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"Hello? What's going on? Why am I here? Junpei? JUNPEI?!" you called out as you stood alone on the empty rooftop.

You felt something wet trickle down your face so you instinctively touched your head. You were bleeding. As it finally occurred to you that you were thrown against a wall and knocked out by Junpei, it also dawned on you that you seemed to float up there.

"I was so out of it I don't even know how ai got up here." you thought.

You walked around the roof as you tried to piece together what led you to the roof. Junpei's confession popped in your head but you knew it wasn't the right time to think about that.

He said that 'Mahito' wanted to meet me but nobody's here." you pondered as you walked to the edge of the roof. I wonder how I can get down. I need to get to Junpei!"

As you started looking around for an escape, you saw a hatch that led you off the roof. As you ran for it you were shifened by a sharp pain in your chest. You looked down to see that you were bleeding.

As you tried processing why you had a sudden chest wound, you were being pushed against your will by a heavy force.

As you started to panic, you started getting tired. Extremely tired.

Before you had time to think - or even close your eyes - you were airborne.

You were falling.

"This is it, huh? Well I'm glad I got to befriend, Junpei . I wish I could see 'ori' again. Wait I think it's-"

"ITADORI!!!" you yelled with the last of your strength.

As your consciousness began to fade, you could barely make out a pale man   whose face looked stitched, impaling you with something.

Your eyes widened slightly and he noticed that you could finally see him.

"It's about time you saw me. Hi I'm Mahito." the man said as you fell to a lower part of the rooftop, hitting your head, hard.

You blacked out before you were caught by itadori who ended up outside on the roof after punching Junpei through a window.

After catching you, itadori laid you on the floor next to a staircase where he kept watch over you as Junpei got up outside.

As Junpei came back, ready to fight again, itadori finally got Junpei to talk. As Junpei finally realized what he was doing was wrong, he saw (Y/n) out of the corner of his eye.

"Oh my god, (Y/n)?!" he said as he scrambled to run to you. "What happened? I- I thought you were supposed to meet with, Mahito. He said he just wanted to talk."

"Junpei, man, curses are bad. I think.. I think he manipulated you into getting her to meet with him. I think whoever he is did this."

Junpei's eyes widened as he thought about Mahito asking specifcally about you: who you were, what you looked like, and wether you knew about curses or not.

As Junpei finally pieced things together, Mahito appeared behind him and contorted his soul, therefore contorting his appearance.

"SUKUNA! SUKUNA!" you heard as you fluttered your eyes open to see a purple blob lying in front of itadori as he was backed into a wall.

Your eyes fluttered once again to see itadori's backside stand in front of you, shielding you.

Your eyes fluttered for the last time to see your father kneel before you with tears in his eyes.

You felt light as a feather before waking up in an unfamiliar place.

"You're finally awake." a gentle voice spoke. "It's been 6 weeks."

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