through the pain to make it by Fushiguro's bedside. "I thought you were dead! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it in time. Please, forgive me, Fushiguro.. please.."

Megumi smiled, "Don't worry about it, Yuji. You did your best, right?" he reassured his friend.

"Yea but-" Yuji said through tears.

"Then that's all that matters. I don't know why you were gone, but showed up we needed you. Thanks, Itadori."

"No thank you, Fushiguro." Yuji tried wiping his tears only for them to be replaced by new ones. "I would hug you, but I'm too sore, sorry."

"You're making it seem like I'm dying all over again, man." Fushiguro gave a look of discomfort and annoyance.

"Sorry man." Yuji said, wiping his last set of tears away.

"Hey uhh, not to ruin the moment or anything but, can you close the door? It's pretty cold."

Yuji looked up, pretty embarrassed, but cracking a smile anyway. "Sorry about that, man." the boy apologized, closing the door. "Shit, I should've come in my wheelchair!" he exclaimed in pain.

"Huh, why's that?" Fushiguro questioned.

Yuji sighed, "It's a long story."

"I've got nothing better to do but listen, so go ahead." the boy stated.

"It's not that simple, Fushiguro.. it goes back months. I haven't told anyone and it's kinda important. It's.." Yuji hesitated, feeling as if he shared this, the contents of his heart would spill out as well. "the reason I've been gone.."

"I see. Well, you gotta tell somebody, right? Don't hold all your feelings in until you explode." the boy retorted.

"I guess you're right, but it's big. I can't just tell you.. you have to meet her. It's life changing. Once I find her and we can get out of here, I'll introduce you guys to her." Yuji confessed.

"To who?" Megumi questioned.

"To (Y/n)." Yuji smiled.

"Sounds like a deal then." Megumi smiled. "But why a wheelchair? Are your injuries that bad? That's all I really wanted to know."

Yuji's face got red with embarrassment as he inched closer to Megumi, sitting on the chair next to his bed, finally well enough to move again. "Right.. I got about 30 stitches. Some in my lip, kneecaps, stomach, and arm. Gojo wheeled me to see Kugisaki so I didn't realize how much it hurt to walk or stand."

"Damn." Megumi commented.

"Yea. The reason really does relate to why I was gone though." Yuji replied. "How about your injuries though? I heard you had surgery today." the boy questioned.

Megumi stared at the ceiling and sighed, trying to remember the events that took place. "Well.. I was impailed by that curse. It changed it's body into a spiky ball and got me pretty good. It nearly tore my liver, but I survived I guess. Wooh!" Megumi explained with all the sarcasm in the world.

"Fushiguro!" Yuji snapped, not taking his friend's sarcasm lightly.

"Yea, yea. Anyway, after that curse nearly slit my throat, I vaguely remember you fighting before I passed out. Afterwards, I woke up in the hospital. Gojo came by and told me I just got out of surgery and that curse nearly killed me, but they saved me so here I am."

"Well, even if you're not, I'm glad you're alive." Yuji chuckled.

"Thanks." Megumi smiled.

"Well man," Yuji started, "I'm gonna be heading out now. I gotta do something." Yuji stood, wincing from the pain of standing.

"Alright." Megumi glanced to Yuji. As the boy started to walk away, Megumi spoke again. "Itadori wait.."

Yuji turned around, "Yea?"

"Take it easy, okay? You've got friends to carry your burdens with you." the boy said, a lightly serious tone underling his words.

"Yea." Yuji nodded before opening the door and walking out, ignoring his friend.

No one could bare this burden but him. Afterall, he only took the job because he's in love with you, something no one could help or cure but you: his princess.

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