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As Itadori was escorted to a cop car, he was forcefully thrown in. As the cops took Yuji to the Tokyo Local Jailhouse, they harassed him the entire way.

"Damnit, I knew I saw an arm come out from under the bed that day! I don't know how you got in unnoticed, but I knew your sick ass would get caught!" one officer chuckled.

"Yea, and to think it was because of a stolen pill bottle?!" the other chimed in.

They both laughed as the first officer lit a cigarette in front of Yuji, smoking it, and blowing the contents into his face before throwing it at him.




Waste of space

The words just kept coming, each one hitting harder and harder until Yuji beloved them, himself.

"Useless, worthless, pieces of shit." Yuji scolded himself. "The best part of you ran down your nonexistent mother's legs. You should've been swallowed."

Before he knew it, Yuji was being taken into the jailhouse, stripped, and put into a jumpsuit.

"Hey kid," the officer that threw the cigarette at him called, "the guys in there love pretty boys, so try not to get too carried away." he smirked.

Yuji scoffed as he was escorted to a cell with 5 other guys.

Truth be told, the other inmates did try to talk to Yuji - even if only innocently - but he stood his ground and stayed to himself.

"Yuji Itadori, inmate 07960, bail has been posted and set at ¥230,000,000. You can make one phone call in 2 hours if you choose to." a corrections officer announced.

Yuji ignored him and zoned out, dozing off in the corner of the cell, his knees tucked to his chest.

A little while later, Yuji was awoken by tapping. "Hey man, what are you in for?!" a guy slightly older than Yuji asks him.

Yuji ignored him, turning his head and staying silent.

"Come on man! You're the only one it seems like I can talk to in here! It's boring and all these older guys seem dangerous and creepy." the guy complains, slumping down next to Yuji.

Yuji looks at him, "You're in jail, what do you expect?" he grumbles.

"I guess you're right." the inmate sighs. "Nishima Yukai."

"What?!" Yuji questions.

"My name." he smiles.

Yuji is suspicious, "You're too giddy for a guy who just got put in jail, man." he points out.

"And you're way too sour about it." Nishima claps back.

"What the hell is someone like you doing in here, Nishima?" Yuji sighs, burying his head in his knees.

"You could say I'm a nutcase, but I'm just a little crazy." Nishima puts on a sad smile. "I tried to break up with my girlfriend and she attacked me so I was forced to retaliate. I was wrongfully accused of domestic abuse so, if I can't win, why play the game? Obviously I don't wanna be here, but I'm not gonna let it get me down." he explains.

Yuji empathizes with Nishima, knowing what being falsely accused feels like.

"Why'd you try to break up with her: your girlfriend?" Yuji asks.

"I was the other guy. She used me for a good time while she cheated on me and when I found out, she didn't want me to tell him so she attacked me." Nishima explains more.

"That fucking sucks, man. I feel your pain though." Yuji sighs. "I'm being accused of all types of shit: attempted rape, assault and battery, and possession of controlled substances."

Nishima gasps, his eyes nearly popping out. "Damn man, you've got it bad."

"Tell me about it." Yuji rolls his eyes. "I'm Yuji Itadori by the way."

Nishima smiles. "Well Yuji, I believe you didn't do all that stuff. You look way too young to have, anyway."

"Thanks.. I'm only 15."

"Woah man! I thought you were at least 17! Why don't they have you in juvie?!" Nishima raves.

"I don't know, man. They kicked my ass all the way here so I didn't question it." Yuji pouts.

"Huh?!" Nishima gasps again.

"Why do you look so shocked?"

"Because, that shit's illegal. They can't harm you while you're in their custody." the man explains.

"Really, cause they punched me in the stomach and yelled at me before I even got in a squad car." the boy said as he put a hand on his cheek as he looked at his new acquaintance.

"I'm not the brightest lightbulb in the crayon box, but I would totally talk to a lawyer about that, man." Nishima suggests.

"For sure." Yuji replies. "I'm gonna take a leak. Don't let me catch you peeking, man." the boy jokes.

"Nah man, I like my women with a fat ass and huge tits. You don't fit that description so you don't have to worry about me." Nishima gives a thumbs up as Yuji makes his way across the cell to use the disgusting, communal toilet for all to see.

As Yuji starts the stream, another inmate poses besides him, going as well but watching him through the corner of his eye. Yuji finishes, preparing to walk back to his corner with Nishima but is stopped.

"Hey there, kid, where ya goin'?" the inmate asked, positioning himself in front of Yuji.

Yuji said nothing, shuffling past the man and walking back to his corner. Right before Yuji could slump to the floor however, the man put a hand on his shoulder.

"Who said you could walk away, kid?" his voice boomed, scaring Yuji.

Once again Yuji said nothing, looking down at the floor as he faced the opposite direction.

The inmate started to squeeze Yuji's shoulder, hurting it a bit, but Yuji stood firm. "Answer me, damnit." the man commanded, squeezing Yuji's shoulder to the point he might break it.

Yuji was uncomfortable of course, but he kept himself together. Sukuna, however, was another case. "Please, just go away." Yuji mumbled, trying to warn the man as it got harder to contain Sukuna.

"What was that you brat?!" the man asked, pulling Yuji by the shoulder to his chest. "I just wanted to make you feel good." he smirked, palming Yuji's junk.

Nishima stood up in protest but quickly sat back down when he saw the look in the man's eyes.

"I said, go away." Yuji growled, tears of fear and frustration in his eyes.

"Come again, kid?" the man looked down at him, growing angry.

Yuji went to speak but was quickly cut off.

"YOU NEED TO LEARN YOUR DAMN PLACE, BRAT!" the inmate yelled, punching Yuji as hard as he could in the stomach, causing him to curl over onto the inmate's arm before being thrown to the ground.

Yuji felt something warm pool around him, filling his jumpsuit and forming around him on the floor. It was only when Yuji covered a thick cough with his hand and polled it away that he realized it was blood.

As Yuji layed half conscious on the floor of the jail cell, bleeding from his nose as blood dribbled out of his mouth, he realized that the warm feeling he felt in his jumpsuit was blood from the many, many stitches he received just one week ago.

In other words, Yuji was fucked.

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