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To say that you were absolutely terrified was an understatement. You were basically shitting bricks, your entire body locking up as you held a huge, agonizing breath.

"Y- y- Yuji?!" you asked as your eyes welled with tears as you began violently shaking.

Sukuna laughed. "I told you, pet, he's not in right now. The damn brat was too weak and switched out."

You began hyperventilating. Your breath left you as tears spilled from your eyes, your mouth agape.

"I- i- i- i- i-" you broke. You felt sick and scared, you couldn't say anything, you tuned everything out and could only hear the ringing in your ears.

Unknown to you, this is what Yuji wanted to protect you from: curses like Mahito and Sukuna.

But he failed and now look.

You're scared for your life, your mind is still trying to process everything that just happened as a scary man.. or curse? that looks just like Yuji told you to kneel before him.

What the actual fuck?!

"Aww did I break you already?! I planned to make you my new little play thing! Come on kid, snap out of it. Show me you're worth keeping alive!" Sukuna cackled.

"Please.." you managed to squeak out. "Please don't kill me."

"That's more like it!" Sukuna said as he picked you up by the neck and placed you on your feet. "Now get on your knees and beg for me to spare you."

As you went to kneel, you felt a sudden gust of air and something warm on your arm. It was blood.

"YOU DAMN BRAT! SHE WAS ABOUT TO KNEEL!" Sukuna yelled. But why? No one was there. Nothing was happening besides your arm bleeding.

"Sukuna!! Make a deal with me and join us! Help curses become the dominant species on this pl-" Mahito yelled from a distance as Sukuna held one of his limbs in place, let go, and flicked it, stopping him as he tried to finish you off.

As Sukuna sent Mahito flying in the distance, he got close to your ear again.

"Confused huh?" he taunted.

You looked over to Sukuna, still shaking, stuck on one knee as you kneeled.

"Don't worry how I know. Just know that, I-" Sukuna was interrupted.

"Sir, did you cause all of this? Leave the patient be and come with us." a hospital security officer yelled, gun present in his hands.

Sukuna sucked and bit your neck, drawing blood. "And if I don't?!" he obliged, still in your ear, speaking just loud enough for the officer to hear.

"I- I'll shoot " the officer spoke with fear, afraid Sukuna would be psychotic enough to do something stupid.

So he did.

"Weeks of being suppressed by Yuji and stuck in this damn hospital room and this is how I have to go? Fine." Sukuna whispered in your ear before standing up. "I guess I should have a little fun then."

"D- don't you come any closer. Put your hands up and get on your knees." the officer yelled.

"Sir, yes sir." Sukuna chuckled. "Like this?" the curse mocked.

The officer nodded.

"Hhmm nice position. Ya see this pet? I'll have try this out with you soon." he winked.

Your face got hot, not knowing what Sukuna could and would do.

"Mhhm that felt nice." Sukuna said as he stretched out, standing up. "I'm done playing this little game though so make it quick." the curse said before grabbing the gun from the officer.

"Cool, how does it-" Sukuna questioned before shooting himself in the face and chest, healing instantly. "Aww shit! That was crazy. The gadgets you humans have these days are terrifying." he laughed.

The officer nearly pissed himself right there.

"Ahh! What.. what the hell are you??!"he screamed.

"Oh sorry, you missed my introduction. I'm the king of curses, Ryomen Sukuna but, I'm unfortunately trapped in this shitty vessel, Yuji Itadori."

"Yuji? Oh God! What did you do to that poor boy?!" the officer cried.

"I just told you, he's my vessel. I didn't do a damn thing."

"Bullshit!" the officer yells as he pulls out a second gun, shooting Sukuna.

"I just showed you, that doesn't wo-"
Sukuna went to attack but paused. "Damn." he whispered as he fell forward, tattoos disappearing. Unlike the real bul ok ets the officer has in the other gun, this one had tranquilizing bullets.

He may be the king of curses, but he has a human vessel.

The officer rushed to pick you up and puts you over his shoulder quickly, trying to run before Yuji could wake up.

"Yuji?!" you gasp, eyes widening as the officer runs. "YUJI!"

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