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Nanami pretends to walk towards the door like he didn't know they were coming. "Yes officer?" he opens the door, acting naive.

"Good evening sir, we were alerted that a young man, Yuji Itadori, had come to this room. He fits the description of the criminal that assaulted the patient in this room. May I ask your relation to her?"the officer announces.

"I'm her father." Nanami declaers.

The officers eyes widen slightly before returning to their original shape. "I see. Sorry about the disturbance, sir. However, we do have a warrant for the young man's arrest and we will have to search the room."

"Officer, I haven't seen, heard, or know of a 'Yuji Itadori '. I do want whoever the criminal is to be punished tremendously, but whoever he is wouldn't set a foot anywhere near my family again for as long as I live." Nanami fired back, trying to stall in hopes they'd believe him.

"We understand that, sir, however, we still have a warrant for his arrest and a valid cause to search the room. Now please, step aside." the officer said, looking back at his partner.

Nanami sighed, stepping aside to fully open the door and let the police in. "I hope you found a decent hiding spot, Yuji. I did all I could do to stall."

Of course the once sleeping (Y/n) and your mother were awake by now, confused and scared.

"Ken, what's going on?!" your mother asked, terrified.

He shook his head to signify that he'd explain later. You could only watch in fear as two police officers searched your room for.. who did they say? Yuji.. Itadori??

Your eyes widened immediately after realizing who they were looking for. Your eyes watered at the fact that Yuji must've come for you, but at the same time you were filled with fear. What if that Sukuna guy shows up again? Was that.. really Yuji?

As the search for him in the tiny room continued, Yuji could barely catch his breath. His brilliant hiding place turned out to be a pain in the ass and knees, and torso, and arm.

Where's he hiding?

Underneath your bed.

"Well Mr. and Mrs.." the officer started, waiting for a response.

"Nanami." your father enlightened.

"Right, well Mr. Nanami, we found no signs of the criminal anywhere - just as you said. We'll be taking our leave now, but there is one thing." the officer said, getting closer to Nanami.

"That is?.." the man blurted boredly.

"About the blood stains, torn pieces of fabric, and a little hair on the ground; Who could it possibly belong to and who did it?"

Your father kept his cool, "Blood stains?" he asked, playing dumb.

"Yes sir, they're right outside your door. Come take a look." the officer led him outside.

"My God." Nanami said, trying his best to play innocent, but his mask was slowly slipping off.

"Sir, how in the world could you not know about something like this happening right outside of your door?" the officer asks.

"I'm not exactly sure myself. I know that the doors are sound proof, but this is a shock." that's it, the mask is off. It's too hard playing stupid.

"Well sir, since you're unaware of what could've happened, we'll have to pull the camera footage. I'll be back in a week to update you." the officer said as they started to walk off.

Fuck, no matter how much money Nanami has, he can't fight an assault and battery case while getting caught smuggling a wanted criminal.

Itadori's heart was practically beating out of his chest, squirming in fear before it happened.


Fuck, the pill bottle. Gojo's at that.

Itadori immediately grabbed the bottle, but by then it was too late. The officers, who also heard the noise, had turned around, seeing Itadori's arm reach out for the bottle before going back under the bed.

"Is there something wrong, officers?" Nanami asks.

The officers definitely heard, but for the sake of catching Yuji red handed, they pretended not to hear a thing. "No sir. You have a good one." the officer said as they walked off.

Nanami shut the door as him and Yuji let out synchronized sighs. Nanami put his finger to his lips, telling Yuji to be silent for a few minutes in case the officers lurked. After about three minutes he finally put his finger down.

"You can come out now, Yuji." Nanami announces.

Yuji struggles to wiggle his aching body from under the bed, but makes it out.

"Shit, that was intense. What am I gonna do now, Nanami?" he panics as he picks himself up from the ground.

"I'm not sure, but I'll do everything I can to help." Nanami says, motioning for him to come over.

Yuji complies and makes his way to his teacher. "Yea?" he asks.

"Keep your voice down. Don't you see her?" Nanami whispered, looking at (Y/n).

"Shit!" Yuji thinks, nodding.

"As happy as you may be to see her, she's afraid. She's in here for a reason so take things slow. We'll stay until we think things will be okay, until then just be really aware of Sukuna trying to switch. Understood?" Nanami instructs.

"Of course." Yuji nods.

Nanami half smiles as he walks over to (Y/n). "(Y/n), Yuji's here. Do you think you can talk to him?"

You look panicked with genuine fear in your eyes but once you see Yuji standing behind your father, you couldn't help but to gasp, eyes watering.

A whispered 'Yuji" exits your lips before you feel his big, warm arms wrap around you as tears fall from both of your eyes.


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