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Everyone in the vicinity was shaken to their core, every eye widened and every mouth dropped. Well, all except for Satoru Gojo.

"Gojo.. w-what the fuck just happened??" Megumi stuttered, stepping back.

"Megumi, you're old enough to understand what you just saw. Yuji was arrested." Gojo replied patronizingly.

You zoned out, tears threatening to fall. "But why?" you thought to yourself.

"But why Yuji?" you mumble, lowering your head.

"Speak up, kid." Gojo demanded.

Your head shot up, "Why Yuji?!" you yelled before running in the direction Itadori was taken.

"(Y/n), wait a minute!" Nobara called, running after you.

Megumi looked at Gojo, an angry expression on his face. "Fix whatever the fuck it is you did, Gojo." the teen said before running off.

Gojo sighed, forgetting about the lingering officers he still needed to talk to.

"Fuck.." Gojo whispered, weakly face palming. This may prove to be too much for the great Satoru Gojo.
Who knew depression, regret, and a little drinking problem could fuck someone's mind up so much?

"Mr. Gojo, when you're ready, we have a few questions to ask you."  an officer started.

"Ask me over a sake on ice." Gojo sighed.

"Let's go then." the officer replied. "We have a mini bar we use when we have celebrations. It's close by."


As Gojo made his way to the mini bar with the officer, (Y/n), Nobara, and Megumi ran to catch up to Yuji.

Just before Yuji was escorted outside, you caught up to him.

"Yuuuujiiii!!!" you shout, catching his and the officer's attention.

"(Y/n) stop, don't come after me!" Yuji shouts back, struggling against the officers again.

"No! I'm coming after you.. we all are!" you say pointing to Megumi and Nobara.

"No, it'll be okay. I'll be okay. Don't follow. Turn back before they try to suck you into this too."  Yuji shouts before he's gut punched by an officer.

"Itadori!" Megumi shouts, running closer to his friend.

"If you come any closer we will detain you too for assisting a resisted arrest and withholding information about this case." the officer warns.

"What case?!" Megumi asks.

"You don't know?" the officer questions.

"No, don't listen, Fushiguro! Run! Don't listen to their bullsh-" Yuji tries to warn before being punched again.

"Know what?" Megumi asks, shifting in place.

"Your friend here is being charged with sexual assault on and the attempted rape of (Y/n) Nanami as well as the assault and battery of Satoru Gojo for his antidepressants, and is being charged for stealing prescription medication." the officer explains, a worrying smirk on his face.

Megumi turns pale as Nobara steps a few feet back.

"W-What?" Megumi questions, shaking.

"You heard me." the officer grins.

"So why the hell are you on the verge of laughter?!" you ask, pissed.

"Because, we finally caught the cocky bastard. I know he probably tampered with the security footage, erasing his entrance into and exit out of the victims room." the officer explains his reasoning as he continuously gut punched Yuji.

"Stop it!" you yell, running closer to Yuji.

You're stopped by a hand on your wrist, pulling you back. Megumi shakes his head as you look back at him as to ask, 'why'?

"(Y/n), if this is true, I'm not letting you near him. Period." Megumi commands. You try pulling your hand away to no avail. "Stop it! Why the hell are you trying to go after him? If what he's saying is true, then Itadori's a monster! How the fuck can you still be around someone who tried to rape you?! What the fuck is wrong with both of you?!" the boy questions angrily.

"Because, I believe him! It wasn't him, it was the man with tattoos! It was.." you shiver just thinking about saying his name but say it anyway, "Sukuna.." you muster out.

Megumi loosens his grip, "Sukuna?.." he mumbles.

You escape Megumi's grip completely as you run to Itadori. "Leave him alone! Let him go!" you cry.

At this point, the officer punching Yuji is having a field day, delivering a rib breaking gut punch that caused Yuji to  cough and gag.

"Get the hell away from him!!" you scream, running full speed at the officer, Megumi holding you back just enough at the last second for the punch you were about to land to stop half an inch from the officers face.

"LET ME GO, MEGUMI!" you scream, thrashing around.

"Stop it, (Y/n).." you hear Yuji say.

You look at the boy and pause. "Stop it. This isn't you." you hear him say again.

"But why?" your eyes well with tears as you relax in Megumi's grip.

"Because, your stitches haven't healed yet. Getting all riled up is gonna make them tear." Yuji informs.

"The stitches.." you remember, panic setting in as you feel your body getting weaker.

"Oh yea, I forgot about those.." you start to slur your words as your vision blurs, body going limp in Megumi's arms.

"(Y/n)!" Megumi worries.

"Get her to bed so her doctor can check her out." Itadori informs his friend before looking to the officers escorting him. "I'll go peacefully now." the boy says he straightens himself up as they drag him away.

"These tight ass cuffs are a small price to pay for hurting her. Trust me, I'll kill you for this, Sukuna."

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