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As you followed behind your dad, Kento Nanami, you noticed him damn near break his phone multiple times as he angrily texted someone.

Gojo, just what the hell were you thinking transporting Sukuna's vessel via train?
Kento Nanami

Nanami, he's fine. The kid may be goofy as hell and a bit clueless but he's a great kid with great control over himself and Sukuna's power
Satoru Gojo

That may be so but I had to clean up your mess earlier. A special grade curse in possession of one of Sukuna's fingers killed a couple people in a bar and went on a hunt for more fingers that it sensed in itadori. I didn't go back to being a Jujutsu sorcerer to put my daughter in danger.
Kento Nanami

Oh so that's who that cutie was.  😏
Satoru Gojo

Count your days.
Kento Nanami

I'm jokingggggg!
Satoru Gojo

Anyway, I promise no harm will come to your daughter while itadori is in my current care. You coming back to help and to keep watch over itadori is a big help but I can take care of it from here.
Satoru Gojo

Fine but if you need me you have my information but I hope you'll never have to need it. My surveillance proves that you're right and that he can handle himself and keep control of Sukuna but it's only been two days since he's swallowed the first finger so we can't just go off two days of surveillance.
Kento Nanami

You know he was accepted in Jujutsu high so that should be proof enough to trust in his power. If I need you I'll contact you again but give him a chance, he led a normal life until two days ago. Don't turn (Y/n) against him out of your own fear.
Satoru Gojo

Nanami sighed as he read Gojo's last text and tried to open his mind to the possiblity of Itadori being harmless to (Y/n) .

"(Y/n), don't be like me. Be open to everyone and everything and never let fear cloud your judgement. That being said though, develop a an almost unnatural sixth sense for danger and lies and never tolerate bullshit. I want to teach you everything I've learned and wish I knew growing up. I may not be able to tell you every detail of what I've learned now or ever but always be alert and open minded." the tall businessman said as he kept walking.

"One day when you are willing and able to tell me everything you've learned, I'll be ready with an open mind." you said, clinging onto your father's arm from behind.

"Damnit, I almost let it slip." Nanami thought. " I never want her to have to experience the scary and dangerous world of a Jujutsu sorcerer. Too much has been taken from me. (Y/n) finding out would be the worst outcome for everyone. I need to hide it better."

A few minutes pass as (Y/n) dwells on her father's little monologue, not being able to get over not being able to see 'cute train guy' or the reason that he didn't just take her home by car.

"Okay dad we need to address a few  things here." you said, annoyedly.

"Okay." he commented in a monotone voice.

"Why'd you pick me up from the train station - conveniently I might add, where's the car, and doe your little speech about open-mindedness mean that I can talk to that cute guy after all?"

The man sighed heavily in frustration as he proceeded to answer every question you asked.

"Well (Y/n), there was a dangerous "killer" on the loose and as my first priority I wanted to make sure that you were safe getting home. The car is at home, I could've taken it and it may have been safer for you but I wanted to enjoy a nice walk with you too."

"Aww daddy, really?" you said as your heart melted from his words.

"Yes yes, and as much as I'd like to say no and forbid you from seeing any boys ever, yes my, "little speech" about having an open mind was about him and you don't have to avoid him like the plague if you do ever meet again but I meant what I said."

Your eyes light up as you realized you may have a shot with this guy if you could ever meet again.

Something lingered and the back of your mind though as you thought back to the messages you saw your father send and receive as you glanced at his messages while he walked before putting his phone away.

" Who the hell is that guy dad was talking to and what finger were they talking about? What's a Jujutsu sorcerer and who the fuck is "Sukuna"?"

You pulled slightly on Nanami's sleeve to get his attention and the look in your eyes said everything.

"Hey dad what's-"

"(Y/n), you know better than to peep at my messages, especially as I'm actively conversating. Don't snoop and you won't have questions that have incomprehensible answers." the sudden lecture took you off gaurd and made you question more.

"Incomprehensible answers?"

"But you said-" you tried to retort only to be cut off again.

"(Y/n), this is to never come up again, understood?" your father said angrily as he approached your front door and unlocked it, stepping inside.

You lowered your head in defeat and frustration as you nodded your head and stepped inside. 

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