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Satoru looked around the room with a grin, knowing he could get his ass handed to him for suggesting what he was about to ask.

"Yo, Nanami family!" he threw his hand up.

"What are you doing here, Gojo? " your father, Kento Nanami, asked his friend.

"Nanami," his tone became serious as he frowned, "I need to speak with you outside." he turned.

Your father looked at your mother and gave her a look of reassurance before following Gojo.

"What is it?! You're lucky (Y/n) is asleep." he hissed.

"I've got a feeling she won't wake up anytime soon. They did sedate her didn't they?" Gojo asked, bluntly.

Nanami clenched fist as his teeth began to grit. "Spit whatever you have to say the hell out."

"Oops, hit a nerve didn't I? Not my fault your daughter's a psychotic bi-" Gojo was cut off by Nanami punching him in the mouth.

"You have 3 seconds to get the fuck out before I kick your ass, got it?!" Nanami spat out as he wiped Satoru's blood from his fist.

"Do it." Gojo choked out, ready to take me his punishment.

"So you're mocking me now?!" Nanami looked over his glasses.

"I SAID DO IT!" Gojo yelled, his voice cracking.

That was all Nanami needed to beat Gojo senseless. By the time Nanami was done, he had worn himself out, huffing, puffing, and bleeding. Satoru just took it - no dodging, no flinching, no attempts at fighting back - just, taking it. Punches, kicks, headbutts, hell he even got a kick to the balls, but nothing. Satoru was no masochist but he felt the need to atone for what he had done to Yuji. Satoru didn't just visit for shits and giggles; he was on a mission.

Battered, bruised, and barely able to speak, Satoru began. "Th- thanks, Nanami." he muttered, blood spilling from his nose and mouth as he spoke.

"Excuse me?!" Nanami questioned, ready to hit the man again.

"Go ahead, do what you have to do.." Gojo wheezed, "hit me.. hit me again.." Gojo's eyes began to flutter, signaling that he was about to pass out.

"Oh hell no, you're staying awake!" Nanami kicked Gojo, trying to keep him awake. "You don't just insult my daughter and fall asleep because you got your ass kicked. Now tell me the meaning of this bullshit."

"Sorry..." Gojo forced out. "I- I just needed a good ass kicking is all." he coughed.

"That's not a good enough answer!" Nanami kicked Gojo again. "Why the fuck did you insult my daughter? Tell me!"

Gojo reached in his pocket, hand shaking, as he pulled the bottle of antidepressants out.

"The hell?! Is that Zoloft?!" Nanami asked.

"I've got Prozac at home too." Gojo wheezed.

"What are you trying to say?" Nanami walked closer to Gojo, taking the bottle.

"I can't do it anymore, Kento. I can't keep destroying Yuji's heart and soul anymore.. I can't." Gojo attempted to sit up, but slumped back down. "Do you even know what the kid was going through before you met him? He lost his grandfather, the only family he had, less than an hour before meeting me and I did what? Assure him that he's gonna die alone because he's Sukuna's vessel. I damn near mentally abused him for months, for your sake. I'm surprised the kid's not dead or on antidepressants because of me. I drink myself to sleep because of this while you walk around like you don't have a deep seeded hatred for him - leaving me to do your dirty work."

"Gojo, I'm sorry it has to be this way, but it's too late. I need Yuji to protect (Y/n) and if he found out, I'm sure he wouldn't." Nanami tossed the bottle back to Gojo, barely missing him.

"I'm sure he would." Gojo huffed, ignoring the bottle.

"What makes you so sure?!" Nanami interrogated.

"He's in love. I see it in his eyes, Nanami. Whether you like it or not, you created this opportunity, so live with it."

"NEVER!" Nanami yelled, kicking Satoru, hard. "I'll kill him! No daughter of mine will fall in love with that worthless piece of shit!"

"So you say." Satoru coughed. "Look.. in my eyes, Kento.." Gojo practically whispered.

It was then that Nanami realized that he had beaten the blindfold off of Gojo, and started to feel guilty. "Okay.." Nanami whispered.

"If Yuji's as bad as you say, let (Y/n) go to Jujutsu tech and learn how to defend herself. Let her know curses are real and she can defend herself so you won't live in fear for her. Afterall, she has us right?.." Gojo finished before passing out.

Nanami couldn't help but cry. "I'm sorry to make you suffer, Satoru, but I can't let go of the past. Sukuna's vessel must know his place. Forgive me." Nanami cried, slumping next to Gojo.

Please, forgive me...

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