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As Yuji finished his chat with Satoru, he overheard your conversation with Megumi.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" Megumi asked slickly.

Your face got bright red as you started to wipe your nose, feeling it drip. "Uhh.. I -I mean.. technically no."

Megumi smirked, "How about.. we go out some time then?" he suggested.

You immediately looked over at Yuji to come save you from this awkward interaction and he didn't hesitate.

"Whoa whoa whoa there man, you don't know her like that yet. Back off a bit." Yuji swooped in, placing both his hands on each of your shoulders.

"Oh, I see what's going on now. You two have something going on, don't you?"Megumi teased.

Now both yours and Yuji's faces were red, avoiding eye contact with Megumi. "It's not like that!" Yuji protested.

"Yea, what he said! We're just good friends.. I think." you added.

"What do you mean, 'I think '?" Megumi questioned.

"Well, ya know, Pinks kissed m-" you blurted before Yuji covered your mouth.

"What she means is: we're good friends but we don't know if we're in the best friend range or, ya know??" Yuji lied, frantically trying to make something up.

"If you say so." Megumi rolls his eyes. "But if you're not.. taken?.. then let me take you out."

"Pinks, say something!" you whisper.

"Uhh.." Yuji says to Megumi, trying to make something up. "She says she'll think about it, Fushiguro." he practically shouts. You nudge him as you sigh in defeat, not wanting Megumi to see you face palm.

"Hey, so tell us more about you, (Y/n)." Nobara says.

You nod, "I'm not sure what else there is to say. I'm not excited to go back to school, whenever that'll be, but I'm so excited to get my feet in the grass and smell the nice, fresh air." you respond.

"Huh. What school do you go to?" Nobara questions again.

"I'm not sure.. I feel like my school life was a blur, but I feel like I'm forgetting something important. I feel.. like I completely forgot a best friend or sibling." you explain.

Yuji's eyes widen as he remembers how close you were to Junpei. "Kugisaki, that's enough, you're gonna rehash some old, forgotten memories that should stay that way." Yuji interrupts. Yuji then looks down at you, with both hands still on each side of you, and whispers, "Please don't think about it too much, Princess." into your ear.

You shiver as Itadori's warm breath leaves your neck. Something felt.. off. Maybe it was the setting, the people, or the occasion even, but it felt like something was internally wrong with you, Itadori, and Gojo - though you had never met him. You were uncomfortable and noticeably awkward, feeling like you needed to be back at the hospital. Was this some sick version of home sickness, or was it just too awkward for you to stand anymore? Either way, within the blink of an eye, you were back in the hospital with a hospital gown on. As you looked around, you noticed that Megumi and Nobara also had on hospital gowns. You were extremely confused, your eyebrows furrowing as you looked at the two teens near you.

"What just happened? Are we back at the hospital? Where are we exactly?" you questioned.

"We're in the hospital lobby. I'm not sure why we're here, but I think I may know how we got here." Nobara answers.

"Gojo must've used his limitless teleportation to bring us here. I'm not sure why, but it must be important." Megumi added.
"Limitless teleportation?" you questioned. "What is that?"

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