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"Hey, (Y/n), what's up?..." Junpei croaked out on the other end of the phone.

"Oh my god, Junpei, you're alive!!" you said, finally breathing a long awaited sigh of relief.

"Y- yea."

"A- are you alright? You don't sound like yourself. I saw the news headline. I'm so glad you're alright. D- did you see what happened?"

"Yea.. and.. and I saw something weird afterwards.. something called a c- curse." Junpei sounded shaken up at this point, almost like he was going to cry.

"Hey, come to my place, okay? We can talk then. It'll be safe for you to say whatever you need to." you say reassuringly.

"O- okay.. th- thanks, (,Y/n). I'll be there in 10."

"See ya then."

Your mind does back flips trying to understand what Junpei could've witnessed but your mind fell blank.

Junpei eventually made it to your house, you introduced him to your mother as your father had a work emergency, and he made it his way to your room.

Junpei told the story of how he witnessed the deaths of three of his bullies who just so happened to be the same three that shook you two down the day before.

"Then.. I saw this thing. It was like a person but he said he was shocked that I could see him and that most people couldn't. I held it together and talked to him for a bit and he told me I could kill if I felt like it because I can and he said that he was a 'curse'. Do you know what that is?" Junpei said, rather distressedly.

You were shocked. Remembering what your parents told you about curses and such, you knew enough to know that you should keep it a secret so you lied and said you didn't know.

He looked down rather disappointedly but he could do nothing about it.

"I'm just glad you're alright, Junpei. I would be devastated if something happened to you." you said sincerely as you pulled him in for a hug and placed a small kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Junpei. You've become my dearest friend these past few weeks."

Junpei blushed, hard, turning his face after you let him go.

"Thanks, (Yn)." he said. You smiled in response.

After Junpei left your house, hours later, he shot you a text that he wouldn't be coming back to school but you'd still be able to hangout and talk. You were saddened but understand.

The next two days Junpei had been distant: not replying to texts or calls. You were concerned but tried to brush it off.

That same day, your father came home with a stitched wound to his side. Even after revealing his work to you, you were still always left in the dark about his missions and injuries - and this one especially.

After you got over the concern for your father's well-being, you went to your room to do homework as usual, finally allowing your parents to talk privately.

"I fought a special grade with intelligence today and now it knows about (Y/n)." Nanami says with a horrified look on his face. Your mother shares that same look as they sit there in horror. Meanwhile, you're oblivious to it all.

(Y/n), I made a new friend today! He's a 'jujutsu sorcerer' and was sent to investigate me about the theater thing but he ended up eating dinner with me and my mom and watching movies! His name is Yuji Itadori, a guy our age with pink hair and an undercut.
Junpei Yoshino

That's great, Junpei! I'm so glad! Is that where you've been these last few days?
(Y/n) Nanami

Not exactly, sorry. I've been with Mahito, the curse I met the other day. He's been teaching me about curses.  I think he's a good guy though so don't worry.
Junpei Yoshino

Just please be careful with him, Junpei, he could be dangerous even though he seems nice.
(Y/n) Nanami

Anyway you said your new friend's name is Yuji Itadori? He sounds nice.
(Y/n) Nanami

You were shutting bricks at this point. Your friend is involved with a curse that killed three people days ago and now Junpei thinks he's good. Even more shocking, he basically brought up 'cute train guy' aka 'ori' without realizing it. You were shocked and temped to ask about him more but you didn't.

I think he was humming one of your favorite songs, 'water fountain '. Isn't that it?
Junpei Yoshino

Your eyes widened in excitement, shock and surprise.

"It's him!" you thought immediately.

That's right, I'm surprised you remembered!
(Y/n) Nanami

You didn't wanna ask Junpei for who you now know is "Yuji Itadori"'s number because you didn't want to make the convo all about your crush so you put him on the back burner.

He's a really cool guy! We should all hangout one day. It'd be the best!
Junpei Yoshino

I'd love that. Goodnight, Junpei!
(Y/n) Nanami

Night, (Y/n).

That night you tossed and turned and when you did get some sleep, you had a terrible nightmare. The next morning you woke up drenched in sweat with a terrible feeling in your stomach. 

Feeling anxious and unsettled you opened your phone to see if something happened overnight. When you saw you had a message from Junpei, your eyes widened in horror.

My mom is dead..

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